, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!

"Are you sure this method works?"

Above the damaged high-rise building a little far from the battlefield, Frank's condition is not very good.

Gritting his teeth, he tore his clothes and turned them into strips of cloth to tightly bind the wound around his waist. The Punisher looked down at the infiltrating wound and asked Luke, who was beside him, with a frown. Jue Wushen's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is extremely powerful. Even if he evaded immediately, he was still wiped by the violent palm wind, and he was seriously injured and almost died.

The power of absolutely no gods is too much beyond Frank's, especially the ability of the opponent's [King Kong Indestructible Body], which completely restrains most of his attack methods.

Without the support of guns and guns, the Punisher is only a slightly stronger ordinary person after all.

Of course, even in such a bad situation, Frank still did not give up the idea of ​​resistance. Passive waiting for death is not his style. An eye for an eye is a tooth for a tooth. Punisher's behavior.

"do not know."

Holding the cowboy hat on his head, Luke, who was also in a state of embarrassment, held the sniper rifle he got from the Punisher, pointed it in the direction of the godless, squinted his eyes and said, "However, my luck has always been good."


"Then, die!"

Looking at Ah Xing who was captured under his own threat, Jue Wushen let out a smug smile. He bent his arm in a circle and pushed forward, but he used the same trick he used before [Kang Longyou regret】. The white dragon shadow whistled and slammed towards A Xing, biting his body with his teeth and claws.


Looking at A Xing who was constantly being bitten in the dragon shadow, Matt and the others could not help exclaiming, and at the same time, they tried harder to save Jessica in Jue Wushen's hands.

"Stupid, to sacrifice one's life for an irrelevant outsider."

He waved his hand and punched Matt's vomit upside down.

Jue Wushen looked at Jessica in his hand, sneered with disdain in his mouth, raised his palm and hit Jessica on the head.

"Unfortunately, I never promised you to let her go."



Seeing that, Jue Wushen's palm was about to hit Jessica's head.

A huge impact suddenly came from the left side. Unprepared, Jue Wushen's hand that had been grasping Jessica's neck loosened slightly.

At this moment, an arrow rubbed Jessica's neck and hit Jue Wushen's finger accurately, and the palm of her hand that grabbed Jessica's neck became wider.

Tony, who was on the side, controlled the jet device under his feet to suddenly launch a shock wave, seized this fleeting opportunity and rescued Jessica.

Seeing that Jessica was successfully rescued by Tony, Steve breathed a sigh of relief and pulled the mask off his head, revealing a **** face. On the other side, Hawkeye and Natasha looked at each other, nodded lightly, and then drew an arrow from behind him and aimed it at Jue Wushen in front of him.

"It's ridiculous, do you think you can beat me by saving her?"

Looking at Captain America, who was holding his shield high and turned towards him, Jue Wushen made a mocking sound, and in the next instant, he came to A Xing.

At this moment, A Xing was half-kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, with a seriously injured expression.

Of course, this is all just an illusion.

In fact, the essence of this move [Kanglong has regrets] lies in the control of strength. The current situation of the clone, Ah Xing, seems to be bad, but it is actually a skin injury. The reason why it can play such a realistic appearance is also thanks to the fact that the current clone is already an upgraded version 2.0. After the system card is integrated, the four-body fist is more realistic, and it can even survive a certain degree of attack. It can continue to exist.

"Unfortunately, now you are no longer my opponent."

He lowered his head and looked at the seriously injured A Xing, making an assessment with no expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his palms and used a half-stroke [Double Dragons to Take Water] to hit Ah Xing's chest ruthlessly, knocking him out.

The reason why it is said to be a half move is because this move [Double Dragon Takes Water] looks majestic, but when it hits Ah Xing, it doesn't exert much power at all. The reason why the clone flew out was actually using [Dance of the Sky] as an aid, and lowered his hands and feet to look like he had suffered a heavy blow.


Obviously, this set of practices of the clone successfully deceived everyone present.

