Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 354: True and false beauty...

Latest website: Following the direction in which the back of "Bucky" disappeared, Steve had a straight face, unable to see his inner emotions.

The strengthening of the super soldier serum has made his physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people. Even if it is just ordinary acceleration, the speed has reached the level of normal people running with all their strength. The pace also involuntarily became a little faster.

Behind him, Natasha watched Steve's figure getting farther and farther away, and then she gritted her teeth and started to speed up her pace.

It's just, obviously, compared to Captain America with superhuman strength, Natasha, who is a super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., although the physical fitness is already at the top level among normal humans, there is still a big gap from Captain America. , so as Steve continued to accelerate, she could only gradually watch the other person's figure move away from her field of vision.

Frowning, he looked at Steve's disappearing figure.

Natasha stopped her steps, took a breath to adjust her breath, and then turned her eyes back to the international airport behind her.

Unaware of Natasha's situation behind him, Steve quickened his pace, ignoring the complaining and cursing of the pedestrians who were hit by him.

In the end, at a position more than three kilometers away from the airport, the fleeting figure outside the airport was found again.

As the figure reappeared, Steve couldn't help but blurted out "Bucky!"

However, as soon as the words were spoken, Steve realized that he had made a big mistake.

From the previous contacts, it can be clearly seen that Bucky has a deep hostility towards him under the brainwashing of the Hydra, and he speaks so rashly, it is undoubtedly a kind of slap in the face, and it is even very likely to make Pakistan Kee escaped again.

Thinking of this, Steve's face showed a look of remorse.


However, Captain America was unexpected.

As his cry fell, Bucky, who was not far away, did not escape as expected.

Instead, he turned around and looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Great, Bucky, you finally remembered it!"

Looking at the familiar short-haired face in front of him and the name that came out of the other party's mouth, for a moment, indescribable complex emotions emerged in Steve's heart. He opened his mouth a little excitedly, and tried to suppress his inner feelings. Excited "I knew, you will definitely recover, definitely!"

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down a bit, Steve looked at Bucky who looked exactly the same as in his last memory. "I'm so happy to see you again, Bucky, I thought I would never be able to meet you again. See you."

"What are you talking about, Steve."

Looking at Steve who was emotional and even a little out of control in front of him, the puzzled expression on "Bucky"'s face was a little deeper. "We haven't just separated for a long time."

"Not long after the separation?"

Hearing "Bucky"'s answer, the expression on Steve's face changed subconsciously, but he quickly thought that "Bucky" might have lost the concept of time under the brainwashing of Hydra. The memory may only stay at the moment of their last mission, so he was silent for a while, and Steve immediately opened his mouth and planned to tell "Bucky" the situation at the moment in the simplest way "In fact, Bucky, World War II is over. , do you remember the last mission we did? In that mission you fell off the train and we all had you sacrificed, but apparently that wasn't the case, the Hydra found you and took you arm..."

Speaking of Hydra's transformation of "Bucky", Steve's eyes subconsciously looked towards the other party's metal arm.

However, immediately after, the scene that appeared in front of Steve made the words in Captain America's mouth pause.

Contrary to what he had expected, the arm of "Bucky" in front of him was not the black metal deformed arm he had seen before, but an arm that looked normal in color.

"how so?"

The unimaginable scene in front of him silenced the expression on Steve's face.

He muttered to himself, raised his head and looked at the "Bucky" in front of him seriously, and finally found the difference between the "Bucky" in front of him and the one he had fought against before.

Although it has the same appearance, the "Bucky" in front of him looks younger, and the temperament of the whole person is more sunny than the Bucky brainwashed by the Hydra that he saw before. It looks more like The way Steve remembers the old Bucky should be.

"Wait a minute, what does it look like in memory?!"

The expression on his face changed, and Steve looked at the familiar and unfamiliar "Bucky" in front of him, thinking of what Tony had told him before, and a vague guess formed in his mind.

"Maybe, the 'Bucky' in front of me is just..."

The speculation in Steve's head just came to the fore.

At this moment, bursts of roars came, interrupting Steve's thinking.

Immediately after his gaze, he saw another "self" who was fully pretending to drive a motorcycle quickly.

Bucky "???"

"Steve? Steve!"


"What is all this about?"

Turning his head, he looked at the two Steves who appeared in front of him at the same time.

A look of obvious doubt appeared on "Bucky"'s face.

"Looks like my guess was right."

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the mixed emotions of disappointment and regret in his heart, Steve looked at the Captain America dressed up in front of him with a slightly bitter smile on his face.

"Sure enough, is it caused by the power of the spell?"

"It was a pleasant surprise."

With the appearance of another Captain America, Steve has clearly understood that both "Bucky" and the "self" in front of him are exhibits that have been resurrected under the influence of the power of the spell that Tony said.

Before, because of a certain need, Steve had sneaked into the World War II Memorial Hall of the museum, and at the same time, he had also briefly seen these related exhibits, but he never expected that one day these exhibits would come back to life, and Appear in front of your eyes in this way.


"Here are the whiskers of the black cat and the white cat you want."

Stark Industries, New Energy Building.

Banner touched the painful cat paw prints on his face, and twitched the corners of his mouth and opened his palms, revealing a few clenched cat hairs on his palms.

Although, at the moment when I heard about Tony's arrangement, Banner's heart came up with the idea of ​​turning around and going back to India to continue practicing his yoga.

