Hiding his body in a large cloak, Doctor Doom turned his head and glanced at the pedestrians behind him, and deliberately chose a path that no one cared about.

Although he successfully escaped from the transport vehicle in which the Avengers held him, Doctor Doom did not let his guard down. He knew very well that neither the Avengers nor the federal government had stopped their pursuit of themselves, although they mastered powerful mutations. The mighty Doctor Doom is not afraid of these guys, but also knows that now is not a good time for confrontation.

To be honest, the whole situation turned out to be worse than he had expected.

In Doctor Doom's original estimate, even if the [Ultimate Creature] lost to the Avengers, it would not have suffered such a fiasco.

Who would have thought that human beings are not as good as heaven, and that the powerful [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] would be defeated by the Avengers with such a result, and even his body was tragically sealed.

Walking in the dirty and narrow path, the eyes of Doctor Doom under the steel mask flickered with silent light.

However, in the next instant, the stinging pain from his arm made him stop involuntarily.

"What's the matter, Lord [Kaz]?"

Reaching out to cover his arm, Doctor Doom deliberately asked in a respectful tone.

Following Doctor Doom's inquiry, at the arm position covered by the cloak, a blurred face began to wriggle and finally revealed [Kaz]'s handsome face like a Greek statue.

However, although the face is still handsome, it is inevitable to give people a shuddering sense of terror in line with its location.

[Caz], who grew up on Doctor Doom's arm, turned his eyes, and then replied with an ugly face: "I feel that the last link with most of my sealed body has also been cut off."

"The move called [Magic Sealing Wave] that Ye Wen performed was more terrifying than I imagined, it was able to seal most of my body as a [Ultimate Creature], and not only sealed my body but also Even the ability to seal the [Ultimate Creature] in that part of the body is also sealed. If not at the last critical moment, I choose to abandon that part of the body and choose to transfer my consciousness to Susan's [Parasitic Octopus] in the air to move. , maybe it was really sealed by [Magic Sealing Wave]..."

Facing [Kaz]'s explanation above his arm, Doctor Doom's eyes flickered in the face covered by the steel mask.

In fact, the reason why he was able to escape from the transport vehicle where he was imprisoned was also thanks to the part of the body that [Kaz] escaped.

However, if Doctor Doom was given a chance to make a choice, he would rather not use the power of the other party.

Because with the success of the escape, the small part of the body tissue that [Kaz] escaped was directly integrated into the arm of Doctor Doom, forming a symbiotic relationship with him.

Because this arm was originally deformed by [Kaz] using his fingers, as long as [Kaz] wanted to, Doctor Doom would not be able to control this arm to move at all.

His eyes swept over the Doctor Doom in front of him, and the face of [Kaz] on the shoulder floated for a while, and then wriggled to the position of the palm to transform the entire palm combination into a fist-sized head.

Controlling his fist-like head and raising his steel mask towards Doctor Doom, [Kaz] directly ordered: "I need the body of an extraordinary person, and the seal of [Magic Seal Wave] will give me the power of [Ultimate Creature]. Huge damage has been done, and only the body of a powerful superhuman can provide the strength I need to fully recover."

"But, Lord [Kaz], it's not easy."

[Kaz] The cruel instructions made Doctor Doom flash a hidden murderous intention in his heart, but he still suppressed his inner emotions when facing the head in front of him, and made a gesture of surrender on the surface.

"If you act rashly, it may attract the attention of the Avengers again."

"the Avengers!"

Doctor Doom's words made the fist-sized face of [Kaz] on his arm flash with a hint of fear.

"If it wasn't for the guy from Penglai, my plan to devour the Avengers might have succeeded. After I regained the power of the [Ultimate Creature], the first thing I swallowed was the guy named Ye Wen from Penglai!"

"I totally agree with this..."

At the entrance of the alley, as the voice of [Kaz] fell, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded.


The sudden voice made the expression under Doctor Doom's steel mask suddenly change.

Pressing down [Kaz]'s arm that transformed into a head and hidden behind the cloak, Doctor Doom turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came. Accompanied by a sharp chirping sound, a large amount of dazzling electric current began to erupt from his body.

"Don't be so nervous."

The electric current wrapped around Dr. Doom's body illuminated the dark alley as if it were daytime, and just under his vigilant gaze, at the other end of the alley, a blond and white-skinned man in his mid-twenties was a bewitching and handsome man. appeared in front of him.

Looking at Doctor Doom, who was covered in electric current, Dio grinned, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth, and said in a determined tone.

"In fact, if we wanted to attack you, there was no way you could react."


Noticing the description in Dior's mouth, Doctor Doom's expression changed, and in the next instant, accompanied by a twist of the space behind him, he saw a tall and thin figure with brown-black skin and a skull necklace hanging around his neck appeared behind him.

The siege of Dio and Dalsi one after the other made Doctor Doom's expression a bit ugly.

Under the steel mask, he took a deep breath, and then unexpectedly put away the current wrapped around him, looked at Dior in front of him, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"We, we are from Jiuyou..."

The cooperative attitude of Doctor Doom made the smile on Dio's face more and more obvious. He turned his scarlet eyes to signal, and Dalxi nodded lightly behind Doctor Doom, and the next moment his legs rolled up under the ability of [Yoga Teleportation]. , a flash appeared behind Dior.

"It just happens that the relationship with Penglai you mentioned before is not very harmonious. In fact, we have a very important thing in Penglai's hands, and we are trying to find a way to get him back."

