That night.

New York City shrouded in moonlight.

In the Golden Palace Building in Manhattan, people can be seen everywhere, showing the strict defense.

As an underworld emperor who has climbed up step by step from the bottom, Jin is definitely not just as simple as he looks. What hides behind his huge size is actually his super-high criminal mind.

With the help of his huge elite team, Jin Bian had already guessed the exact content of the notice left by Kaitou Kidd.

Knowing that the other party will come to steal the crutches in his hand between 21:00 and 23:00 on April 4th.

For this guy who dared to offend himself, Jinke has no intention of being soft-hearted.

He has arranged his own guards between the various floors of the building. As long as the phantom thief dares to appear, he will be beaten into a sieve as soon as possible.


Just like that, time passed by minute by minute.

The rumored phantom thief did not show up for a long time, and the guards who had been guarding the building began to relax.

"I think, this strange thief dare not show up tonight."

"After all, this is Jin Bing. If I were a phantom thief, I wouldn't dare to come here."

"Hehe, a thief, how can he compare to Jin Bing?"

The top floor of the building.

The emotions of the subordinates did not affect this.

"Time is up."

Silently watched the time go through the last lap before the man in the black tights spoke. Beside him, a group of guards with live ammunition also gathered.

"Looks like the phantom thief won't come."

"In the end, the so-called phantom thief turned out to be just a coward with a false name?" Putting down his crutches, Jin looked at the notice left by the phantom thief, smiled disdainfully, and then reached out and held it into a ball of waste paper: " It seems that I think too highly of him."

Standing up, Jin Ning looked at the subordinate in front of him, opened his mouth and was about to say something.

At this moment, the closed door was opened from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed in in a panic.

"The phantom thief, the phantom thief Kid has appeared!"


Among the crowd, the man in black tights reacted the fastest. The next second he heard the appearance of the phantom thief, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he had already stepped forward.


However, at this moment, darkness came without warning.

"what happened?!"

"Damn, the power went out at this time!"


Suddenly plunged into darkness, everyone was inevitably a little flustered.

The originally powerful firearm in his hand has become dangerous in the dim environment, and he dare not use it easily.

Only Jin Bing, even in the dark environment, still did not have the slightest panic expression: "According to the emergency power record of the building, it only takes three minutes to restore the normal power supply state. Now, everyone turns their guns on each other. If there is any movement at the gate, shoot me."

After giving his order indifferently, Jin Bing reached out and was about to pick up the crutches at his hand.

His eyes suddenly noticed the huge floor-to-ceiling window behind him, and the movement of his hand suddenly stopped, and he immediately ordered without thinking: "Bullseye, window!"

Hearing the voice from Jin Ping behind him, the man in black tights turned around almost without hesitation.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure dressed in a white cape suit and top hat outside the huge French window burst in with a loud cracking sound of glass.


Almost at the same time as Phantom Thief Kidd appeared, the man in tights named Bullseye suddenly waved his arm, and an ordinary playing card in his hand painted a sharp weapon, which accurately hit the figure of Phantasm Kidd.


However, in the next second, the dull voice from the phantom thief made Bullseye frown involuntarily.

As Jin Bing said, three minutes are up.

As backup power is restored, bright lights illuminate all corners of the room.

Only then did everyone clearly see the figure of the phantom thief who broke into the office.

It was just a puppet dressed up as a phantom thief with a smiley face.

I was so simple, I was deceived by a puppet!

Bullseye stared at the poker card on the chest of the puppet. The throwing ability he was proud of, put it on the puppet, which was the biggest mockery of him.

Jin Bing patted the glass shards on his shoulders expressionlessly, and looked down at the empty cane beside him. Obviously, the phantom thief had fulfilled his promise and took his cane away. It was ridiculous that he was still laughing at the other party for being in vain. .

After a long silence, Jin Ping swept his subordinates in front of him and suddenly said, "Before, who was that guy who broke in?"

Before, the whole process happened very suddenly, and everyone subconsciously ignored the person who suddenly broke in, but now they reacted after hearing Jin Bing's reminder.

The whole thing was weird everywhere. As soon as the other party broke in, the power was cut off immediately.

If it's a coincidence, it's really a coincidence.

More importantly, the figure of the other party has mysteriously disappeared in the crowd That person, he is the real Phantom Thief Kidd! "

Bullseye reacted, looked at the people who were still staring at each other in front of him, and said rudely, "What are you doing, the other party is most likely still in the building, so let me chase them all!"

Following Bullseye's order, everyone began to act.

"Let them replace the window for me before tomorrow."

Jin Bing's eyes swept over everything in the room, and finally stopped in front of the broken floor-to-ceiling window, turned around and said.

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right away."

As Jin Biao was the last to leave from the top floor, there seemed to be nothing else in the whole room except for the glass shards all over the floor.

However, just a few minutes later, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the flat wall in the room, and then a figure emerged from the wall.

Almost, the time limit of the props will be exceeded.

Emerging from the wall, Li Ran looked at the cane from Jin Bing in his hand, with a somewhat frightened expression on his face.

The reason why it was able to integrate into the wall and not be discovered by Jin Ning and others was also thanks to the props that Li Ran had drawn from opening the box before.

Chameleon tea: After drinking this kind of chameleon tea, as long as you stick your body tightly to a tree or rock, you can not only change the color of your body, but even your body will turn into a tree or a stone. Can last 15 minutes.

Li Ran has drawn a lot of props like this. Although chameleon tea is only a useless prop in the system's judgment, in actual reality, the effect is unexpectedly useful. Even Jin Bing and others did not expect that Li Ran not only did not leave immediately after stealing the crutches, but instead hid in the room in a grand manner.

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