Latest URL: "Thanks, Spider-Man!"

"You're welcome, ma'am."

Raising his hand and shooting out a tough spider silk, Peter turned his head and waved at the woman behind him. He turned his head and swept over the criminal who had been wrapped in spider silk on a bypass lamp. He smiled and replied, "This is what I should do. made."

After speaking, Peter followed the woman's thanks, and immediately disappeared between the high-rise buildings in New York.

"Well done, Spider-Man."

With the help of the spider web catapult on his wrist, Peter dexterously shuttled between the towering buildings.

Beneath the mask, there was an unconcealed smile on his still green face.

After all, he is still only a half-year-old child. The reason for becoming a superhero is of course Uncle Ben, but there is also a teenager's pushy feeling in it. Having successfully prevented a crime and punished the wicked, Little Spider's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment, and even the depressing emotions he had previously been depressed by the prejudiced reports of the "Clarion Daily" were relieved to some extent.

Controlling the spider silk in his hand to change direction skillfully in mid-air. During this period of time, as he became more proficient in using the abilities brought about by the mutation in his body, Peter found that he had both strength and jumping ability. Subtle improvements, some actions that were difficult to do in the past, can now be easily performed.

He is constantly getting stronger, this is the most personal feeling Peter has when he travels between high-rise buildings in New York every day.

"Well, what is that?"

Swinging spider silk through a dense group of tall buildings, the strange scene in front of the museum in the distance caught the little spider's attention.

Released the spider silk in his hand and turned around deftly. Peter landed on the street lamp on the side of the road accurately. With his superhuman dynamic vision, the spider silk followed the sneaky figure wandering in front of the museum in the distance. A strange expression appeared on his face.

"In this world, isn't even museums safe?"

Peter is no stranger to the museum in the distance.

In fact, just a few years ago, he had visited this museum under the organization of the school.

Not long ago, there was news of the theft in the museum. The World War II uniform worn by the Captain America model in the museum was stolen by someone.

Yes, the museum in front of you is a memorial museum about World War II.

"Wait a minute, the Captain America model's uniform was stolen?!"

Thinking of the previous theft incident in the museum, Peter looked up at the sneaky figures surrounding the museum, and suddenly felt that he understood something.

"Looks like I've inadvertently found the perpetrator of the previous theft."

There was a look of stunned expression in the eyes under the mask, looking at the sneaky figure who had climbed over the railing outside the museum and started trying to walk in. The little spider raised his hand and launched a spider silk, and without hesitation, he swayed towards the location of the museum.

"It should be here, I can feel the emanation from the museum..."

Standing in front of the museum, the sneaky figure in Peter's eyes pushed the glasses on his face, looked at the building in front of him, and opened his mouth to say something.

"Stealing things is not a good thing..."

At this moment, Peter swayed his spider silk and fell from the air.

His feet were gently bent to relieve the inertia of landing, and the little spider looked up at the figure in front of him, and then said, "...This, old gentleman?"

"Oh, you scared dad."

Looking at the figure that suddenly fell from the sky in front of him, the old man immediately made a surprised expression and patted his chest and said.

"Who are you?"

Raising his hand and pushing the glasses on his face, the old man squinted at the little spider in the strange uniform in front of him, and asked with a blank expression: "Why do you want to dress up like this? Out."

"Sorry, old man, I'm not..."

Faced with his father's rebuke, Peter subconsciously stood up and apologized. However, in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly realized that he was here to stop the crime, so he immediately changed into a fighting stance and raised the spider silk catapult on his wrist at the harmless old man in front of him: "No , I should have come to ask you and tell me old gentleman why you sneaked out of the museum."


Raising his eyebrows, Dad was obviously quite dissatisfied with the so-called sneaking in the mouth of the little spider.

"Dad, when did I sneak around? Dad, I just walked around the museum just to explore the magic in this museum."

"Magic power?"