Jessica covered her neck, looked at Ah Xing who was knocked into the sky, and suddenly let out a hoarse shout.

[Fame from Jessica +1350]

"I didn't expect that even Ah Xing, who has penetrated the first eight moves of "Tathagata's Palm", is not a godless opponent."

Seeing Ah Xing being smashed into the sky, Ye Wen opened his mouth in a timely manner with a look of disbelief.

"So, are we doomed?"

Aware of the look on Ye Wen's face, Tony's expression began to show despair: "After all, even Penglai's help couldn't defeat Jue Wushen."


Steve watched Ah Xing disappear into the sky, frowned subconsciously, and activated his keen intuition.

"Don't you think that the time he stayed in the air was a little too long?"

Hearing Steve's reminder, everyone present raised their heads one after another.

Hawkeye Clinton also followed Steve's words and looked up into the air. With superhuman vision, he immediately saw Ah Xing who folded his hands and fell again.

Under the effect of superhuman vision, he could even see the epiphany look on Ah Xing's face that seemed to be enlightened.

"Did you hear that?"

At this moment, Tony suddenly spoke.

Following his reminder, everyone also began to notice the faint Sanskrit sound that sounded in their ears at an unknown time.

"It's A Xing!"

Hearing the Sanskrit sound, Jessica immediately thought of Ah Xing who used "Tathagata's Palm". She remembered that every time "Tathagata's Palm" made a move, it would make bursts of Sanskrit sounds like now.

"how is this possible?!"

With the surprised voices of the defenders, Jue Wushen also looked up at Ah Xing who fell from the sky, with a look of disbelief on his gloomy face.

In the next instant, a cold palm wind pressed down towards him from the air.

"The ninth form of "The Tathagata's Palm" - Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!"

With a light drink, in a trance, Tony and the others seemed to see a huge Buddha statue emerging from A Xing, raised the same huge palm, and slowly pressed towards Jue Wushen on the ground.


The enormous power of [Wanfo Chaozong] directly pressed down the hard ground under Jue Wushen by an inch, revealing a vague palm print.


Being crushed to the ground by this terrifying and huge palm, Jue Wushen roared and stood up again, raised his head and his canthus torn apart A Xing, who fell from the sky, roaring and shouting: "You can't break my [King Kong Indestructible Body]. ]!"

"It's now."

Above the tall building, looking at Ah Xing falling from the sky and the roaring Jue Wushen, Luke twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, and immediately pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Doesn't it work?"

Seeing Luke's action, Frank hurriedly looked in the direction of absolutely no gods, but saw that the other party still had an innocent expression.

Sure enough, bullets had no effect on his existence.

"Do not."

Raising his hand to support his cowboy hat, Luke said with a certain face.

As his voice fell, Jue Wushen, who was not far away, staggered a few steps as if he had been hit hard, and then spit out blood.

"Who, who broke the door of my [King Kong Indestructible Body]!"

"I just said, my luck has always been good."

[Famousness from Frank Custer +580]


[Famousness from Danny +1800]

[The legend from Daredevil +1500]

[From Luke Cage's legend +1800]

[Fame from Jessica +1805]

[Fame from Tony Stark +2200]

[Famousness from Steve Rogers +1700]

[Fame from Natasha Romanov +1300]

[Fame from Hawkeye Clinton +1000]

In the center of the battlefield, Tony and the others watched as they were half-kneeling in the center of the huge palm print left by "The Tathagata's Palm". There is not much joy on the face. After all, in order to defeat him, both the defenders and Tony paid a very painful price. Luke Cage and Matt both supported each other and came to Axing to perform. Before the huge palm print left by the Tathagata's palm, his expression was a little silent.

Covering the wound on his waist and returning with Luke, Frank silently glanced at Jue Wushen, who fell to the ground, and at the huge palm print left in the middle of the road. A shocked look appeared. Although he had already seen the powerful power of the other party on the high-rise building, when he really got close, he could see clearly how powerful the power A Xing exerted.

