Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 416: Crisis emerges

"Who are you?"

The sudden appearance of the man caused the gang members in the venue to be stunned for a while.

However, as soon as the sound of the tombstone sounded, the originally silent crowd immediately made a loud noise.

As members of the gang, they are not good people, and most of them are even dangerous elements of the NYPD.

So soon, a black man with blue tattoos all over his body walked out of the crowd. He twisted his large muscles and looked up at the figure who walked in, his tone was full of provocation: "Hey, Guy without eyes, do you know where you broke into?"


Looking at the arrogant black man in front of him, [Kaz] showed a strange expression on his face.

"Then can you tell me where this place is?"

"Haha, looks like an idiot who doesn't know anything and dares to break in here without even knowing what it is."

Hearing [Kaz]'s words, the black man's face suddenly made a huge mocking sound, and the gang members behind him also made mocking expressions.

"Then let me tell you..."

After laughing, the expression on the black man's face suddenly changed. Against the background of the blue tattoo on his face, he took out a pistol and aimed it at [Caz]'s head, grinning and saying, "This is where you shouldn't come. , Since you came here, those who have to leave something, say, what do you want to leave behind."

"Oh, really?"

Turning his head to look at the black muzzle in the black man's hand, there was no trace of fear on [Kaz]'s face.

He turned his head and swept over the people in the venue, and the next moment a terrifying feeling of suppression emerged spontaneously.

This is the cry from the top of the food chain that is remembered deep in human cells.

Under the force of this terrifying suppression, the palm of the black man clenching the pistol trembled violently, and even the muzzle of the gun could not be straightened.

At the same time, many members of the gang found themselves shaking uncontrollably.

The oppressive power from the top of the food chain that emanated from [Kaz] was naturally felt by the tombstone as well. However, he is not very human after all. As a human being with extraordinary power, his resistance to this oppressive force is obviously far more than that of ordinary people.

Frowning tightly, the headstone looked at [Kaz] who appeared in the site, and asked in a deep voice, "Who sent you here."

To be able to become the second figure after Jin Bing to rule most of the gangs in New York, the tombstone is by no means a brainless existence. Although he cannot achieve Jin Bing's hands and eyes, he also has his own caution, which is different from being full of brains. They are all full of violent criminals. From the previous appearance of [Kaz], it is easy to see that the other party is not simple.

This became even more obvious after feeling the strong sense of suppression from the opponent.

"Old John, or those Mexican guys?!"

Of course, although he felt that [Kaz] was unusual, Tombstone subconsciously regarded him as an enemy arranged by his opponent.

"I don't even know what you said."

Ignoring the shivering black man in front of him, [Caz] walked to the tombstone, looked at the pale-faced man, and shook his head directly.

"Actually, I'm here for only one purpose, and that's you."

As [Kaz] approached, the tombstone also felt the terrifying pressure from the opponent more clearly.

Clenching his fists and looking at the tall and handsome figure in front of him, the expression on the tombstone's face gradually became cold: "So, you are determined to trouble me? Then, no matter who arranged for you to come here, I will To tell you, you picked the wrong opponent."

As the voice of the headstone fell, he raised his fist wrapped in gloves and smashed it hard at [Kaz] in front of him.


However, against the heavy attack of the tombstone, [Kaz]'s body did not evade in the slightest, and the opponent still waved a huge fist and landed on him.

"Looks like I'm overthinking it."

When he found that he had hit [Kaz] in front of him so easily, the tombstone had been holding on to his heart and couldn't help loosening, and then a grim smile appeared on his face: "Since you don't want to tell me who instructed me. Yes, then take this secret with you..."

However, before the hideous expression on the tombstone's face fully bloomed, the next second, he felt a terrifying attraction coming from [Kaz] in front of him.

Looking at this power, he immediately saw that the fist he hit on [Kaz] had quietly melted into the opponent's body at some point, and within a few seconds of the tombstone being absent-minded, his whole The arm disappeared into the other's body.




"How many is this already?"

There was a faint blue light in his eyes, and when he heard Natasha's question, Ultron immediately gave the answer: "If it is Sean, the poisonous man in distress this time, there have been more than five super criminals in New York who have been killed by [Ultimate Creatures]. ] digested.”

"Is the purpose of [Ultimate Creature] is to maintain law and order in New York City."

Hearing Ultron's reply, Falcon couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise, why would the other party keep picking these super criminals as their targets and attacking."

"Maybe it's because these guys have a clear whereabouts. For example, the poisonous man has been active in the gangs in New York all the time, and his actions are not covered in the slightest. For [Ultimate Creatures], they are one of the best targets to find." Silent Sweeping across the bar with little damage in front of him, there is no serious damage to the bar, which only shows one thing, that is, the poisonous person has no resistance in front of the [Ultimate Creature], and is easily eaten by the other party.

"It can't go on like this."

The process of finding the [Ultimate Creature] and what the Avengers imagined is more difficult, especially after knowing that the other party has a strong deformation ability, Ultron infers that since the [Ultimate Creature] can change the body into various This kind of animal, then theoretically it should be able to arbitrarily change such an appearance into the appearance of other people.

Therefore, it is obviously difficult to find the trace of the [Ultimate Creature] through continuous pursuit.

In particular, in the current situation, the Avengers must prevent [Ultimate Creatures] from swallowing more superhumans in New York.

"Perhaps, we should try Banner's suggestion and let Sol..."


