Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 34: Papa's Barbershop

"It should be here."

Stopped in front of a slightly old shop.

Li Ran looked at the barber shop in front of him and made a judgment based on his vague memory.

"Hey, kid, this isn't the place for someone of your color to come."

A kind old black man wearing a straw hat walked behind Li Ran and came to the door of the barber shop: "Although the law and order in Harlem is much better than in the past, Asians like you are still very high on the road. The chances of them being targeted for robbery, especially those punks who don't do anything all day."

"I've already seen it."

In response, Li Ran couldn't help but nodded and replied with the expression of someone who had come over.

He did see the little gangsters that the old man said, but the final result was slightly different from what the other party said. The little gangsters didn't rob him, but he successfully robbed the little gangsters.


The black old man turned his head and glanced at Li Ran, looking at the sloppy appearance of his undershirt and sneakers.

"I'm sorry child, I'm sorry to let you encounter this kind of thing in Harlem." The old man obviously misunderstood something, and comforted Li Ran: "But this is life, isn't it? Setbacks will make you grateful when happiness comes."

After a rap full of chicken soup, the old man turned around and took out the key to open the store.

After a pause, he turned around and sent an invitation to Li Ran, who was standing at the door of the store: "Well, child, come in. Although Dad can't change your experience, he can at least change your hairstyle. Of course, the most important point is not to TOLL."

Although the contact process was different from what Li Ran thought, since the other party sent an invitation, he naturally followed the old man's invitation and walked into the barber shop.

"I don't usually cut my hair for free, so, at least in Dad's barbershop, you are already on the same level as Ali and Jordan."

Pointing to the paper sticking to the wall, the old man turned his head and joked to Li Ran.

Li Ran looked in the direction of the old man's finger, and he saw a lot of names like Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, and Richard Roundtey were printed on the paper, all of whom were famous black people. .

Let Li Ran do it in front of the mirror of the barber shop, the old man turned around and opened the curtains in the shop, turned on the TV and tuned to the basketball program, then walked behind Li Ran and looked at his long hair: "Tell me, child, What kind of hairstyle do you want, please explain in advance that although I have cut hair for countless people, this is the first time for Asians."

Sitting on the chair of the barber shop, Li Ran suddenly became a little uneasy when he heard what the black old man said.

Although the face he is wearing now is not his own, but if the haircut is too frustrating, it will also affect the image of the character.

"Why don't you just wash your hair?"

Thinking of this, Li Ran couldn't help but cautiously asked the old man.


Standing behind him, staring at Li Ran silently for a while, the old man suddenly clapped his hands and laughed a few times before shaking his head: "Haha~ Lie to your child, trust your father's craftsmanship, I will definitely give you a cool trick. The dazzling hairstyle will make all the girls on the street fall for you."

Hearing what the old man said, Li Ran's heart not only did not let go, but he became even more panicked.


"Hey, Henry."

Carrying a chessboard into the barber shop, Bobby Fish, a regular customer with a goatee, looked up at Li Ran, who was sitting in the shop for a haircut.

Although there are a lot of Asians in New York, it is still a rare thing to see a yellow man with different skin in a black gathering place like Harlem, especially a new face that has never been seen before, and it is still in the In a barbershop with obvious black activities like Papa Henry Hunter.

Because, in general, different skin groups have their own areas of activity.

"Hey, Bobby." The old man replied while holding scissors around Li Ran to cut his hair.

"Have you heard?" After placing the chessboard in his hand near the window in front of the barber shop, Poppy immediately asked Henry in the shop.


"Martin and the others were beaten."

In front of the barber shop's mirror, Li Ran raised his eyebrows when he heard this. If he remembered correctly, among the group of black people he beat up before, there seemed to be a man named Martin.

"Really." He turned the chair and adjusted Li Ran in front of him in a direction to cut his hair. The old man named Henry immediately shrugged, but he was not surprised at all: "I have already warned Martin and the others, Anything can't be too much, otherwise there will be bitter consequences sooner or later. Unfortunately, they have never listened to my tricks."

"Times have changed, Henry, your suit is outdated." Picking up a chess piece, Poppy replied casually.

"Rules are never out of date, because rules are rules."

Obviously, the old man did not agree with this.

"Well, you're always right, Henry." Shrugging, Poppy dropped a **** and replied.

"That's because I've made enough mistakes."

"Hey, Dad."

A black guy walked into the barber shop.

"Chico, you're late." He looked up at the time on the Henry turned his head and said to the black guy.

"Sorry, Dad."

"So, go and change your clothes now."

"You're always so soft-hearted, Henry."

"I have been cruel for most of my life, and even went to prison for it."

Although it was only a half-understood conversation, Li Ran still noticed a clue from the conversation between the two in the barber shop.

Obviously, the old man is also a person with a story.

"Dad, I need a..."

The barber shop opened by the old man is obviously a popular shop. It will only open tomorrow morning, and there are already many customers.

Here, Li Ran sat in front of the chair and looked at his hair that was getting shorter and shorter, when he heard a slightly noisy sound from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a black man walking staggeringly came to Li Ran, who was cutting his hair in his father's hands, and looked at this guy on the chair, who was very different from the barber shop.

"Holyshit, how could this be, I actually saw one in the barbershop..."

"Ahem, Shamik, you know the rules, swearing is not allowed in Dad's shop." Pointing to the swearing bucket of the barber's money, Henry said.

"I know, but Dad, isn't the situation in front of you a little too strange, a yellow... Asian would cut her hair in your shop?!"

"What's weird about this, Shamik, it's been so many years since black people were liberated, and we can all be presidents. Why can't there be Asians in Dad's barbershop?"

"Dad is right, Mrs. Connie's Chinese restaurant is the best proof."

"Luke, you're late too."

"Dad, you know, I've been sleep deprived recently."

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