However, Banner is not a tantrum Hulk after all.

In the case of not being angry, Banner is still quite reliable and easy to talk in terms of professional scientific research and his own personality.

Therefore, although he was quite helpless in his heart, Banner still collected all the cat whiskers that the other party needed according to his father's request.

"Good work, Doctor."

Looking up, looking at Banner, who was covered in cat hair and looked embarrassed, Tony took a few steps back subconsciously.

The process of collecting beard hair is not complicated. With the wealth in Tony's hands, a few cats don't need to spend too much energy at all. It's just that he didn't know that Daddy needed cat whiskers before, but since Dr. Banner came by such a coincidence, he had the idea of ​​not using it for nothing, so he asked the other party to collect it.

"Don't worry, I'm not there yet."

Looking at Tony's regressive steps, Banner obviously misunderstood that the other party was worried about the Hulk in his body, and immediately said, "Although I got angry a few times during the process, I finally maintained my emotions and didn't let the big guy run out."

Banner didn't think that after Hulk ran out, he would obediently pluck the cat's beard.

As far as the other party's rough hands are concerned, it's okay not to pull out the cat's head.

"No, Hulk likes cats, Hulk won't hurt cats!"

Deep down, in the face of Banner's slander, a dull voice sounded in Banner's mind.

"Hulk, become more human."

Hearing the voice echoing in his mind, the expression on Banner's face immediately became serious.

He put away his palm, and the paw prints on his face originally left by the cat's scratches disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In fact, although the current Banner acts rationally in human form, Hulk's impression of him is not completely suppressed in his body.

He could still feel the depths of his heart, Hulk's anger that seemed to erupt all the time, and of course, the impact of Hulk's powerful body on him.

Even if, at the moment, Banner only looks thin and thin.

"You look a little distressed."

Reaching out to take the beard that Banner handed over, Dad took a careful look and confirmed that these beards really came from the white cat and black cat he needed, so he carefully put it into the prepared box. In the middle, he looked up again at Banner, who always had a bitter expression in front of him, and then asked.

"Is it because of my body?"

Banner doesn't know much about Dad, because he didn't participate in the previous task, and naturally it is impossible to know Dad's performance in it.

However, listening to Tony explain, the other party seems to be a magician who uses strange magical powers.

Even, even the cat whiskers he collected before, according to the reason given by Tony, is because the other party's magic needs to be used.

Although, Banner didn't know what magic was associated with the cat's beard.

However, after hearing his father's words, he pointed out his own problem, and Banner couldn't help but ask, "Can you see the problem with my body?"


He succeeded in arousing Banner's interest, but Dad's face still had a knowing expression, he pushed his glasses lightly, and said with a certain expression, "Before learning magic, Dad, I once opened an antique shop, no matter whether it is antiques or people, I can't escape the eyes of my father."

Saying that, Dad touched his chin and circled around Banner in front of him for several times. During this period, he leaned forward and stretched out his hand to pull the other's cheek. Then he nodded and said, "Sure enough, your body is hidden. There is an extremely terrifying and terrifying force. Although I cannot see the appearance of this force, I can feel the anger hidden in this force. This is a very terrifying force, even my father and I. After living for so long, it is one of the most powerful forces that I have seen, although you have worked hard to suppress this force, but obviously, it is not as smooth as you imagined."

"Even, it won't take too long, the power of this anger will break out completely, when you want to continue to suppress it as before, it will not be as simple as it is now, or even very It may no longer be suppressed. This force is like a huge spring, and the longer you suppress it in your heart, the more power it will burst out."

Dad's remarks are analogous, but Banner clearly understood that what the other party said was the Hulk in his body.

Hearing Dad's description of his internal body condition, the expression on Banner's face changed slightly.

In fact, as Dad said, although he has been working hard to learn yoga and various methods to stabilize his inner emotions, Banner can obviously feel that in his heart, Hulk His anger is constantly accumulating, and occasionally, in his sleep, Banner will dream that he wakes up and turns into a Hulk and can never return to his human form.

Because of this deep inner fear, Banner tried hard to find a way to suppress or even eliminate the Hulk in his body.

Of course, it is precisely because of Banner's fear of Hulk and the idea of ​​​​that he wants to disappear, the anger of Hulk in the body is growing more and more.

All this seems to be a vicious circle. Banner is trying to make it disappear because he is afraid of the power of Hulk, and Hulk is getting more and more angry and even out of control because of this idea of ​​Banner.

Originally, Banner had already made up his mind. The worst plan was to meet Mr. Lan again to see if the other party could once again develop a serum that could solve the Hulk in his body.

However, in the face of his father's words that revealed his own situation.

A new hope suddenly appeared in Banner's Since it is not easy for the power of science to destroy the Hulk in his body, what about the power of magic?

Can I use the power of magic to make Hulk...

Before, Banner didn't think of this because he hadn't been exposed to any magical power. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to link Hulk's problems to magic.

However, just now, Dad pointed out the situation of his body.

Let Banner begin to have some trust in his father. Anyway, his current situation is bad enough. Is there any possibility of worse than this.

With this thought in mind, Banner took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. Looking at the skinny old man in front of him, he inexplicably felt that the other party looked extraordinarily tall under his gaze. "Perhaps, you can solve me. The way the Hulk inside the body?"


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