Hearing Natasha's proposal, Steve's eyes swept across the bar in front of him, tightening the shield in his hand, his expression silent.


"Master Ye, I want to go out to play!"

Inside the Avengers Building, Po New York looked at Ye Wen next to him and said with a dull expression.

"Be patient with Po, now the situation outside is very dangerous, there are bad people eyeing you, so don't wait until the Avengers defeat these bad people before you can go out."

Turning his head to look at A Bao's round face, Ye Wen persuaded in a soft voice.

Because of Jiuyou's previous attack on the reincarnation of A Bao, after a discussion with the Avengers, A Xing finally decided to protect A Bao in the Avengers' mansion, and at the same time also in Chinatown's Ye Wen. I found it to deal with the second attack that Dio and others may launch.

"However, it's really boring here. I want to accompany Master [Jie Lu] to do business. I haven't eaten the delicious dishes made by Master [Jie Lu] for a long time. The food prepared here is not delicious at all. It's completely incomparable to Master [Jie Lu]'s cooking skills."

"On this point, although I feel sorry for the chef of the Avengers Building, I have to agree with it."

Coming to the room where A Bao and Ye Wen were, Tony raised his eyebrows and agreed with something in one hand.

"This is a snack prepared by [Xie Lu] for you."

For safety reasons, the Avengers did not bring [Xie Lu] to the Avengers Building. Avoid the scene where they fought with the [Holy Master] and sacrificed by [Xie Lu] before.

"Sure enough, Master [Jie Lu] didn't forget me."

There was a burst of cheers in his mouth, A Bao moved his short legs and came to Tony, reached out and took the bag containing the cooking from his hand, opened it and glanced at the steaming buns inside, and looked up again. Tony in front of him had a suspicious look on his round face: "Mr. Stark, have you ever eaten the buns that Master [Jie Lu] prepared for me?"


Looking at Po's thief-proof eyes, Tony couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, trying to suppress his inner emotions, and replied with an angry face.

"Really do not have?"


Turning his head away and no longer looking at Po in front of him, Tony suspects that if he continues to talk to this kid, his anger will definitely flare up again.

Taking a deep breath and repressing his emotions, Tony then looked at Ye Wen on the side and stated his purpose: "Master Ye, I wonder if you know anything about [Ultimate Creatures]..."


"Thank you, Spider-Man."

"You're welcome ma'am, this is what I should do."

Waving his hand to the lady in front of him thanking him in response, the little spider turned to look at the criminal in front of him who was wrapped around the telephone pole with his spider silk, and shook his head: "Hey man, don't struggle anymore, my The spider silk is not able to break free by these actions alone. This kind of specially developed spider silk can lift a heavy object equivalent to about a ton, so instead of struggling here, it is better to think about it. Anyone who gets along with other people after prison..."

Naggingly educating the criminals on the telephone pole, the little spider heard the siren sounding from a distance, and immediately raised his hand and pressed the button of the spider silk transmitter in his palm, and then grabbed it. The tenacious spider silk in his hand swayed suddenly and jumped over the building.

"Well done Peter, another full day."

Hanging on the wall of a high-rise building, the little spider witnessed the scene where the police handcuffed the criminal, and lightly nodded his head, feeling satisfied with the result of successfully hitting the criminal again.

During this period of time, the little spider has been depressed by the biased reports of the "Daily Bugle", although it is not a matter of a day or two that the relationship between the "Daily Bugle" and him has not been dealt with. But as a teenager who became a superhero, Peter's heart is far from being able to ignore these.

Fortunately, with the superhero's career and frequent battles, Peter has grown significantly compared to his fledgling self.

Take a deep breath and re-adjust your emotions.

On the top floor of the building, the little spider turned his head and wanted to continue his work as a superhero, and then at this moment, the spider in the body responded instinctively, and this time the degree of reaction was far greater than any of Peter's past. once.

"So, you're the Spider-Man with extraordinary powers?"

Under the spider's induction, a magnetic voice sounded from behind the little spider.

Controlling his body and jumping back several steps, and pulling a few meters away from the position where the sound appeared, the little spider raised his head and looked at the extremely dangerous presence that the spider sensed, and said with vigilance. :"Who are you?"


"You don't need to know who I am, anyway, in the end, you will end up being a part of my body like the guys before."

Looking at the vigilant little spider in front of him, [Kaz] showed an indifferent expression on his face. He twisted his body, and his tall body was full of power.

Under the reminder of the spider's sense of madness, the little spider moved back a few meters again.

However, no matter how he moved like this, the danger conveyed by the spider sense in his body was not slowing down in the slightest.

"Then, let me see now what kind of abilities you have."

Quietly watching the series of reactions of the little spider in his Kaz] tilted his neck, looked at the thin figure in front of him, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and used a In a eager tone, he said quietly: "I hope my ability this time will not disappoint me too much."

"Ability? Disappointment?"

Although, the whole process of the whole incident cannot be understood from the brief words of [Kaz].

But the little spider still trusts the spider sense in the body that has saved him countless times.

Therefore, feeling the constant reminders coming from his body, Peter looked at the tall [Kaz] in front of him, and without any hesitation, pressed the button of the spider silk launcher in his palm, turned and ran.

"Run? Can you run away?"

Standing on the roof, [Caz] looked at the figure of the little spider turning around and running away, with a playful expression on his face.

The next moment, he raised his arms, and a pair of broad wings immediately deformed.

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