Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 381: break out


Facing the aggressive posture of the [Holy Master], Tony's expression was a little silent.

Of course he didn't have much affection for this stinky boy, A Bao, but his previous interactions made him want to slap this brat.

But let him just let Abao die like this, the first thing he can't pass is the level in Tony's heart.

But if you don't, Pepper...

Glancing at the little pepper in the hand of the [Holy Master], Tony's expression became more hesitant.

As the [Holy Lord] said, this is a choice. It is not an easy thing to give up on anyone, not to mention that one of them is still his closest lover.

Before Stark Industries, during Tony's silence, other Avengers members rushed over.

Looking at the scene in front of the building, they suddenly stopped their expressions, and the expressions on their faces became as solemn as Tony's.

Of course, at the same time, it also contributed a lot of legend.

Through the performance of [Holy Master], he gained a lot of fame. In the antique shop, Li Ran felt that the time was almost up, and immediately started the next scene of the performance.

"Looks like the audience is already there."

Glancing at the avenger in front of him, the [Holy Master] said indifferently.

"However, you seem to be hesitant, Tony."

Looking up at Tony who was silent in front of him, the [Holy Master] couldn't help showing a mocking smile on his face.

"But it doesn't matter, I can give you a little motivation Tony."

While speaking, the [Holy Master] released the palms that he had been holding A Bao and Pepper, and there were still two people who broke free from their hands, their bodies still standing motionless and looking at Tony who was in the air: "I only give you ten seconds to make a decision. After ten seconds, the object that is not protected by you will be regarded as giving up. You should know the power of the [Rabbit Charm], so don't think about what's blocking it. Thought, then make your final choice, Tony, there are only ten seconds left, ten, nine..."

The actions of the [Holy Master] undoubtedly pushed Tony to a desperate situation. Looking at the [Holy Master] who seemed to be counting down without the slightest emotion, the hesitant expression on Tony's face was gradually suppressed.

In the ever-decreasing countdown, he didn't have much time to hesitate at all.

"Stinky boy."


Glancing at the two in front of him, Tony's eyes were full of pain. At this moment, he deeply resented his powerlessness. If his strength was stronger, maybe this kind of thing would not have happened.


Tony was in pain because of the pressing pressure of the [Holy Lord], but Steve on the other side couldn't help but hesitate too much.

Lifting the shield in his hand, he gave the order to save people without hesitation.

Obviously, this Captain America attempted to save the two men threatened by the [Holy Lord] at the last minute.

The actions of Steve and the Avengers members behind him, the [Holy Master] naturally took a look at them, but he was obviously quite confident in his own strength, and he didn't care about the actions of everyone at all, still standing motionless. continue your countdown.


Breaking free from the hand of the [Holy Master], Pepper looked at the avengers who were trying to rescue in front of him and the [Holy Master] beside him, vaguely understanding her current situation, she stopped her footsteps and looked up in the air Tony, who was in pain in Mark47, looked at his bruised steel suit and Tony, who was also bruised immediately, took a deep breath and made a smile that was uglier than suffering, but said firmly: "Save A Bao. ."


In Mark47, Tony heard Pepper's choice, and the painful expression in his eyes was startled. He looked at the woman he loved deeply.

"As for sacrifice, I was already mentally prepared when I knew that you chose to be a superhero. However, A Bao is innocent, he is just a child, he cannot die innocently because he is implicated by us, So save Po, Tony, if you don't do this, even if I survive, I won't forgive you until I die."

After saying all this, Little Pepper seemed to be ready for the final sacrifice. She glanced at Tony for the last time, imprinted his embarrassed expression deep in her heart, and then closed her eyes tightly, ready to go. Ready to die.


Facing Pepper's choice, Tony's expression of pain was even more intense. He gritted his teeth to suppress the pain in his heart, and controlled the steel battle suit on his body to make a final decision along with the endless countdown.

However, at this moment, the [Holy Master] who had been counting down indifferently suddenly stopped.

It turned to look at the little pepper, whose eyes were closed, with a gloomy expression on his face: "You stupid woman, why do you do such unnecessary things, because your self-assured nonsense has greatly reduced my opinion on it. The fun and anticipation of this game..."

Saying that, he turned his head to look at Steve who was only a few steps away from him. Reluctantly made a choice for you, Tony, what a disappointment."

Shaking his head, [Holy Master] swept his gaze over Pepper who was on the side, and immediately stopped on A Bao who was on the side: "Since you all want to save this little devil, then I will..."

The corner of his mouth grinned, [Holy Master] was about to make a move.


Suddenly, there was a violent impact from behind, followed by a pair of thick arms that firmly buckled its body.

"A Bao, run!"

With both arms firmly clasping the [Holy Master] in front of him, [Jie Lu]'s voice crossed the [Holy Master] in front of him and shouted to A Bao, who was still standing ignorant.

"[Jie Lu] Master!"

Hearing the voice of [Jie Lu], A Bao's eyes lit up and blurted out.

"Let's run now."

Grinning his teeth and trapping the [Holy Master] in his arm, [Jie Lu] urged him with almost all his strength.

It's now!

Looking at the [Holy Master] who was firmly grasped by [Xie Lu], a light flashed in Steve's eyes. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and rushed to the nearest Po, waving his shield to hold him firmly. 's protection behind his own.

At the same time, Ah Xing on the other side also turned into an afterimage and appeared beside Xiao Chili, grabbing her shoulders and fighting back.

"Well, it's beyond your own power."

Seeing A Bao and Pepper Pepper being rescued, the [Holy Master] didn't have any panic expression on his face. He looked down at the arm buckled on his body, and his face showed a disdainful sarcasm. In the next instant, the figure appeared in front of [Xie Lu], he looked up at the burly man with a long scar on the left side of his face: "I don't care about you, but that doesn't mean I can let you give it to me. Creating trouble……"

While talking, [Holy Master] glanced around [Xie Lu], and soon saw the steel rod he left not far away.

