He stretched out his blood and scarred palms.

Okoye looked at the ring on his wrist, struggling to give a final reminder.

"Long time no see, Okoye..."

However, at this time, there was a hoarse voice.

A thin palm appeared, grabbing the mechanical ring on her wrist with a little force, and the sturdy ring was instantly crushed into two pieces.

Reluctantly suppressing her inner shock, Okoye turned her head with difficulty to look at the owner of the voice, and in a trance, an old and thin face appeared in front of her eyes.

"Chang Amir?!"

Opening his weak eyes, Okoye's mouth made an unbelievable sound.

She is no stranger to Chang Amir. As a philosopher once in Wakanda and a mentor to the king's royal family, however, he once enjoyed a very high status in Wakanda, if not for the idea of ​​anti-monarchy, Sentenced to exile for angering the royal family and the Elder Tribal Council.

Although Okoye was only a girl when Chang Amir was exiled, he was still deeply impressed by that incident.

However, she did not expect that the person who launched the attack on Wakanda this time would be Chang Amir, who was once exiled.

"I see, no wonder these guys know the delivery channel of Zhenjin, it turns out that everything is you, Chang Emir, but why, why did you do this, although the king expelled you, he did not take you out for offense Execution, why are you still..."

In an instant, Okoye understood.

It turns out that the previous vibrating gold theft incident was not because there was an inner ghost in Wakanda, but was informed by Chang Emir, a person who knew very well in the past.

As a mentor to the former royal family, Chang Amir knew a lot of secrets, including Okoye, the captain of the Guards.

"You seem to have grown a lot."

Facing Okoye's questioning, Chang Amir did not deny it. He looked at the female warrior in front of him and said lightly, "When I first saw you, you were just a little girl who didn't understand anything. ."

"It was the king who gave me the opportunity, and Wakanda trained me to become a powerful warrior. So, I have always been in awe of the king, not like you, Chang Amir..."

"This is the difference between me and you, Okoye." Facing the female warrior's questioning and rebuttal, Chang Amir stood up slowly, and a large number of scarabs gathered behind him to form a dense black insect mist: " You can only obey, you chose to submit under the so-called monarchy of Tchaka, and I objected, but I was too stupid in the past to think that all this can be changed with a simple proposal, obviously the past I was a little too naive. During the time I was in exile, I came to my senses that wanting to change everything is not feasible with pure ideas alone. Only power, a powerful and unstoppable force, can change everything. The only way."

"Therefore, I brought this unparalleled power..."

Following Chang Emir's words, the many scarab beetles behind him condensed into a huge pitch-black fist, controlling this fist to aim at Okoye, Chang Emir said in an almost cold tone: "Come to Tchaka. Prove how wrong his decision was."

"Do not."

Facing the huge fist controlled by Chang Emir, Okoye moved his wounded palm and grabbed the Zhenjin spear beside him, pointed it at his fist, and replied with a strong expression: "The facts have proved that the king's It's the right thing to do, all you've brought to Wakanda is destruction."


Okoye's appearance caused Chang Amir's turbid eyes to flicker slightly.

However, this change of his was soon suppressed again. Looking at this female warrior who did not flinch at all, Chang Amir shook his head and said with some regrets but coldly: "It's a pity, Okoye, It seems that you can't see the scene of me killing T'Chaka, but it doesn't matter, I will send him down to accompany you soon."

As Chang Amir's voice fell, the fist condensed by the scarabs on his body made a huge whistling sound, and smashed towards Okoye, who was lying on the ground.

The distorted appearance of the scarab was reflected in the dark pupils, Okoye clenched the spear in his hand, but the young face of Prince T'Challa couldn't help but emerge in his mind.

Sorry, T'Challa, I can no longer offer my loyalty to you.


Seeing that, under Chang Amir's control, the fists condensed by many scarabs were about to fall on Okoye.

With a rapid air breaking sound, a dark figure appeared in front of Okoye, and without hesitation, he raised his sharp claws to block in front of him.


The fist condensed by the scarab fell on the dark figure, but this terrifying force that even Wakanda's powerful energy shield could easily break through, fell on the figure but had no effect at all, instead it was shocked by the huge force Below, the scarabs that gathered together were scattered and separated.

"Black Panther!"

He stared at the dark figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

There was no trace of panic on Chang Emil's face. In other words, the purpose of his trip was the person in front of him. Looking at the dark figure in front of Okoye, Chang Emil said in a hoarse voice: "No, Or should I call you, Lord T'Chaka."

That's right, T'Chaka is not only the ruler of Wakanda, but also the most powerful guardian force in this kingdom - the Black Panther.

With the special battle uniform made of vibrating gold on his body, Tchaka has the powerful ability to absorb kinetic energy evenly while being invulnerable. Under the circumstances, Wakanda can still be protected from harm.

Of course, there is a certain limit to this kind of protection, especially the temptation of a super metal like vibranium to the outside world is beyond imagination.

It is precisely for this reason that Tchaka chose to make Wakanda an isolated existence as a last resort.

This is to reduce the outside world's peeping eyes on Wakanda.

In fact, it was Tchaka's decision that led to the opposition of Chang Amir, who was the royal tutor, thinking that the decision made by King Tchaka was likely to bring unforeseen dangers to Wakanda. The subsequent exiles occurred only when questions were raised about the rule of the Wakanda royal family.

"Chang Amir."

Turning his head and looking at Okoye behind him, T'Chaka retracted his gaze and looked at the more skinny and hunched figure in front of him than he had imagined. A complex emotion appeared on his face under the mask of the black panther.

For Chang Amir, Tchaka's emotions are a bit complicated.

As a former royal tutor and philosopher of Wakanda, Chang Amir has put forward many advanced ideas. Even, there was a time when they got along very well with each other.

