Sure enough, the best way to calm down the irritable brother is to fight.

In front of him, Frank's fearful attitude fully shows that sometimes actions are more useful than words.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the character of the punisher.

In order to eliminate evil, this is Frank's revenge gesture for the evil forces that he realized after encountering a family accident.

"First of all, you can rest assured," Li Ran lowered the muzzle of the gun, but did not put away the weapon in his hand. After all, with the lessons learned, who knows if Frank in front of him will suddenly give himself a shuttle: "The so-called me and you said The Savage Gang has nothing to do with them, and they have no intention of avenging them."

"The reason why I appear here, as I said before, is purely because of your relationship."

"Me?" Raising his eyebrows slightly, Frank replied with the same expression, "I don't think there is anything to talk about between myself and a stranger who suddenly appeared."

"No, Frank."

Hearing Li Ran pronounce his name clearly, Frank's eyes moved slightly, but he immediately returned to his original indifferent attitude.

He didn't deliberately hide his information, because he had nothing but revenge.

"You are a special existence in your own right." The low voice matched with Li Ran's melancholy face at the moment, and it almost didn't seem like I had a story on his face, which was unexpectedly convincing: "You, like us, have firm goals. , to end evil in its own way, so as to save more innocents."

"We?" Frank keenly noticed the description in Li Ran's words, and immediately asked, "Who are you?"

After successfully attracting Frank's attention, Li Ran's heart moved, but on the surface he still had that melancholy expression: "We are the Assassin Brotherhood."

"The Assassin Brotherhood."

[Famousness from Frank Custer +20]

Like Jessica, Frank had never heard of this organization, but as a fighter affiliated to the U.S. military, he had come into contact with many similar organizations, because it didn't turn out to be too many unexpected appearances.

Although, not unexpected, it does not mean that Frank is not interested in the Assassin Brotherhood that Li Ran spoke of.

"So, you want me to join your organization."

"That's right." Nodding his head, Li Ran continued to play his role as the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood: "Although, under normal circumstances, the members of the Brotherhood are screened or recruited as apprentices through the organization, but I think you have a good chance of being a great assassin, Frank, so I specifically recommended you to the Brotherhood. As long as you declare to the Brotherhood that you are a Creed Assassin, and take a test period of time to prove your value."

"In that case, I also have to thank you." Frank sneered, tightened the submachine gun in his hand and continued to talk: "Since the Brotherhood in your mouth is so great and mysterious, why do you still need my participation?"

"Because assassination is never the goal, saving is. I think you should know this best, Frank."


Li Ran's remarks seemed to evoke some memories of the Punisher. He was silent for a while, then regained his expression, raised the submachine gun in his hand and responded indifferently.

"Sorry, I'm used to doing it alone. And all I do is never to save, because I've missed those people in my life that should be saved the most..."

"I found it, that guy is still here."

"Bastard, kill him for me."

"Do you need my help?" Li Ran looked at the members of the Savage Gang who came one after another and asked Frank in front of him.

"No need, I'm enough alone." Rejecting Li Ran's goodwill without hesitation, Frank turned around with a submachine gun, and said in a cold tone while hitting back at the gang members who came over: "Also, don't. Let me know that the Assassin Brotherhood has any criminal history, as long as I find out, be ready for revenge."

"you may try it."

In the face of the threat of the punisher, Li Ran didn't have any worries. After all, an organization that didn't exist in the past, how could there be a criminal experience.

Raising his hand to deal with a gangster who didn't have long eyes, Li Ran finally took a deep look at Frank, who was fighting again behind him, and then turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

[Famousness from the barbarian gang members +0.05]

[The legendary degree from the barbarian gang members +0.03]


"Tony is dead."

During the splendid banquet, Jin Bing was chatting and laughing with the bigwigs in New York City. Bullseye dressed as a bodyguard came to him and whispered the unpleasant news to him.

"Sorry, I need to leave for a while."

After apologizing to the other party, Jin Biao came to the balcony of the banquet, looked at the banquet scene with laughter and laughter, turned to the bullseye and asked, "What's going on?"

"The Savage Gang was attacked by fierce firepower, and Tony died under the opponent's gun. We have suffered heavy losses within the forces of the Savage Gang."

"Who? The Russians or the group of Latinos..." Even if he controls most of the underworld forces in New York City, it does not mean that Jin has no opponents, not only annoying superheroes, but also many gangs in New York City. Members may not all submit to his power.

Bullseye shook his head: "None of them. According to the survivors of the Savage Gang, this time it was only one person who did it."

"Anyone?" The cigar in his hand paused, and Jin continued to ask, "Could it be Daredevil again?"

Recently, Daredevil has been haunting every corner of Hell's fighting crime, and of course, indirectly destroying many of his transactions.

"No, the person who appeared this time did not wear a mask like Daredevil. At the same time, he has been attacking with powerful firepower from beginning to end and calling himself a punisher."

"The Punisher, hum!" Shaking off the cigar ash in his hand, Jin snorted disdainfully at this title: "Just a grandstanding clown who dares to call himself a Punisher and let us in Hell's Kitchen move. Get up and show the Punisher I'm looking for, and let him know what a mistake he has made."

Looking at a certain guest at the banquet with a smile, Jin turned his head and gave his order coldly.

"By the way, is there any trace of the phantom thief you're looking for?"

Immediately afterwards, Jin Nian seemed to have thought of something, and then asked Bullseye.

"No, the other party is very careful to hide it. Although people from the New York Police Department know that he has been in contact with Tony Stark, there is no way to know more about the detailed information because of the restrictions on the identity of the personnel."

"Tony Stark, that famous playboy?"

Jin is no stranger to Tony, and even the source of many of his weapons is obtained from the channels of Stark Industries.

Hearing that the phantom thief he had been looking for was actually related to the famous New York genius and playboy, Kim couldn't help frowning, but it wasn't because he was afraid of Tony, it was purely because of the close relationship between Stark Industries and the military. Dezhen has something to do with Tony, which will make it quite difficult for him.

"Continue to trace the traces of the phantom thief for me. In addition, confirm the detailed relationship between him and Tony Stark."

Of course, although things are difficult, it does not mean that Jin will retreat because of this.

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