Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 366: sad little spider

The latest website: "Reverse Lightning?!"

In the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the big wave of legends contributed by the little spider on the data panel, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Reverse lightning or something is naturally just a nonsense title for him.

Barry Allen, the self-proclaimed fastest man who can always be beaten easily, is still busy saving his world in the universe.

[Rabbit Charm] Li Ran has never drawn it from the system. In fact, the only charm he has drawn from the treasure chest from the beginning to the end is the one that appeared at the beginning, which is said to be the most critical, but the ability is the least. A powerful [Tiger Charm].

The rest, like the [Dog Spell] or [Dragon Spell] that appeared before the so-called "Rat Spell" that the Avengers and the resurrected 'Red Skull' exhibit competed for, or, at the moment, wearing Barry · The [Rabbit Charm] displayed by the name Allen was actually faked by Li Ran using the abilities of other character cards drawn by his clone through the system.

Although he didn't draw the [Rabbit Charm], he happened to have a card representing speed in his hand.

[Polusalino], who is a natural-type "Sparkling Fruit" person in the world of "One Piece", has mastered the speed of light, although purely from the level of speed, [Polusalino] is also known as Kizaru Compared with the speed of the real Rabbit Charm, the power is slightly inferior.

After all, according to the setting of the [Rabbit Charm] in the Twelve Charms of the [Holy Master], the magic of the [Rabbit Charm] is a power that exceeds the speed of light in the true sense, and it can generate space-time cracks beyond the speed of light when the speed is increased to a certain extent. Allows the bearer to travel through time.

Compared with this, although the yellow monkey with the ability of "flickering fruit" is fast enough in terms of speed, because of the limitation of the fruit ability itself, even if it is increased to the highest speed, it is only the speed of light. It is impossible to achieve the exaggerated degree of exceeding the speed of light or even exceeding time like the [Rabbit Charm].

Of course, no matter whether it is the speed of light or the discussion of the speed of light, it does not hinder the power of the card [Polusalino] in Li Ran's hand. After all, as a natural-type "flashing fruit" ability, speed is only one of the fruit abilities shown by the yellow monkey.

What's more, in the current situation, the clone inverse lightning does not need to show the power beyond the speed of light described by the [Rabbit Charm].

All he needs to do is show that he is faster than the Avengers in front of him.

"Then tell me little one."

Using Barry Allen's mouth, he threw out his inverse lightning and the identity of the subordinate of the [Holy Master], and the clone looked up at the little spider who was still in shock, then turned his head and asked, "[Rat Charm] Where?"

"I'm not a little guy, my name is Spider-Man."

Hearing Barry Allen's voice, Peter gradually came back to his senses, subconsciously corrected the other person's somewhat contemptuous name, then took a deep breath, raised his wrist, and turned to the guy who called himself Reverse Lightning in front of him: "Also, I won't let you approach the location of the [Rat Charm]."


Looking at the nervous little spider in front of him, Barry Allen shook his head gently and sighed, the expression under the mask seemed a little helpless: "You don't seem to understand, the gap between you and me..."

As Barry Allen's voice fell, the spider sense in Peter's body suddenly issued a warning, but the little spider himself only had time to tighten his heart, and then the palm of his hand was loosened, and he saw Barry Allen's hand on the opposite side. A device that is quite familiar to him has appeared.

"This is! When?"

Staring at the spider silk launcher that appeared in Barry Allen's hands, a look of shock that could not be concealed suddenly appeared on Little Spider's face under the mask.

Just now, under the reminder of Spider Sense, he only felt the figure of Barry Allen swaying slightly, but he didn't expect that in this time without even a second, the other party had already tied his wrist. The spider silk launcher was taken off.

"Is this the weapon you intend to use against me?"

Ignoring Little Spider's surprised appearance, Barry Allen glanced down at the spider silk launcher in his hand, tilted his head and then his hands turned into an afterimage. Under Little Spider's gaze, he disassembled the device into small pieces. Then put it back together again.

"I thought it would be an amazing weapon, but it turned out to be just a little toy with nothing new."

Using this operation, he successfully brushed another reputation from the little spider. Barry Allen, who appeared as a reverse lightning avatar, pouted the corners of his mouth, and then put on a boring expression and threw the device away, turning his head to look. To the little spider in front of him: "Then, tell me now, Spider-Man, where is the [Rat Charm], my patience will be lost as fast as my speed."

Silently looking away from the spider launcher that Barry Allen threw away, the little spider looked at Barry Allen with an impatient expression in front of him, especially the [Rabbit Charm] on the other side's hood stopped for a while, what just happened Everything has clearly proved that this guy who calls himself Reverse Lightning does have a speed that is unmatched by him. At such a speed, he has no reaction time at all.

In such a situation, Peter's most sensible way is to tell the other party the direction of the [Rat Charm], but...

Looking down at the uniform on his body, remembering what Uncle Ben told him before he died, the hesitant expression in Peter's eyes became firm again, he took a deep breath and then answered firmly: "You can never know from my mouth. A little bit of information about the [Rat Charm]."

"So, why are there always people who don't take their chances when I'm still talking."

In the face of the little spider's reaction, Barry Allen slowly put his crooked head upright again, and the one under the mask gradually became colder: "You must try to provoke me, will you be willing, Spider-Man, Now that you have made a decision, then bear the consequences of that decision. Fortunately, I have always been very kind to the enemy, so even the punishment does not last too long, this process , it only takes a moment to…”

"...It's over, so bear with me a little, Spider-Man."

