[The legend from Daredevil +170]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +115]

Through the introduction of Jessica.

Li Ran used the name of the Assassin Brotherhood and his hand [Arc Ballistics] to brush a wave of fame, and at the same time successfully joined the defenders formed by Matt, and launched a revenge for Ah Xing and attacking the Hand Association. activity.

However, having said that, theoretically, both A Xing and Wesley are Li Ran.

Therefore, taking revenge for himself always gave him a subtle feeling.


Half a month later, Hell's Kitchen, the stronghold of the Hand.

A fight came suddenly.

In mid-air, the flying bullet suddenly swept through a magical arc, hitting the head of the opposite hand ninja at an incredible angle.

Looking at the handicapped ninja who fell in front of him, Luke Cage raised his eyebrows.

Even though it was not the first time to see Wesley's ability, Luke Cage still felt very incredible every time he saw it.

After all, the ability to turn a bullet around is a little too magical.

Obviously, he forgot that the ability to be invulnerable is also magical in a sense.


Dodging the flying hook, he lifted the heavy object in his hand and threw it to the place where the ninjas gathered. With the successive battles, Jessica has also found her most suitable fighting style. The two abilities of flying and super strength make her more and more handy in the battle with the Hand.

"Be careful, Bullseye's attack is coming."

Raising his hand and using the guide rod to block the slash in front of him, Matt turned his face and noticed the indiscernible sound of breaking in the air, and immediately reminded the remaining three.

Hearing Matt's reminder, Jessica's expression couldn't help but change, but then she forced herself to calm down and continue to fight with the remaining hand ninjas.

She didn't forget the battle in the port, and even if possible, Jessica wanted to take revenge on the weird guy in black tights in front of her.

However, just like his weird appearance, this guy called Bullseye is extremely difficult to deal with, especially his magical throwing ability. Although he is not able to turn bullets at will like Wesley, he is still defending them. great hindrance to actions.

"Leave it to me to deal with him."

Wesley opened his mouth and turned his gun to the black figure standing not far away.

Noticing the muzzle of Wesley's turned gun, Bullseye's expression suddenly became solemn. He turned sideways to hide his body as much as possible, and at the same time changed the playing cards in his hand and picked up the pistol.

Although Bullseye has an amazing throwing ability, he is still vigilant about Wesley's magical [Arc Ballistics]. In the previous battle, if he was not sharp enough to avoid the bullets coming from the turn, maybe It doesn't appear here in its full appearance as it is now.

Thinking in his heart, there was no hesitation in the actions of Bullseye's hand. Facing Wesley's threat, he took the initiative to shoot first. His throwing ability is not only for playing cards, but also for conventional weapons.

Facing Bullseye's firepower attack, Wesley didn't seem to worry at all.

First, he is just a clone like Ah Xing. Even if he is really hit by a bullet, he can't follow the chakra to hurt Li Ran who is far away in the antique store. Second, he has the ability of [Adrenal Acceleration] as his trump card. Makes Wesley not too easily attacked by Bullseye.

Turning sideways to avoid the flying bullets, Bullseye's throwing ability is amazing, but this kind of straight attack is obviously not as difficult to avoid as [Arc Ballistics].

Wesley just fired another round of bullets.

Under Superman's dynamic vision, Bullseye could easily see the bullet that came out from Wesley's muzzle, but his expression was not very happy, instead, it became more and more like an enemy.

Raising his hand, aiming at the flying bullet, Bullseye's hand made a mess of gunfire, intending to use this to block the flying bullet in front of him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, using shooting to block the flying bullets is obviously a bit of a fantasy.

However, in the bullseye hand, the super throwing ability and the dynamic vision far beyond ordinary people made everything possible.


With a not very clear sound of impact, the bullet fired by Wesley changed the direction of flight and also lost the ability to turn.


Seeing this scene, Bullseye subconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

However, before the smile on his face bloomed, more bullets flew over in front of him.

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, Bullseye's pupils shrank suddenly, and the originally calm mood suddenly fluctuated quite a bit.

No one has stipulated that [Arc Ballistics] can only be fired one at a time. In the face of the threat of multiple turning bullets, even Bullseye, who is extremely conceited about his own ability, has to put away what has just risen in his heart. Self-satisfied, he shrank his head and tried his best to avoid these flurry of bullets.

With Wesley's restraint, the most powerful killer of Jin and his men could not have much influence on the remaining defenders. After several entanglements, Luke Cage resisted forcibly because of his invulnerability. In front of him, the hand-joined ninjas and most of the attacks of Jin and his men created an excellent opportunity for Matt to burn most of the goods in this stronghold.


"This is the first time Mrs. Gao. Obviously ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ things didn't go as smoothly as you said before."

Once again, getting a failed reply from Bullseye, Jin Ping stared at Mrs. Gao's thin figure in front of him, and said coldly.

Several consecutive battles with the defenders have caused his subordinates to suffer a lot of casualties, especially the results of the last two battles, even for Jin Ning, it is a big loss, not only in money, And his dominance over Hell's Kitchen has gradually been questioned.

"It's not just your loss, Jin Ning, they found a weird helper from somewhere, who can control the trajectory of bullets. Many of my ninjas died under these bullets."

"I asked you to come here, and I don't want to hear your excuses, Mrs. Gao."

Standing up, Jin Bian leaned on his cane and came to Mrs. Gao, looking down at the skinny old man: "If you can't give me a satisfactory result, then I think it's time to think about whether it needs to end. Our previous partnership is over."

If in the past, Mrs. Gao was not too afraid of the threat of Jin Bing, but as the power to maintain immortality in the body faded, Mrs. Gao seemed to have lost her calmness in the past, and the actions of the defenders brought great importance to their plan of the Hand Association. At this critical moment, she could not lose Jin Bing's power.

Wrinkling her wrinkled face, she thought hard for a while. For some reason, Mrs. Gao's mind suddenly came to the scene of her previous meeting with A Xing.

"Maybe, we also need to find a helper."

"Help?" Mrs. Gao's words made Jin bow his head involuntarily.

I saw a faint smile on the other's thin face: "Yes, an absolutely powerful helper."

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