"what have you done!?"

Jin turned to look at Ivan Vanke and asked with a gloomy expression.

"It's nothing, just added a little creativity."

Facing Jin Bing's oppressive questioning, Ivan Vanke grinned and replied without any scruples.

"It seems that you have forgotten who you are facing, Ivan Vanke, if there is no cover up from me, do you think you can escape the pursuit of the prison so smoothly and get away with impunity?"

As early as the first day Ivan Vanke appeared, Jin Bing already knew his identity through his own intelligence.

"As a result, it seems that not only did you not appreciate my help, but you also secretly did some shady tricks to my biochemical machinery army without telling me." As he spoke, Jin pointed the cane he raised at Ivan Vanke, said coldly, "I'll give you one more chance at the end, Ivan Vanke, put away your small gestures, maybe I can forgive your rude behavior, or else..."

"How about otherwise?"

"Kill me with your little toy?"

Facing Jin Bing's threat, Ivan Vanke did not flinch, but took a step forward even more madly. He put one end of the crutch against his chest, raised his hand to hold the crutch and exerted a little force. The electric current instantly destroyed the launch device inside the cane in Jinbing's hand.

Looking down, he glanced at the smoking cane, and Ivan Vanke curled his lips in disdain: "It looks like your cane is not as strong as you imagined."

Letting go of the crutches in his hand, Jin Bing silently glanced down at his palm, which was burned by the electric shock, and frowned.

Looking at Jin Ning who was silent in front of him, Ivan Vanke turned around again and looked at the army of biochemical machines in front of him. Everything he did was just for one goal - Tony Stark.

Thinking of this name, the expression on Ivan Vanke's face changed, turning into an ugly smile, and grinning: "Everyone, move towards the goal."

As Ivan Vanke's voice fell, the biochemical mechanical army in front of him changed his face almost at the same time, nodded his head invariably and said, "Understood."

Witnessing the mighty army of machines dispatched, the smile on Ivan Vanke's face became crazier.

"Tony Stark, wash your neck, wait to die!"


"What the **** is going on?"

Falling from mid-air, Jessica looked at the army of biochemical machines walking out, ignoring them, and asked with a clearly puzzled expression on her face.

"Why did you suddenly stop fighting halfway through?"

"It seems that there seems to be some conflict between Jin and the guy next to him that we don't know about." Frank pointed to Jin and Ivan Vanke not far away and said gloating.

"We're lucky."

Danny breathed a sigh of relief and said while shaking his sore arm.

Fighting against several biochemical robots in a row, even he was a little surprised by his physical strength, even with the power of the iron fist.

"Luck?" Hearing Danny's words, Frank subconsciously turned his head and glanced at [Luke] not far away. He remembered the previous battle with the Russians. The other party once said that he was lucky and also This was well marked in battle.

Meeting Frank's gaze, [Luke] was playing with his cowboy hat, looking calm on the surface.

Maybe, this thing really has something to do with [Luke]?

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran paid attention to the development of the situation in front of him, especially Ivan Vanke's sudden betrayal of Jin Bing, and judged secretly.

For Ivan Vanke's betrayal, Li Ran was not surprised at all, after all, the previous Justin Hammer's ending had already repeated this point. However, he couldn't completely deny that the [Lucky One] might have really played a role in this matter, and as a result, it directly freed the avatar holding the card from the dangerous battlefield.

"We can't let these biomechanical armies take to the streets."

Although the immediate crisis was temporarily contacted because of Ivan Vanke's betrayal, Matt obviously thought of a worse outcome.

"If these dangerous robots show up in Hell's Kitchen, many more people will be in danger!"

"As a result, we still can't escape the first battle?"

Hearing Matt's words, Jessica and the defenders' faces changed slightly and smiled bitterly.

"However, relying on our strength, we can't stop these guys at all. You have also experienced the process of fighting just now. These guys are more troublesome than we thought." Luke Cage said, pointing out the defenders at the moment. Dilemma, whether the biochemical robots are attacking or defending, they cannot be blocked by a few of them alone.

"Perhaps, we can use official power."

Matt obviously also knows that the development of the current situation has completely exceeded the limit that the defenders can cope with, and it is obvious that these mighty biochemical mechanical armies cannot be defeated by just a few of them.

"Official force, you mean the police?"

Hearing Matt's words, Danny frowned subconsciously: "You have also fought these strange guys, and the strength of the police alone..."

"I'm not talking about the police." Shaking his head, Matt didn't have any hope for the police at all in the current situation: "You still remember that when Danny was lying in the intensive care unit with serious injuries, he had a conversation with Master Ye. The female agent who got up?"

"You mean, SHIELD?"

Recalling the previous scene, Luke Cage said.


"As usual, a golden ratio of shaomai."

At the entrance of Stark Industry, Tony raised his eyebrows at the familiar face in the food truck, and said familiarly.

Silently packed the siomai and placed it in front of the food truck.

Li Ran looked at the relaxed Tony in front of him, and couldn't bear to tell him that a revenge against him was really unfolding.

Not far away, the mighty army of biochemical machines in Hell's Kitchen was walking towards him.

Not knowing the danger he was about to face, Tony swallowed a siomai and nodded involuntarily: "No matter how many times you eat it, every time you eat your siomai, it's a kind of enjoyment."

Looking at Tony who was enjoying himself in front of him, [Xie Lu] pretended to be ignorant and said: "Your face looks good, it seems that the problem of your body has been solved."

"Speaking of this."