Hearing the description from his father's mouth, Peter raised his head and glanced at the father who was dressed in ordinary clothes and wearing a yellow pony jacket. He really couldn't associate it with the so-called magic.

After all, in Little Spider's impression, magicians are a group of mysterious beings wearing cloaks and holding staffs.

"Are you questioning what Dad said?"

Although wearing a mask to hide his expression, Dad still easily sensed his suspicion from Peter's tone.

Reaching his hand into his shoulder bag, Dad took out a dry gecko from Peter's vigilant gaze.


Looking at the dry gecko in his father's hand, Peter's heart was suddenly speechless.

The corner of his mouth twitched, he looked at the 'nonsense' old man in front of him, then shook his head and put down his raised wrist: "Okay, old man, this time is not the opening time of the museum, if you want to visit, I suggest you come back during the day..."

Peter considered himself polite enough.

"It seems that it is necessary for Dad to give you a clear understanding of what the power of magic is."

However, it was obvious that the strange old man in front of him did not cooperate with his persuasion. The old man waved the dry gecko in his hand, looked at the little spider dressed in tight clothes in front of him, and began to recite: "The monsters and monsters leave, the monsters and monsters leave..."

Listening to the nagging words in his father's mouth, Peter's heart subconsciously became tense because he couldn't understand it.

After a few seconds, seeing that there was still no difference from the previous spell, the nervousness in Peter's heart dissipated immediately.

He looked at the old man who was waving a dry gecko and dancing in circles in front of him, hesitated for a while, but decided to say: "Old sir, it's not too early now, maybe you should go to rest, magic or something, what are you waiting for? When you have time, you can…”

Before the words in Peter's mouth fell, in the next instant, the green fluorescent light on the dry gecko in Dad's hand immediately stopped his second half of persuasion.

Is it really magic?

However, before Peter could see the power of magic in his father's mouth.

In the next instant, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the museum behind him.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

Accompanied by a slightly familiar shout, under Peter's gaze, the clone [Uncle Long] rushed out of the World War II Museum with a flustered look on his face.

"Dad, you're right, the spell is indeed in this museum."

"I said, never doubt what Dad said!"

Hearing the words of the clone [Uncle Long], Dad took the opportunity to put away the dry gecko in his hand, and said with an expression I knew.

Nodding his head, the old man looked at the clone [Uncle Long] in front of him again, and then asked, "So, Aaron, what about the spell?"

"Mr. Long?"

Looking at [Uncle Long] who ran out of the museum to talk to his father, Peter under the mask showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help but blurt out.

Following the voice of the little spider, the clone [Uncle Long] looked at Peter who was standing beside him, with an unexpected expression on his face: "You are the one from the previous [Tiger Charm], eh?"

"Peter, Mr. Long, I am Peter."

Reaching out to take off the mask on his head, the little spider reminded the clone.

As for the clone [Uncle Long], Peter didn't seem to have any plans to hide his identity. After all, when he was looking for the [Tiger Charm], the other party had already learned his true identity in reality with Mr. Stark.

"I didn't expect you to be here, Peter."

He opened his mouth to reveal a hasty smile, and looked at the little spider that he met unexpectedly in front of him, but the avatar [Uncle Long] did not have the slightest look of joy: "It's just, it seems that the timing of our encounter is obviously a bit bad. a little……"

On this side, Peter was still surprised by the bad meaning of the clone [Uncle Long], and the clone on the other side had turned his head and smiled wryly at his father: "Sorry father, although I found the spell, it seems that the spell is not It's going to be taken by us."

"What do you mean, could it be that the Holy Master appeared?"

In line with the answer of the clone [Uncle Long], the father's face immediately made a puzzled expression.

"The Holy Lord did not appear, but, judging from the current situation, it may be worse than the appearance of the Holy Lord."

The voice of the clone just fell, and in the next second, a lot of noise and glass breaking came from the museum.

"Could it be?!"

Hearing these voices, the expression on Dad's face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Seeing the suddenly dignified expression of the father in front of him, as well as the sudden sound from the museum, Peter's face couldn't help but show a somewhat dazed look.