In front of him, the words in Barry Allen's mouth were not over yet. The next moment, the little spider heard the other party's next voice behind him.

Facing the figure coming from behind, Peter turned his head hard to see Barry Allen's figure, but the dense fists had already fallen at him like raindrops.

bang, bang, bang—

Because the identity of the clone at the moment is the reverse lightning Barry Allen with the power of the [Rabbit Charm], Li Ran did not completely burst out the power of the "flashing fruit", but just used the speed of the fruit's ability to maintain the supersonic level. As the performance of the clone's ability, it is combined with the basic strength of ordinary people to attack the little spider.

After all, Li Ran's purpose for bringing Barry Allen to the stage was just to **** the so-called [Rat Charm] as a subordinate of the [Holy Master] to gain fame, not to kill Peter completely.

Using the speed of "Sparkling Fruit" to fight around the little spider in a circle, although the power shown by Barry Allen at this moment is not enough to kill Peter. However, the pain caused by this punch still fell on Little Spider's face.

Gritting his teeth, under the attack from Reverse Lightning Barry Allen, Peter tried to move his body to make a counterattack against Barry Allen. However, the difference in speed clearly told the little spider , his so-called counterattack could not have any effect at all.

"You're more durable than I thought."

The attacks from Reverse Lightning Barry Allen kept falling on him, and under the continuous attack, even Peter, whose physical fitness surpassed ordinary people, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He shook his body and listened to him. With the sounds coming from all directions, Peter's expression under the mask gradually began to become dazed.

"However, it seems that you have reached your limit."

Stopping his fists, Barry Allen looked at the crumbling little spider in front of him and asked again: "So, now, I will give you one last chance to tell me the direction of the [Rat Charm]..."

"I... already said... absolutely... absolutely... will not tell you... the inquiry of the [rat spell]... the information..."

Even if it was shaky and at the end of the arrow, the little spider's tone was still quite firm.

The little spider's performance was very brave, but Li Ran was very helpless in the antique shop.

To be honest, the purpose of arranging the meeting between Barry Allen and Little Spider was just to get a little bit of information, and then ran to the other Avengers members to get a wave of fame. The location of the [Rat Charm] is just an excuse to appear as a clone. After all, if we really want to talk about the location of the spell, the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] is in his hands from beginning to end.

It's just, I didn't expect that the little spider was so tough.

He was just unwilling to reveal the slightest information about the [Rat Charm], which made the current situation of the clone quite helpless.

Well, since the little spider was unwilling to speak, Li Ran had no other way but to do it himself and play in the opposite direction.

"never mind."

With a pouting expression, Barry Allen looked at Peter in front of him: "Since you are obsessed, then I have no other way, anyway, finding the location of the [Rat Charm] will only cost me a little more. It’s only time, the fact that the Statue of Liberty is still on Liberty Island just shows that the location of the spell is likely to still be on this small island.”


Hearing Barry Allen's guess, Little Spider subconsciously fell silent.

"Looks like I was right."

Having been paying attention to Little Spider's expression, and seeing his silent attitude, Barry Allen hurriedly twitched the corners of his mouth and made a decision.

"Since the location of the spell has been determined." With a smile on his face, Barry Allen looked up at the little spider in front of him: "Then, you have no other use to me, in order to repay you The time wasted under my hard work, I won't keep my hands on the next fist."

The clone's words fell, and in the next instant, it used the power of "Sparkling Fruit" to turn into a light-speed afterimage that was difficult to see with the naked eye and rushed towards the little spider in front of him.

In a hurry, Barry Allen raised his fist and was about to send the little spider to a smooth end.

On the opposite side, Peter, who had been passively beaten and was already crumbling since just now, suddenly propped up his body. At this moment, he avoided Barry Allen's fist like a prophet, and dexterously turned over and jumped to the side.


Successfully dodging Barry Allen's rapidly approaching fist, Little Spider staggered and quickly stood up, looking down at where he was at the moment, the face under the mask couldn't help but murmured to himself. voice of speech.

Actually escaped?

Inside the antique store, Li Ran looked at the little spider who had successfully evaded the breakup attack, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Although, because of the intention to close the hand, the attack speed of Barry Allen's breakup only maintains the level of the speed of sound, not even the supersonic speed, but this is also an extremely fast speed, far exceeding the speed of human beings or even just Peter's reaction time.

However, it was just such a rapid attack, but he was just beaten down a few minutes ago. At this moment, it can be said that Peter, who was at the end of the shot, avoided the past.

For a moment, Li Ran wondered if the little spider had suddenly opened However, thinking of one of Peter's special abilities as Spider-Man, Li Ran immediately reacted.

Although the little spider didn't hang up, his ability was, in a sense, a kind of hang.

In the antique shop, Li Ran, who is the main body, already knows the reason why the little spider can avoid the attack. However, on Liberty Island, Reverse Lightning Barry Allen still had to make a surprised expression. He looked at the little spider who avoided his attack and spoke in disbelief.

"Impossible! How can you dodge my attack."

"Nothing is impossible."

Hearing Barry Allen's voice, the little spider rubbed the painful wound on his body, looked up at the unacceptable reverse lightning, and then said: "Since the [Holy Lord]'s [rabbit spell] can make you With superhuman speed, then you should do well, one day your speed is flashed by others, Barry Allen, because although your speed is very fast, it is far from what you call super-lightning So powerful……"

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