Li Ran was delighted that the new card slot function was added.

However, all of this is not comparable to another function added by the system - fusion.

To be precise, it should be the card fusion function.

Different from the previous synthesis, the new fusion function of the system is obviously more targeted, and it is clear that the new function is unlocked for the gradually increasing number of cards in Li Ran's hands.

Can't tell, the system is quite humanized.

After whispering something, Li Ran immediately put his attention back to the fusion function of the data panel.

Unlike synthesis, the functionality of fusion is not free.

Put two unused cards into it, and the system immediately gave a prompt.

[Yes/No - Consumes 100 points of fame to merge the E-rank card [Anxi Koji] and E-rank card [Nohara Hiroji]]

100 fame is not much, at least for the current Li Ran, just let [Xie Lu] get the amount that Tony can get when he goes to Stark Industries to pick up Tony once.

So, I didn't see much hesitation, so I made a decision to combine one and try it out.

In case, a high-level card is drawn.

I have to say that the unpacking of [Huoyun Evil God] made Li Ran a little bloated.

After consuming 100 legendary degrees, a brand new card in the system appeared in front of him. However, upon seeing the card for the first time, Li Ran's heart that had been expecting it instantly cooled down. The wooden texture on the card clearly told him the content of the fusion.

[E-rank card - KING (5/5)]

[Skills: Emperor Engine, Electric Power]

[Background introduction: The hero is ranked 7th in the S-class, and he is 29 years old. His real name is unknown. Known as the strongest man on earth. The appearance is often accompanied by a background sound of 'chu chu chu'. It is said that it is the unique sound of the 'Emperor Engine' starting when it enters a combat state. But in fact, he is just an ordinary person who likes action games and love games and stays at home every day. The so-called "imperial engine" is caused by the excessively loud heartbeat when the heartbeat is too fast due to its excessive tension. 】

[Note: sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden...]

The consumption of 100 legendary degrees and two cards combined to form such a character, and Li Ran's originally high emotions fell back to the previous state in an instant. Sure enough, people still can't be too inflated. No, as soon as they are inflated, the lesson will come.

Shaking his head and restraining his complicated feelings, Li Ran silently looked at the newly merged card in front of him.

Although the results of the new functions were not as good as expected, they at least gave Li Ran some basic information.

For example, the fused cards are not used infinitely like the character cards opened in the treasure chest, and the number of uses is displayed after the name of the card. When he thought that this kind of card with this limited number of times was actually created by himself using two cards in a row, Li Ran suddenly felt that blood began to drip in his heart.

This wave is almost blood loss, I can also draw E-level cards out of the box, and there is no limit to the number of times they can be used.

The start was unfavorable, although the result of the first fusion hit Li Ran's morale a little bit.

However, looking at the sparkling fusion words on the system, Li Ran was still eager to try and couldn't control himself.

"Just once, I'll try again, and if it doesn't work, I'll give up."

With his mouth standing, Li Ran immediately took out two more cards and placed them in the fusion position of the system.

Looking at the two cards in the fusion column, Li Ran hesitated for a while, and then put another card on it.

[Yes/No - Consumes 100 points of fame to merge the E-level card [Baby] and D-level card [Five Senior Brother Axing]]


[Class B Card - Turtle Immortal (1/1)]

[Skill: Turtle Immortal Flow]

[Background introduction: On the surface, he is an old man with color Mimi, but in fact he is a warrior who dares to sacrifice his life to destroy evil. The Turtle Immortals on Earth can be regarded as all-powerful figures. Although it is said that the turtle fairy has lost its reputation as the number one in the world in the later period, the title of "God of Martial Arts" is still circulating. 】

[Note: Little girl, let me take a look at your...]

Li Ran: "!!!"


"Are you sure it's here?"

Late at night, New York, in front of a heavily guarded old building on the outskirts of the city.

Bullseye frowned and turned to ask the subordinate beside him.

"That's right, we searched all over New York, and only this place has the same name as the old guy said."

"The so-called Willard is actually a mental hospital?"

He raised his head, glanced at the dilapidated sign at the entrance gate, and couldn't help but murmured something.

If his subordinates discovered by accident, he would never have imagined that the person he had been looking for was actually in a mental hospital.

But, there really exists the so-called ultimate murderer, the Evil God of Fire Cloud.

With this somewhat convoluted name in mind, Bullseye was full of doubts.

If the other party was really so powerful, how could he be imprisoned in a mental hospital?

Although, there are many doubts in my heart, but since I finally got a clue, Bullseye doesn't want to let it go. Although the high wall built by the Willard Mental Hospital can block most of the patients in the hospital, it obviously cannot hinder the bullseye. I saw him and he gently jumped and climbed together. The next second People have appeared in mental hospitals.

Dodging the guards in the hospital with ease, Bullseye easily broke into the hospital with the ID card obtained from a certain doctor's office.

The mental hospital in the middle of the night is not All kinds of weird cries add a little weirdness to it. However, as the most effective killer under Jin Bing, Bullseye ignored these strange movements and searched for the place where the Fire Cloud Evil God might exist.

"do not have it?"

However, after a round of searching, apart from mental patients of different appearances, he did not find any figures in the mental hospital that might be the so-called Evil God of Fire Cloud.

"Sure enough, it was the wrong search..."

Shaking his head, just as Bullseye was about to evacuate from the hospital, an inexplicable feeling of palpitations suddenly emerged from his heart. Then, Bullseye saw the empty hospital corridor in front of him, with blood rushing towards him. come. As the most powerful killer under Jin Bing, Bullseye thinks that he is already a murderer, but facing this very different scene in front of him, there is an emotion called fear in his heart.

In the next instant, everything in the corridor disappeared like an illusion.

"Could it be?"

Although everything disappeared, Bullseye didn't think that what he encountered before was just the hallucinations he had in the mental hospital.

Mental illness is not an infectious disease.

So, the only possible explanation is...

Following the direction of the blood gushing out from his eyes, Bullseye passed the hospital corridor that suddenly fell into silence, and finally found a closed iron door in a location that was obviously a basement.

With his dexterous fingers, he easily opened the iron door.

Holding the handle in his hand, he pulled the iron door open, and the next second he saw a figure with a newspaper in his hand sitting grandly on the toilet.

Noticing that someone appeared, the other party subconsciously blocked it with a newspaper.

Bullseye: "..."

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