Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 89: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seizing the opportunity, Danny gathered all the power of the iron fist in his body into the other uninjured fist, and without hesitation, attacked the place where the Fire Cloud Evil God was hit by the bullet.

The powerful strength of Iron Fist almost made it impossible for Li Ran to maintain the avatar of the Evil God of Fire Cloud in front of him.


"Everything is false, and everything is permitted."

On the first floor of the Chinese restaurant, Wesley, who fell on the gravel, fired the last bullet.

Hearing the screams of the Huoyun Evil God, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his raised arms fell.

The next moment, there was no sound.

Matt noticed the movement on the first floor, especially when he heard the last Assassin's Creed sentence that Wesley read, the expression on his face fluctuated, and the fingers holding the guide stick in his hand turned pale.

[The legend from Daredevil +1125]

Huoyun Evil God clutched the part where he was hit by bullets and iron fists. In order to hide the fact that he didn't bleed, he took a few steps back and knelt down on one leg before saying: "If, it wasn't because of the previous fight, With the mysterious person who suddenly appeared and invited, the wounds left by you, it is impossible for me to be hurt at all."

"Mystery man?"

On this side, the Huoyun Evil God just finished speaking, while on the other side Li Ran asked in harmony, "Who is the mysterious person in your mouth, and why did they invite you?!"

"Want to know?" He raised his head and looked at Li Ran who was asking the question, Huoyun Evil God grinned and smiled: "I didn't tell you, haha, I have already told them about the existence of Penglai, cough... Anyway, I believe that soon You'll meet him soon..."

As he spoke, the aura on the evil god's body was getting weaker and weaker.

However, in the next instant, Huoyun Evil God's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, with two eyes flashing in his eyes, and he shouted with a loud laugh.

"That's it, I understand, I finally understand!"

Ignoring Matt and the others who were vigilant in front of them, the Evil God of Fire Cloud sat cross-legged, his hands were imprinted, accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds, a golden Buddha statue appeared behind him, and he smiled.

"It turns out that this is the fifth form of the Tathagata's palm - welcoming the Buddha to the west. Unfortunately, I realized it too late."

Leaving such a sentence, the head of the Huoyun Evil God couldn't help hanging down, and the golden Buddha statue behind him gradually disappeared.

[The legend from Daredevil +500]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +650]

[Famousness from Danny +750]

[Fame from Luke Cage +635]

[From Mrs. Gao's legendary degree +890]


The difficult battle finally ushered in victory.

However, the mood of the defenders and his party did not make them feel much happy.

For this victory, they have sacrificed too many companions, Ah Xing, Wesley...

At Wesley's funeral, the expressions of the defenders were very solemn.

"Wesley, you are a true hero." Luke Cage said in a deep voice, staring at the tombstone in front of him.

Jessica: "..."

Raising the wine bottle in her hand, Jessica rarely poured it into her mouth, but poured it down in front of Wesley's tombstone: "Respect you, man, although I don't even know if you like it or not. I like to drink."

Right now, Li Ran's feelings are somewhat subtle.

He knew very well that the inside of Wesley's coffin was completely empty, but on the surface he still had a sad expression of empathy.

"Master Ye." He came to Li Ran with a guide stick and sat down next to him. Matt silently felt the atmosphere of the funeral and asked Li Ran, "After the battle in Chinatown, what are your plans?"

Matt's words were obviously on the point.

While frowning, Li Ran took out the belly draft that he had already prepared in his heart: "Originally, I planned to return to Penglai after the matter was over, but the words left by Huoyun Evil God before he died made me I'm a little worried about Penglai's safety, so I decided to stay in New York for a while to investigate the truth."

Hearing this, Matt nodded: "This may be the best way so far."

Matt is also vigilant about the mysterious person in the mouth of Huoyun Evil God.


SHIELD, New York Branch.

"Come in."

Nick Fury looked down at the information in front of him silently, and when he heard a knock on the door, he answered without raising his head.

"Looks like you're a little slack, Chief."

Pushing the door open, he stepped in front of Nick Fury. Natasha Romanov looked at the director of SHIELD who looked down and looked dazed, and couldn't help laughing.

"No, I've always been vigilant enough." Raising his head and looking at Natasha Romanoff in front of him with his only intact eye, Nick Fury said in a deep voice, "In this world There are so many threats that we don't know about, some of which we have created ourselves."

"You mean, the green monster created by the military."

Reducing the smile on her face, Natasha asked immediately.

Hulk made such a big noise in New York. Although the military tried to suppress it through various secret means, it is clear that S.H.I.E.L.D. has its own news lurking in the military The internal agents accurately relayed everything that happened in New York before.

Hulk, and because of this, appeared on the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Without answering Natasha's question directly, Nick Fury pushed forward the information in his hand: "Some of them have been hidden in the past and suddenly appeared."

Natasha bowed her head and saw a large number of photos appear in front of her eyes, flipping through the photos given by Nick Fury, Natasha keenly found some subtle connections.

"these are?"

"These are all information collected by SHIELD agents over the past period of time, and this part is the most important of them." He stretched out his hand and picked out a few clearly blurred photos. Nick Fury pointed to one of them. A photo of the dilapidated street and the nearly half-sliced ​​Chinese restaurant above it: "The damage to Chinatown in Lower Manhattan on the southern tip of Manhattan was massive, and this was the first scene our agents captured when they felt the scene."

While speaking, Nick Fury turned the information in front of him to another page: "According to the on-site investigation, most of the residents in Chinatown said that the destruction came from a battle."


Natasha recalled the scene in the photos she saw. It was hard to imagine what kind of battle would cause such a destructive scene. With the use of thermal weapons, the level of destruction in Chinatown can easily be reached or even surpassed.

However, Natasha could tell that the scene in the previous photo was not caused by the explosion of the weapon.

Continuing to turn the information to the next page, Nick Fury pointed to the Asian man in a Tang suit on the photo: "And he is one of the participants in this battle."

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