Hearing the words of [Jie Lu], Tony quickly swallowed the shaomai in his mouth, looked up at the tall and silent figure in the fast food car, and said with a rare and sincere expression: "I want to thank you, because you put The Penglai incident told me so that I could live again."

"You survived because of your hard work, and it has nothing to do with me." Shaking his head, [Xie Lu] continued to maintain his dull personality.

"I knew you would say that."

After getting along during this period of time, Tony obviously understood the temper of [Xie Lu], so he didn't have many unexpected expressions in the face of his answer.

Instead, he turned his head and shouted.


As Tony's voice fell, a brand-new food truck with a red face slowly drove over, and the window was lowered to reveal the face of Tony's personal driver, Happy.

"Anyway, you helped me after all, so in order to express my gratitude, I specially remodeled a brand-new food truck as a gift." Walking to the food truck, Tony motioned to Happy in the driver's seat. I pressed a button in the car knowingly, and then I saw that the fast food car in front of me began to deform, and quickly transformed into a small fast food restaurant full of technology.

Sitting down on the built-in chair in the fast food restaurant, Tony raised his eyebrows at [Xie Lu] and showed off: "How about, are you satisfied with the new food truck I gave you?" The fast food truck, he deliberately set aside a day for the design and renovation, which took a lot of effort.

Inside the antique store, Li Ran raised his eyebrows and looked at Tony's fast food truck with a subtle expression.

Although, from his point of view, he has always regarded Tony as the object of gaining fame, but the other party's preparation still touched his heart a little.

After all, a deformable fast food truck, although it is still a fast food truck, is still pretty cool, isn't it?

"Of course, if you really want to thank me, make a few more new dishes for me to try."

However, Tony's next words immediately made Li Ran take back his feelings.

Facing [Jie Lu], who was still rolling noodles in silence, Tony said reluctantly, "I'm not saying that golden ratio shaomai is not delicious, but you obviously have a lot of delicious dishes to come out, why not many? Make a little, like the dish that looked like a smiling face before, or the dish of four colors..."

To be honest, he has been obsessed with Sishen Seafood Eight Treasures Steamed Bun, especially when he only tasted the taste of one color steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed steamed bun.

Emotions, the purpose of your car is to be able to eat new dishes.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran was speechless as he listened to Tony's side-by-side inquiries.

However, before he could control [Xie Lu] to do something, a cramped sound of gunfire was uploaded from the street.

Hearing the gunshots and screams from a distance, Tony immediately restrained the relaxed expression on his face.

"Jarvis, what happened?"

"Sir, there are many unknown biochemical robots on the nearby streets. Judging from the direction of their movements, it seems that they are directed at Stark Industries."

"Biochemical robot?"

Hearing Jarvis' report, Tony muttered to himself, and at the same time, he quickly saw what the biochemical robot that the other party said looked like.

Looking at the human man who appeared on the street corner, his body was full of obvious transformation, Tony frowned subconsciously, and the expression on his face became cold. To be honest, many parts of the transformation of the biochemical robot in front of him shocked him. From a purely technological point of view, this is undoubtedly a huge technological breakthrough.

But Tony couldn't be happier at the thought that this breakthrough was based on a living human being. Especially when he sees more and more biochemical robots on the streets.

Obviously, the emergence of a large number of biochemical robots only represents one thing, that is, these transformations are not simple cases.

The army of biochemical robots gathered on the street soon found Tony's figure, and they changed the direction of their actions and walked towards him one after another.

"Jarvis, what are you waiting for?"

Looking at the army of biochemical robots getting closer and closer, Tony couldn't help but whispered something to his watch.

As Tony's voice fell, the next second, a brand new steel armor fell from the sky, and then wrapped Tony in all directions.

mark6, this is a new generation of armor developed by Tony after the previous battle with Ivan Vanke. It uses the arc reactor left by his father Howard Stark as an energy source, and is matched with vibration gold, which is better than before in terms of performance. Any generation of armor is more powerful.

"Happy, you two leave first."

Equipped with a new armor~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tony looked at the army of biochemical robots that were gradually surrounding him, and said to Happy and [Xie Lu] behind him.

"I see, none of you want to leave."

At this moment, a slightly stiff English voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Ivan Vanke in a large trench coat appearing from the army of biochemical robots, grinning and showing a hideous smile, shouting to Tony in front of him: "Tony Stark, we meet again."

"Ivan Vanke!"

Looking at the face that appeared again in his eyes, Tony's mouth twitched under the steel mask: "Why did you come out again?"

He clearly remembered that after being defeated by the Turtle Immortal, S.H.I.E.L.D. directly sent someone to take him away.

Why did he run away again.

"Because, the prison can't stop me from taking revenge on you. This time, I specially brought an army of biochemical robots to take revenge on you." Ivan Vanke replied in a low voice.

Hearing Ivan Vanke's hateful remarks, Tony silently swept across the expressionless army of biochemical robots in front of him, and asked, "You mean, these biochemical robots were all transformed by you."

"That's right." Facing Tony's question, Ivan Vanke nodded and admitted without hesitation: "Although the idea of ​​the transformation came from someone else, but after my modification, the combat power of these modified biochemical robots is better than the original design. stronger."

"From someone else?"

Tony keenly noticed the clues in Ivan Vanke's words, and couldn't help but ask: "Who gave you the idea of ​​this transformation."

"Want to know, did you think I'd tell you, Tony Stark."

With an ugly smile, Ivan Vanke ordered without hesitation: "Everyone, kill him for me."

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