Its figure swayed for a while, as if it had not left the place, but the steel rod in its hand suddenly appeared in it.

Weighing the steel rod in one hand, the [Holy Master] looked at the [Jie Lu] in front of him with a gloomy tone: "Since you made such a stupid decision, then you must bear the price of this decision, and obediently die for me."

As the voice of the [Holy Lord] fell, the steel rod it held in its hand disappeared.

The next second, the steel rod reappeared, but it still landed on [Xie Lu]'s chest and penetrated straight through.

"[Jie Lu] Master!"

Behind Steve, Po looked at the steel rod that passed through [Xie Lu]'s body, and suddenly let out a heart-wrenching cry.


Looking down at the steel rod that appeared on his chest, [Xie Lu] stretched out his hand to hold it, but in the next second, he knelt down as if he had lost all his strength, and a lot of blood flowed from his mouth. Gushing out, [Xie Lu] raised his head and looked in the direction of A Bao's cry, pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal a reluctant smile, and shouted in a soft voice that couldn't be softer: "A... A Bao... hurry... run. …”

"[Jie Lu] Master!"

"Don't go there!"

Seeing the fallen figure of [Xie Lu], A Bao's cry suddenly became a little louder. He rushed out from behind Steve and ran towards the position of [Xie Lu] without hesitation. .

Looking at Po who rushed out, Steve subconsciously stretched out his arm to stop him.

However, the moment Steve's palm touched Bao's arm, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Because he found that the huge power that came from A Bao was not something he could stop him at all.

Even if his body has been transformed with super soldier serum, he has already surpassed ordinary people.

However, he was still unable to stop A Bao, so he could only watch him rush out in front of him.

"Damn it, kid!"

The development of the whole thing in front of him was changing rapidly. When Tony reacted, [Jie Lu] had been penetrated by the [Holy Lord] with a steel rod, but before the grief in his heart emerged, he saw that it was so easy to be killed by Captain America. The rescued A Bao rushed out again.

Looking at Po who rushed out, Tony without hesitation controlled his steel suit and rushed over.

He couldn't just watch Master Xie Lu sacrifice in vain.

"It came just right!"

Looking at A Bao who was rushing towards him, the [Holy Master] couldn't help showing an unexpected expression on his face. He turned his body to face A Bao who was coming straight towards him, raised his arm and was about to shoot.

However, in the next instant, a huge force (Qi) suddenly emerged from A Bao's body and crashed onto the helpless [Holy Master].

"How come, this power, ah, it's you, bear..."

Under the bombardment of this power, the confident expression on the face of the [Holy Master] immediately changed. The expression on his face first showed surprise and then became distorted. A shout came out of his mouth, but he only had time to say As soon as he came out, his whole body flew out with a bang, falling on the ground and smashing a deep gully, and he didn't move, not knowing his life and death.

"This is?!"

Not only the [Holy Master], but next to Natasha, A Xing who rescued Little Pepper also showed a look of surprise on his face.

Noticing Ah Xing's change, Natasha subconsciously frowned, and a guess immediately emerged from her heart.

"Master [Jie Lu], Master [Jie Lu]!"

"You can't die. You promised Bao, and you clearly promised me."

He slammed the [Holy Master] who was blocking his way, but A Bao rushed in front of [Xie Lu] without any pause, watching [Xie Lu], who was constantly pouring out a lot of blood from his body, tears could not be stopped from his eyes. Staying, while crying, stretched out his hand towards the position of [Xie Lu]'s chest, trying in vain to block the blood in his chest.

"A Bao... I'm sorry... I seem to be breaking my promise this time."

Reluctantly raised his arm and touched A Bao's little face, [Xie Lu] replied with an extremely weak voice.

"No, Master [Jie Lu], you haven't taught Bao how to make golden ratio sauerkraut, Bao still wants to eat more of your cooking..."

"I'm sorry, Bao..."

He murmured his last apology in an untraceable voice, and then [Xie Lu]'s arm on A Bao's face loosened and fell.

"[Jie Lu] Master!"


After flying to A Bao one step later, Tony looked at [Xie Lu] who was lying on the ground and pinched his palm subconsciously, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Tony's feelings for [Xie Lu] are also very deep. When he was the most frustrated, when he was the closest to death, he talked with [Xie Lu] in front of the food truck, and relieved his pain through the dishes made by the other party. . It is precisely because of this that he is very clear that the [Xie Lu] in front of him is cold on the outside, but extremely warm on the inside.

Taking a step, he came to Tony's side, and Steve patted his shoulder under the steel suit to comfort him a little.

For [Xie Lu], although Steve has no deep relationship, he is also no stranger to it.

Also know the relationship between Tony and each other.

After the Great War in New York, the first restaurant Tony took with the Avengers was the food truck he remodeled for the other party.

Feel the comfort from Captain America by his took a deep breath and suppressed his inner sadness. He stepped in front of [Xie Lu], reached out and grabbed the steel rod that penetrated his chest, then he gritted his teeth and pulled the steel rod out. With Tony's action, more blood emerged from [Xie Lu]'s chest , and at the same time the whole body collapsed.

"[Jie Lu] Master! You can't leave Po..."

Seeing the fallen [Jie Lu] A Bao's cry became a little louder.

More tears fell on [Xie Lu]'s body.

Before Stark Industries, affected by the sad atmosphere, everyone fell into silence.

However, A Bao's tears continued to flow down on the body of [Xie Lu], and [Xie Lu], who was originally motionless and pale, gradually had a slight change.

"No, just look at it..."

And this slight change naturally fell into the eyes of A Xing who was prepared.

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