"It seems that the other party did not notice the existence of [Ultimate Creatures]?"

Dior's remarks made Doctor Doom's expression under the steel mask groan, and his eyes under the mask swept over the arm that had changed back again. The [Kaz] in his arm remained silent.

"so what?"

Taking his eyes back from his arm, Doctor Doom looked at Dio in front of him and said coldly.

For the two mysterious beings claiming to be Jiuyou who appeared in front of him, Doctor Doom did not choose to believe them easily.

"In my opinion, since we are not very pleasing to each other in Penglai, there may be the possibility of cooperation."

Doctor Doom's indifferent attitude did not make Dio give up his invitation.

Because he knew very well that at the moment he appeared, all the results were doomed, and all he needed to do was to act according to the script given by the main body.

"sorry, I……"

Hearing Dio's suggestion, Doctor Doom's face under the steel mask pondered for a moment, and then opened his mouth to refuse.

"Promise him!"

However, at this moment, the order of [Kaz] suddenly came from within his body.

At the same moment when [Caz] made a sound, Dio, who was not noticed by Doctor Doom, smiled a little more at the corner of his mouth.


"Sorry, there's nothing I can do."

Inside the Avengers Building, walking out of Johnny's ward, a white doctor in a white coat shook his head, looked at the people in front of him, and said in a silent tone: "The injury on the patient's body is more serious than I expected. There is also complexity. Under such a serious injury, he is still able to maintain basic physiological characteristics. It is not something that simple medicine can do. I guess this has a lot to do with the strong physical quality of the injured person. , of course, including perhaps the treatment of injuries, such a professional means, even I myself may not be able to do this level."

Briefly explained Johnny's situation, the doctor's expression hesitated for a while, and finally chose to seek truth from facts: "The injured person has a strong vitality, although he can still survive such a serious injury. , but it is also a kind of suffering to a certain extent. It may be cruel to say that, but with the injuries on his body, no amount of treatment can only maintain his basic physical characteristics. One's body disappears, and a large number of body organs fail, and perhaps you should be ready to say goodbye."

"Thank you, doctor."

"I'm sorry for not being of much help, Captain."

Watching the doctor invited by Tony to leave, Steve turned his head to look at the grief-stricken Fantastic Four behind him, especially Susan, who was grief-stricken in Mister Fantastic's arms. His inner feelings were also not very good.

"Aren't there any other doctors?"

Infected by the emotions of the Fantastic Four, Sol was also a little silent. He glanced at Johnny who was in a coma on the hospital bed, and couldn't help but turn his head and asked Tony who was beside him.

"This is already the top doctor in the world."

Facing Sol's question, Tony answered with a straight face.

"Mr. Stark, according to the current situation of the Human Torch, even his strong physical fitness cannot be maintained for more than a week. In fact, since yesterday, he has suffered internal organs failure, although I have passed the The extracorporeal medical device helps the other party to share the burden, but from the analysis, Mr. Johnny can't hold on for too long."

Scanning Johnny in the hospital bed, Ultron flashed his blue eyes and made a calm report.


The news given by the artificial intelligence at this time undoubtedly made everyone present even more heartbroken.

Tony turned his head and glanced at Ultron's metal face, and said silently: "Sometimes, you may need to learn to be silent."

"You mean the situation at hand, Mr. Stark?"

"That's right."



Following Tony's order, Ultron was silent for a few minutes.

However, it soon felt the sad atmosphere in front of the ward, and chose to speak again: "But, Mr. Stark, although normal medical methods have been unable to treat Mr. Johnny, we can choose to try other methods. ."

Tony: "?!"

Ultron's words caused a noticeable change in the expression on Tony's face.

He turned his head to look at the robot in front of him, and asked in a slightly trembling tone: "Ultron, what are you talking about?"

Ultron: "Mr. Stark, do you still remember the battle you once fought..."


"[Kaz] Lord, why?"

After finishing the conversation with Jiuyou, Doctor Doom looked at where Dio and Dalsi disappeared, and couldn't help but question the [Ultimate Creature] on his arm.

"Even if you want to launch an attack on Penglai~www.wuxiamtl.com~ in your current situation, it's a bit too hasty, not to mention we don't have the slightest understanding of this so-called Jiuyou."

From the perspective of Doctor Destruction, whether it is Penglai or Jiuyou, it is not what he wants to contact.

The former has the powerful power to seal [Ultimate Creatures], and the latter, although he has never fought against each other, the mysterious and unpredictable means of movement of Dal'sine put a great deal of pressure on Doctor Doom.

"I felt a familiar aura on the other person's body."

Facing the doubts of Doctor Doom, the face of [Kaz] on his arm reappeared: "There is absolutely nothing wrong, that is the breath of vampires."


[Kaz]'s words made the expression under Doctor Doom's mask flash for a moment, thinking of the information previously revealed by [Ultimate Creature], Doctor Doom vaguely seemed to grasp something: "[Kaz] Sir, what do you mean?"

"In order to become an [Ultimate Creature], I have created countless masks as experiments, some of which were broken because they could not withstand my power, but some of them were obviously left. After successfully becoming an [Ultimate Creature], I have been using masks to transform humans into vampires for hunting and replenishing power, but it has been a long time since my last contact with vampires. Unexpectedly, the power of masks is still left behind, and with this wonderful way to meet me again.”

"Aren't we still worried about the superhuman problem before, isn't Jiuyou just a door-to-door target..."

"Cooperation with Jiuyou, lurking, and then just wait quietly."

"The final victory is destined to belong to me [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz]!"

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