[Famousness from Cornell Stokes +25]

Sitting in the small room converted from the storage room, Li Ran raised his eyebrows when he saw the content that suddenly appeared on the data panel.

The name Cornell Stokes is a bit unfamiliar, obviously not a very famous person in the American comic world, but the system shows a lot of legend, even more than what Luke Cage gave him in the barber shop. The number of legendary figures made Li Ran a little confused for a while.

In short, no matter what, having a reputation is a good thing.

Sitting on the bed, he thought about it for a while, and then Li Ran gave up this apparently futile approach.

The room transformed from the storage room was not big, and after barely putting down a bed, it became even narrower. Simply, Li Ran wasn't that picky. He just lay on the bed in the moonlight, and soon fell asleep. among.

The cards in the system gave Li Ran extraordinary power, but it didn't give him the ability not to sleep.

Besides, he's not Daredevil, or a superhero like Punisher who takes criminals as his mission at every turn.

No need, sacrifice your sleep time to protect the safety of New York City.


The next day, after a chaotic night in Harlem.

The sun is here again, sweeping all sins into the shadows.

Just looking at the pedestrians on the road, Harlem seems to be no different from any area in New York City. Of course, the premise is that the obviously broken glass in the Chinese restaurant is ignored. Although the gangster who made trouble last night was solved by Li Ran Yes, but the damage they left behind in Chinese restaurants didn't go away so quickly.

Especially the floor-to-ceiling windows with huge holes at the entrance of the store. Speaking of which, they are still Li Ran's masterpieces.

Last night, he kicked the gangster out of the Chinese restaurant with one kick. While showing great power, he also added a little unnecessary trouble to the Chinese restaurant.

It is also a hassle to replace such a large piece of glass, so the Chinese restaurant did not open in the morning, and they needed to deal with the traces of damage left by several people in the store last night.

And Li Ran also relaxed, and came to the barber shop near the Chinese restaurant.

The purpose, of course, is for Luke Cage.

"Hey, Ah Xing, good morning."

"Good morning."

In the barber shop, when Father Henry saw Li Ran who walked into the shop, he nodded and greeted him: "How about it, are you still used to working in Connie's shop?"

"It's not bad." If you ignore the part where he made a great show in the second half, just from the performance of the part-time job in the Chinese restaurant, Li Ran thinks that his performance is not bad, with quick hands and feet, quick response, Hard-working and not complaining, just like the performance of an excellent employee.

"At least, Mrs. Connie was very satisfied with my performance, and she even promoted me."

Li Ran didn't lie about this, he did get a promotion.

Last night, he agreed to Mrs. Connie, from a part-time job to an employer of a Chinese restaurant, specializing in protecting the restaurant from the harassment of the nearby gangsters.


He turned his head and glanced at Li Ran in surprise. Henry looked at his serious expression that didn't look like he was lying, and said with some puzzlement, "So it seems, you did a really good job."

It's just how well Li Ran did that he was promoted in just one night.

Henry couldn't help being curious.

"By the way, why isn't the Chinese restaurant open today?"

After briefly chatting about Li Ran's first day of working in a Chinese restaurant, he was full of questions, and Henry asked immediately.

"Because a few thugs broke into the Chinese restaurant last night, smashing a lot of things in the store and needing to be dealt with." Li Ran explained the reason why the Chinese restaurant was not open, but completely ignored it. Part of it was actually caused by his shot, no, shot.

Li Ran's answer caused Henry in the barbershop and Luke Cage, who was cleaning the windows, to subconsciously stop the movements in their hands.

After being silent for a few seconds, Henry shrugged and made a helpless expression to Li Ran: "Child, welcome to the real Harlem."

Even if Dad tried his best to maintain the rules in the barbershop and wanted to guide the children in the shop on the right path, he still couldn't change the fact that Harlem was chaotic.

"Harlem, everyone has a gun, and no one has a father."

At the window, the silent Luke Cage spoke and gave the most accurate description of Harlem.

"If that's the case, why don't you stand up and change this place?"

"Change." Faced with Li Ran's question, Luke Cage shook his head helplessly. He put away the rag in his hand and turned to look at Li Ran behind him: "Do you know the past of Harlem, chaos and poverty, Countless people die on the streets of Harlem every day. Countless wives lose their husbands and children lose their fathers. That's how Chico's father died. That's how Harlem used to be, and that hasn't changed much now. ."

"The new District Councillor Maria Dillard took office~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but she is the umbrella of the water-belly snake, and it is the water-belly snake's men who destroy the Chinese restaurant, so Harlem has never changed, It will only sink, this is the reality. Change, it is not you who came to Harlem for one day, and a foreigner who can't even pronounce the name Harlem will casually talk about it."

Luke Cage seems to have a lot to say about Harlem but doesn't.

"Although I'm just an outsider in Harlem, I also know that change doesn't happen out of thin air when I sit at home and wait. Those street gangsters use violence to affect Harlem, why can't someone use their own methods to stop these Violence, use this to change, if you don't do many things, you will never know the result. If you don't have a dream, what's the difference with salted fish?"

After a bowl of chicken soup, Luke Cage's expression was obviously a little shaken.

Standing aside, Father Henry clenched his fist unconsciously, opened his mouth to look at Luke Cage's appearance, but finally chose to remain silent and handed over the choice to the other party.

However, he quickly restrained his emotions and returned to his previous taciturn appearance.

"You don't have to tell me so much, I'm just an ordinary cleaner." He shook his head, picked up the bucket at hand, and planned to go inside.

"No, you're not." He reached out and stopped Luke Cage who wanted to leave, Li Ran looked up at the tall figure, and said decisively, "I can feel it, you are not an ordinary person, you are To have someone who can change this place, change the fate of Harlem that you keep sinking into."

[Famous from Luke Cage +55]

[Famousness from Henry +25]

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