In fact, from the moment his clone [Uncle Long] came out, Peter already knew that he had made a misunderstanding before.

Judging from the conversation between Mr. Long and the man named Mr. Daddy in front of him, it can basically be confirmed that the other party is not the suspicious person he originally guessed. From their brief conversation with each other, Peter vaguely guessed that all this seemed to be related to the so-called spell.

However, it is obviously not clear to Peter what the specific spell is and what the connection is.

However, it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, because everything that will happen next will help Little Spider figure it out quickly.


At the entrance of the museum, Peter still had a blank expression on his face, but the next moment, the spider sense in his body had already made a frantic reminder.

In the reminder, the sound of heavy footsteps in the museum suddenly sounded, and then, a huge paw appeared outside the museum in Peter's sudden gaze.

"Dinosaur... skeleton?"

Looking up along the huge claws, Peter looked at the dinosaur skeleton with its head sticking out from the museum, and suddenly felt that his head was not enough.

Why do dinosaur skeletons in museums suddenly come alive?

Also, why is there a dinosaur skeleton in a World War II memorial museum?

Turning his head stiffly, as a qualified tool clone, [Uncle Long] obviously completed the task assigned by the main body. And, acting as his role as an explanation: "I found the spell according to the method you said, Dad, but the location where the spell was stored was installed with a mechanism. If I was not careful, I..."

"Dad, I don't know if you have any way to stop the spell magic, just like you did in the past."

"Aaron, there is only one way for Dad."

In the face of [Uncle Long]'s inquiry, the old man put away the dry gecko in his hand calmly, and then ran behind him without hesitation: "That is to run away!"


At the moment when the father's voice fell, the dinosaur skeleton that had been quietly looking at a few people also responded immediately. It moved its huge claws and smashed the narrow entrance of the museum, opened its mouth and let out a silent roar, and then faced in front of it. The ants launched a hunt.

Even though it has been asleep for tens of thousands of years, and only bones are left, the predatory instinct inscribed in the depths of the bones still affects the bones of the resurrected dinosaurs.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

While taking eight figure steps to avoid the pursuit of dinosaurs, he shouted loudly.

The clone [Uncle Long] turned his head to look at the dinosaur skeleton that was chasing after him, and couldn't help but asked the old man in the distance, "Don't you have a way to quiet this dinosaur?"

"Do you think Daddy is always ready to subdue the magic of dinosaurs anytime, anywhere?"

Sticking his head out of the bushes, the old man looked at the clone [Uncle Long] who was being chased by the dinosaurs, and replied loudly: "The reason why this scene appears is entirely the result of your carelessness. Now The power of the spell has already appeared in the museum, and if the spell cannot be found, the power of the spell will continue to spread, and it will not be as simple as just resurrecting a dinosaur skeleton."

"Be careful, Mr. Long!"

Outside the museum, Peter blurted out when he saw the clone being chased by the dinosaur skeleton.

Seeing the dinosaur with a long and sharp mouth biting towards the clone [Uncle Long], the spider did not hesitate to launch the spider silk from his wrist and stick to the head of the dinosaur.

In the next instant, the huge force from the other end of the spider silk made Peter's body tense looked down at the taut spider silk in his hand, from the other end of the spider silk. The huge power that came from directly dragged his feet to draw two long ravines on the ground.

It can be seen that even if there is only one skeleton left, the power of the resurrected dinosaur is still strong.

Even Spider-Man, who has many times more than ordinary people, can't resist the power transmitted from the dinosaur skeleton.

"Dragon... Mr.... hurry up..."

While preventing the dinosaur head from biting [Uncle Long], Peter gritted his teeth and shouted.


Outside the museum, when Peter pulled the dinosaur's head with all his strength and rescued the clone [Uncle Long].

Accompanied by a rapid burst of air.

Inside the museum, a red, white and blue circular shield suddenly flew out of it and flew towards the unsuspecting little spider.

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