Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 7: Daredevil

The worried middle-aged man obviously did not notice the shadow that quietly appeared behind him.

Traversing the dirty and dangerous lanes of Hell's Kitchen, the man came to a hidden factory.

The man looked up at the factory, and his wife, who was lying on the hospital bed at home, flashed in his mind, and then he gritted his teeth and walked in.

"You came."

The guard at the entrance of the factory noticed the figure of the middle-aged man, and immediately stepped forward and said.


The man nodded, but his eyes subconsciously swept over the pistol hanging on the shoulder of the guard. It was obvious that this factory was not as simple as it seemed.

"Then hurry up, Mrs. Gao is already waiting for you there."

The guard noticed the man's gaze, but he didn't pay much attention, instead he said urgingly.

here is?

Hidden in the shadow of the corner, Li Ran silently watched the factory appearing in front of him and the two people talking at the entrance.

The firearms on the guards reminded Li Ran that the situation was more dangerous than he imagined.

Although the use of firearms in the United States is common, the need for a guard in an ordinary factory to use firearms during patrols is a question in itself.

Or, this is not an ordinary factory in the first place.

It was confirmed that the factory in front of him was unusual, but Li Ran had no plans to stay or break into it.

After all, judging from the way the middle-aged man was talking to the guard, it was obvious that the other party already knew the situation of the factory, but he still insisted on going inside.

Since the parties concerned have already made a decision, why should he meddle in any more nosy things?

Although he lives in the world of beauty and comics, Li Ranke has never thought of turning into a superhero to save the world. On the contrary, his goal is to live as he pleases.

Although, at present, it is still difficult for him to realize this idea in the high-risk world of American comics.

But at least, Li Ran has the opportunity to help him realize this idea.

She turned around and walked back along the path from which she came.

However, just as Li Ran was about to leave, a burst of hurried footsteps came over.

Immediately afterwards, a crimson figure jumped over his head.

Daredevil? !

Although the figure was moving extremely fast, Li Ran still recognized the identity of the other person.

It is the superhero who has gained fame in Hell's Kitchen recently, Daredevil.

Of course, in fact, Li Ran knows more, such as Daredevil's other identity in the daytime, a genius blind lawyer named Matt Murdoch.

Daredevil's sudden appearance was somewhat beyond Li Ran's expectations.

Stopping the steps he planned to leave, Li Ran looked back at the factory behind him.

The expression is a little confused.

Leaving now, of course, can minimize the danger, but it will definitely miss an opportunity to meet Daredevil to earn fame.

Although there are a lot of superheroes in New York City, there are not many who are really suitable for Li Ran to meet at this level.

And Daredevil is obviously a relatively safe existence among the many superheroes he can contact. After all, Daredevil is mostly against gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, and the highest is only at the level of Jinbing.

It is far from the late stage of the Meiman world, where aliens invade and destroy the earth at every turn.

So, after hesitating for a while, Li Ran made a quick decision.

Of course, although a decision has been made, Li Ran will not just go straight into the factory so stupidly.

Before going in, he decided to open a treasure chest first, to be overwhelmed.


"Mrs. Gao, someone has come."

In the factory, the man walked up to the second floor under the guidance of the security guards and met the legendary Mrs. Gao.

Although Mrs. Gao leaned on crutches with a kind expression on her face, she looked like an ordinary old lady that can be seen everywhere in the man's hometown.

But after seeing the situation of the workers on the first floor, the man did not feel relaxed at all.

"Come on, it's hard work."

She waved off the guard who came up with the man, Madam Gao looked at the man in front of her with a smile on her face.

He said in a kind tone: "Since you have decided to come and work here, you should have already thought about it clearly. My work here is not as simple as the outside world. If you want to join, you can join and quit, and then you quit."

Thinking of what he saw on the first floor of the factory, the man nodded with a heavy expression: "Mrs. Gao, my wife is ill, and I need money very much."

"I know I know."

Mrs. Gao nodded, but said cruel words with a kind expression: "Many of the workers who come to me are in this situation, I will never be stingy in this regard, as long as you can treat yourself like them. Blind eyes, and then help me work in the factory, I will definitely give the money for your wife's treatment."

Mrs. Gao's words made the man silent.

Even though he always thought that he had made up his mind, but this moment really he couldn't help but shake. After all, these are your own eyes. If you can, who can hope to become a blind man who can't see anything?

Looking at the struggling man, Mrs. Gao didn't say anything to urge. She just looked at him quietly, with her kind expression always on her face.

"Mrs. Gao, will you really give me money to help my wife heal?"


"I promised, I will work in the factory."

In the end, the man made his own decision.


Seeing this, Mrs. Gao nodded her head with a smile, walked slowly to the drawer in the room, took out a small black bottle, stretched out her hand and handed it to the man: "Drink the poison in the bottle, your eyesight will be improved for three days. The inside becomes more and more blurred, and eventually, like the workers below, go completely blind."

On the opposite side, the man stretched out his hands tremblingly, took the bottle handed by Mrs. Gao and tightly held it in his palms.

He bit his lower lip heavily, raised his hand to open the bottle and was about to drink it.

"Wait a moment."

Mrs. Gao suddenly turned her head to the side and reached out to stop the man's movements.

"The poison in the bottle will be drunk later. It seems that an unwelcome guest has come to the factory."

Saying that, Madam Gao turned around and walked out with a cane.

The courage that was finally brought up was vanished by Madam Gao's sudden interruption.

The man looked down at the poison in his hand, not knowing whether to be happy or worried.

It's just that the happiness or worry didn't last too long, and it was quickly broken by Mrs. Gao's shrill voice outside.

"The blind ghost is here, everyone will catch him for me!"

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