However, all this has changed with the radical ideas proposed by Chang Emir.

Perhaps, Chang Amir's idea of ​​the concept was not aimed at Tchaka or the royal family. However, no matter what the original intention was, the impact of the last event forced T'Chaka to make a decision, and finally, under the joint resolution of the Elder Tribal Council, he was punished by exile.

Originally, Tchaka thought that from now on, he would never see Chang Amir again.

Unexpectedly, now, in this situation, they will meet each other again.

"I didn't expect that the great King Tchaka would still remember such a humble and stupid sinner."

Looking at the black panther wrapped in uniform in front of him, the scarabs on Chang Amir's body kept surging, proving his inner emotions at the moment.

"I didn't think about it either."

Being able to become the king of Wakanda, Tchaka is obviously not an indecisive existence, so although Chang Amir's appearance surprised him, he quickly restrained his emotions and opened his sharp claws to face him. Chang Emir in front of Quan: "In the end, you actually choose this way to return to Wakanda."

Controlling the scarabs on his body, forming a huge and ferocious face, a distorted face appeared on Chang Emir's thin cheeks: "I came back to prove to you, Tchaka, how wrong your original decision was. !"

As Chang Amir's voice fell, the scarab beetles that emerged surged towards Tchaka, instantly wrapping the black panther in dense insect shadows.

"King Tchaka!"

On the ground, looking at Tchaka, who was wrapped in scarabs, Okoye's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment. She struggled with her body regardless of the pain, trying to rush into the scarabs.

Although he was extremely flustered, his scarred body made Okoye unable to make any violent movements at all. He used his spear to support his body and stood up tremblingly, and Okoye moved his steps with difficulty.

However, before the loyal guard captain rushed forward, the next moment, he saw a dark and vigorous figure breaking out from the dense scarabs.

Zhenjin's powerful defense made T'chaka safe and sound even if he was wrapped in layers of scarabs. He turned his mask and looked at Chang Emir in front of him with pale eyes. T'chaka used his low and majestic eyes The voice replied: "Chang Amir, do you know what a king is, a king is the ruler and leader of a country, his every move, every decision affects the interests of tens of thousands of people in this country, so the king is Can't make mistakes."

As he spoke, T'Chaka raised his hands and stretched out his sharp fingertips, and immediately after landing on his legs, the vibranium additional cushions from the soles of his boots instantly changed his comments. With the huge driving force from his feet, T'Chaka's entire body suddenly jumped into the air, like a real black panther hunting, rushing towards Chang Amir.


In the face of Tchaka's swift blow, the scarab in Chang Amir's body reacted instinctively, and instantly turned into a dense black shield to block it.

Compared with the Black Panther Tchaka, who has undergone countless hard training and has been on the front line for many years, Chang Emir is far from being the opponent of the Black Panther in terms of strength and fighting skills.

However, the powerful strength endowed by the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand completely offset his disadvantage in combat.

With the help of these powerful scarabs, even T'chaka couldn't easily penetrate the defenses laid by Chang Emir.

The scarabs in the control body kept attacking T'Chaka in front of him, Chang Emir looked at T'Chaka who was tired of defense, and a smug smile appeared on his thin face: "Don't waste your efforts, T'Chaka. , even if you have the most powerful power and the top battle uniform in the entire Wakanda, under the power of the scarab, you can't escape the fate of being swallowed. After all, compared to the power I have obtained, what black Leopard, not worth mentioning at all."

As he spoke, Chang Emir opened his arms, and more scarabs emerged from him in the next second. In just a few seconds, the overwhelming scarabs would cover up the moonlight and turn the entire night sky into a It's getting darker, darker.

"Feel this power, T'Chaka, in front of the power I have, the power you are proud to guard Wakanda is nothing at all."

Chang Emir's cold voice sounded under the dark night sky, and then these dense scarabs condensed into a denser insect shadow than before, making a whistling sound stronger than any previous time, forming a roaring black insect mist. To Tchaka in front of him.

bang, bang—

Facing this terrifying and twisted scarab swarm, T'Chaka waved his claws to resist, however, just as Chang Amir said.

The swarm formed by scarabs was beyond his imagination. Although Tchaka was wearing a powerful vibranium uniform, his physical strength was limited. After only resisting a few rounds of attacks, he had already shown a decline. If If the black panther uniform on him was not strong enough in defense, just one round of the scarab's impact would be enough to kill him.

However, even so, if it continues~www.wuxiamtl.com~Tchaka's defeat is only a matter of time.

Seeing that his years of revenge were finally coming to an end, Chang Emir's eyes flashed with excitement, but at this moment, the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand also began to flash red light. Immediately afterwards, the burns that pierced into the soul began to emerge.

"You are courting death. Using so much [Scarab Seal] power will completely kill you!"

In his mind, Immorton's roar sounded again. Along with this angry voice, Chang Emir could clearly feel that his vitality was being continuously extracted, his face became thinner and thinner, and a lot of wrinkles began to appear. His face was full of faces, and in just a few seconds, he seemed to have aged ten years.

However, Chang Emir didn't pay any attention to this. He turned his cloudy eyes and stared at T'chaka in front of him.

For him, all purposes are for revenge.

In order to prove that what Tchaka did back then was a wrong decision for his exile.

In this way, seeing that he can finally complete his revenge, no matter how much the price is, Chang Amir will not hesitate.

However, Chang Emir, who was bent on revenge, obviously forgot where his powerful power came from.

Li Ran used Immorton to let the power of the scarab appear on Chang Amir, not to help him complete the so-called revenge.

Moreover, if T'Chaka died under his hands, it would be difficult for the Black Panther to meet the Avengers in the future, which would also be detrimental to his plan to collect legends in the future.



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