"Tony, what are you looking at?"

"I'm waiting……"

Tony turned his head and focused his eyes on the woman in front of him again: "I'm sorry, can you say your name again?"

"You weren't listening to me at all, were you, Tony Stark."

"Perhaps, it's because someone is too attractive that I can't concentrate." Tony raised his eyebrows, and then said eloquently.

"Or maybe someone didn't listen carefully from beginning to end at all."

"Both of these explanations are fine, but I still prefer the former one."

Facing Tony's frivolous reaction, the woman shook her head helplessly, and then re-introduced herself: "My name is Maya Hansen, and I am currently conducting research on biological programming."

"Wow, biological programming."

"You already did this reaction just now, Tony."

"Okay, maybe I really didn't listen just now." Tony shrugged and glanced down at the time on his watch subconsciously.

"You seem to be very concerned about time?" Maya could not help asking when she noticed Tony's absent-minded appearance.

"Listen, Maya, if I can, I'd be more than happy to discuss your biological programming research with you and learn about your research progress and results, but there's another very important thing waiting for me to face. "Tony touched the announcement letter of Kaito Kid in his pocket, with a hesitant look on his face, he looked at the moving Maya in front of him and recalled the content of the announcement letter.

Finally, with a wave of his hand, he made a decision: "Well, it's actually not too important. I actually care more about your biological programming research than these. I don't know if I have the honor to go to your room to study it in depth." Rather than waiting for the so-called Phantom Thief Kid, the Maya in front of her was more attractive to the **** Tony.

"You can see my research, but that's all."


Tony raised his eyebrows and agreed casually. He glanced at the party venue in front of him, and soon found his driver, Happy, in the crowd.

"Hey, Happy, it's time for us to go back and get my car."

"Understood, sir." Taking the key that Tony threw, Happy glanced back and forth between Tony and Maya, and then showed an understanding expression.


Hearing Happy's strange name suddenly calling himself Mr., Tony couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face.

However, before Tony could think too much, the voice from behind brought his thoughts back.

"Mr. Tony Stark, Mr. Tony Stark..."

Tony turned his head and saw a long-haired man walking towards him on crutches: "My name is Killian, and I'm your number one fan."

"Oh, hello Killian." Tony looked at Killian in front of him and shook hands with him.

"You don't look like you're coming to a party in this outfit."

"I came here specially for you, Mr. Tony."

"Come for me." If the person who said this was a charming and charming beauty, Tony would naturally accept it very happily, but looking at Killian's sloppy appearance in front of him, he didn't feel much happiness. .

"I come from a private think tank called Advanced Intelligent Machines, or AIM for short, which specializes in research on the latest cutting-edge technologies that have emerged." Killian took out two business cards from his pocket and moved towards Tony and Maya on the opposite side handed it over.

"Just give her both, you don't need to give it to me."

For guys like Killian who came to work with him in the name of a private think tank, Tony would meet a lot of them within a period of time, so he didn't pay much attention to Killian's introduction.

He looked down at the time, and then said, "Okay, Killian, it's a pleasure to talk to you, but there are more important things for me to do next."

"Really, well, I understand." The refusal in Tony's words was quite obvious, and Killian's originally excited expression immediately dimmed.

Tony took Maya's hand and took a few steps out, and then he seemed to think of something again. He turned his head and looked at Killian, who was still standing in a sloppy dress.

"Sorry, just wait for me."

Apologizing to Maya beside him, Tony turned around and walked to Killian's present.

"You know, Ki..."

"Killian." Killian said excitedly as he looked at Tony who was back in front of him.

"Yes, Killian, I thought again and thought that there is actually a possibility of full cooperation between us, otherwise I will go and send Maya first, and in five minutes, we will meet on the roof, you know me do you mean?"

"I know, no problem, Mr. Stark, I'll go right away."

"Aren't you not interested in private think tanks?" Maya looked back at the business card in her hand, looked at Killian who was leaving with excitement, and turned to Tony who came back and asked.

"I really don't have any interest in think tanks."

"Then why?"

"I'm just very interested in Killian~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Huh?" Hearing Tony's words, Maya subconsciously took a step aside. Stark did.

"It's not that kind of interest." As soon as Tony saw Maya's expression, he knew that she had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "I just think that Killian's appearance is too coincidental, and it just happened to me. It's a very interesting thing, so I'm going to do a little experiment."

"Then what if you thought wrong?"

"Then I can only say sorry to Mr. Killian."

Tony shrugged, but he didn't take his previous matters to heart at all. He pulled Maya out of the party. But he didn't see his car waiting for him at the door.

"Sorry, please allow me a little more time."

Tony is naturally a little embarrassed that such a mistake happened at such an important moment.

Speaking to Maya who was beside him, Tony turned his head and soon found the driver Happy Hogan not far away.


"Oh, Tony, why did you come out so early." In the distance, the driver Happy was eating a hamburger with his head down, when he heard Tony's voice, he turned his head quickly, met Tony's gaze, and hurriedly explained: "I just Suddenly I felt a little hungry, so I went to the neighborhood and bought a hamburger to eat."

"I didn't say that, what about the car?"

"What car?" Happy looked blank.

"My car? Didn't I just hand you the keys just now?"

Looking at Happy's blank expression in front of him, Tony suddenly became a little uneasy.

"The key? Didn't the key have been in your hands since just now?"

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