Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 36: overestimated

"Sorry, child."

As an old resident of Harlem, Poppy is absolutely well-informed.

Seeing his firm reply, Henry nodded and said to Li Ran, "At least there isn't a place called Willard in Harlem, maybe you can look for it in other districts, Manhattan is very big, Harlem is just a small piece of it."

After a little comfort, Henry asked with some concern: "Perhaps, child, are you looking for Willard to find your friends or relatives?"

Shamic interjected and said with some schadenfreude, "Obviously, Dad, he was deceived, or this Willard doesn't exist at all."

Henry: "Shut up, Shamiq, no one will think you're dumb if you don't speak."

Turning his head and scolding Shamick, Henry comforted Li Ran in front of him: "Don't take Shamick's words to heart, he has always been like this." Although he said comforting words, but In fact, Henry felt that Li Ran should have been deceived.

Seeing the misunderstanding of Henry and the others, Li Ran felt that it was necessary for him to explain.

After all, he wasn't really here to visit relatives.

He shook his head, looked up at the concerned face of Father Henry in front of him, and replied, "No, I went to Willard to find the ultimate murderer hidden there - the Evil God of Fire Cloud."

[Famousness from Luke Cage +5]

[Famousness from Henry +2]

[Famousness from Pochi +2]

[Famousness from Shamik +1]

[Famousness from Chico +0.01]


Stopping his hair-sweeping movement, Luke Cage looked up and looked at the father in front of him, and shook his head indiscernibly at his father's questioning gaze.

Whether it was during the time he was in prison or fleeing, he had never heard of Huoyun Heretic God.

Even Luke Cage's eyes swept across Li Ran's face on the opposite side. Whether the so-called Evil God of Fire Cloud, whose name is convoluted, is true or false, is still uncertain.

Perhaps, everything is just the imagination of the Asian man in front of him.

In the barber shop, after everyone looked at each other for a while because of Li Ran's sudden words, Shamick first responded: "Haha, boy, you would actually believe such an obvious lie, Huoyun Evil God? Huoyun Evil God, this The name is good, it sounds cool, and it will be my nickname in the future..."

Well, I overestimated the acceptance of the crowd.

But think about it, although New York, including Hell's Kitchen, already has sporadic superheroes like Daredevil active, but there is still a gap compared to the situation where superheroes like the New York War will appear in front of the public on a large scale in the future. Without the impact of New York, it is somewhat, no, very difficult to get people, especially the black people in the barbershop, to accept the setting of Huoyun Cthulhu with an obvious oriental color at once.

Simply, Li Ran also knows that the difficulty of things cannot be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, the goal he set at the beginning was to leave a general memory in the minds of everyone in the barber shop, especially Luke Cage, and prepare for long-term foreshadowing.

Although he has achieved his goal, he still needs to continue to act.

Facing Shamic's mocking behavior, he frowned deliberately and said, "The Evil God of Fire Cloud is a very dangerous existence, and it's not a name that you can make fun of at will."

"Why, do you feel unhappy?" Compared with Luke Cage, Li Ran was obviously a bully in Shamic's eyes, so upon hearing his rebuttal, Shamic immediately suppressed the smile on his face, Getting up and looking at the guy in front of him who was half a head shorter than himself, a mocking smile subconsciously evoked the corner of his mouth: "Or, what do you want to do to me?"

In the face of Shamik's beating behavior, Li Ran naturally had nothing to say.

He is not someone's father, so he doesn't need to accommodate each other in everything.

With a little bit of strength under his feet, he planned to take out his legs to let the other party know how much he could do.

However, at this moment, a tall figure inserted horizontally between Li Ran and Shamic. Luke Cage looked at Shamick with an arrogant expression and said solemnly: "Shamick, Daddy's barbershop is not a place for you to provoke trouble, if you want to fight, if you really want to If you do it, I will accompany you at any time in the alley at the back door of the barber shop."

"Luke, it's none of your business!"

"As long as it's in the barbershop, it's none of my business."

Gritting his teeth, he stared fiercely at Luke Cage in front of him for a long time, and then Shamick turned his head and looked at Li Ran who was behind the tall figure: "Boy, you are lucky."

Actually, you should be lucky.

Li Ran silently stared at Luke Cage's tall back in front of was speechless.

Obviously, everyone in the barber shop subconsciously regarded him as the weaker party in the conflict, but in fact, the appearance of Shamic's little arms and legs in front of him couldn't stop Li Ran from kicking his legs.

Losing face twice in a row, no matter how thick-skinned Shamiq is, he still doesn't want to stay in the barbershop.

Seeing Shamick's back slumped away, Henry couldn't help shaking his head: "I hope Shamick can understand that fighting is not the only way to solve the problem."

Poppy: "This is Harlem, Henry, you know that if you don't have the protection of your fists, you won't be able to survive so easily."

Henry: "I know, Poppy, but I also know that Harlem is slowly getting better, although it's not changing as fast as I thought, but at least it's changing."

After chatting casually with Bobby, Henry turned his attention back to Li Ran again.

After Luke Cage resolved the contradiction at the barber shop, he returned to his taciturn appearance.

If he didn't know the opponent's abilities, perhaps Henry would really regard him as an ordinary existence.

Shaking his head, in front of Li Ran, who came from Henry, he thoughtfully said, "Son, although the way Shamick spoke before, some facts may not be wrong, and Willard may just be a place that doesn't exist."

"No, Willard exists."

Facing Li Ran's firm gaze, Henry had a headache, he thought for a while, and decided to use a softer method to let Li Ran find out for himself: "Okay, but child, New York is very big, and I want to find you in such a big New York. It's not easy to talk about Willard, what's more, the most important thing, you don't have any money."

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