[Famousness from Frank Custer +1000]

In today's battle, whether it is the Godless [King Kong Indestructible Body] or Ah Xing's last play, the palm shadow of a huge Buddha statue that falls from the sky has caused a violent impact on the world view that the Punisher has always established. impact.

At this moment, absolutely no **** was defeated, and everyone had a disagreement about how to deal with him.

"Such a powerful and evil existence, he must be killed!" Frank raised his pistol, aimed at the godless in front of him, and pressed the trigger without hesitation.

"No, wait a minute."

Stopping Frank, Natasha looked at the silent Juewushen and said, "Jiuyou is definitely more than Juewushen alone, there may even be more terrifying and dangerous existences than him, we need to keep him as a bargaining chip. , or use him to get more detailed information about Jiuyou." Compared with Punisher's iron-blooded style of cutting grass and rooting, Natasha, from the perspective of S.H.I.E.L.D., hopes to obtain information about Jiuyou through absolutely Wushen.

Tony frowned as he looked at the silence in front of him.

Compared with Frank's suggestion, Tony actually prefers Natasha's method, and he has not forgotten about Ivan Vanke.

"Since that's the case, then I'll bring him back to Penglai."

Seeing that most of the opinions thought that it was necessary to leave Jue Wushen to obtain information related to Duohe Jiuyou, Ah Xing said immediately.

Hearing what he said, although Natasha hoped that S.H.I.E.L.D. would imprison and interrogate the other party in her heart, she had to agree with everyone's opinions. After all, really speaking, the absolute gods in front of him were defeated only by the power of A Xing.

"Sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden..."

Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, a strange sound suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by this strange voice, everyone found that the face of Jue Wushen, who had been silent for a long time, actually showed a look of fear.

"Emperor... Lord Di Shitian."

As Jue Wushen's voice fell, a figure in a black robe and a pale mask appeared on the street. Facing the defenders and others in front of him, the figure's gaze swept across the kneeling beside Jue Wu. God, he said casually, "I'm a person from Jiuyou, how can you take it away when you say it is taken away?"

[Famous from Tony Stark +1800]

[Famous from Steve Rogers +1500]

Hearing the words of the man named Di Shitian and the reaction of absolutely no gods, everyone present was shocked.


The figure's body is ordinary, and it even looks very thin, but it is given to Tony and others, but they can't help but look like they are facing a big enemy, especially with the strange voice coming from nowhere, they dare not act rashly.

Looking at Di Shitian who appeared in front of him, Ah Xing's expression was solemn, he raised his palms and was about to make a move.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would doze off and wake up to see such an amazing person."

At this moment, a full-bodied voice suddenly came.

"Teacher Wu Tian?!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Wen suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Natasha and Tony's expressions that were originally facing enemies also relaxed a little.

"Turtle Immortal."

Hearing this voice, Di Shitian on the opposite side opened his mouth and pointed out the owner of the voice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hey, you actually know me. "

With a sound of doubt, Li Ran, who appeared in the appearance of a turtle fairy, looked at Di Shitian, who was holding hands behind the scenes under his control, and said in surprise.

"Of course I know you. Abandoning the many immortal methods in Penglai, entering Taoism with martial arts, and creating my own immortal methods can be regarded as outstanding talents." Silently looking at Li Ran in front of him, the clone continued to maintain an indifferent tone, and said casually. said.

"So I'm so good, ahaha." Facing Di Shitian's praise, Li Ran scratched his bald head with a pretense of embarrassment, and waved his hand back with a smile.

"Is this a fairy?"

Looking at the skinny Wu Tian in front of her, Jessica always felt that some kind of illusion in her heart was shattered. In fact, it's not just her, but other defenders also feel this way. After all, listening to Ah Xing and Ye Wen's descriptions of immortals, they always subconsciously think that immortals are similar to tall and mysterious figures in mythology.

And the Turtle Immortal that Li Ran has changed at the moment, completely two extremes.

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