"Look...it looks like you...you...have designed it from the beginning...all of this..."

The numbness that came from not far from his body made the mercenary head and head have no resistance at all. He froze on the ground, looking at Chang Emir's shoes covered with yellow sand and dust, he opened his mouth with difficulty, using a stiff Tongue said intermittently.

"If I have learned anything in your world, it is..."

Leaning over and pulling the dagger out of the stiff palm of the mercenary's head, Emil Chang looked at the stiff-faced white mercenary, and replied in his usual calm tone: "...Always keep more hands ready."

After speaking, Chang Emir ignored the begging gaze of the mercenary head, and without hesitation, swung the dagger across the fragile neck that was powerless to resist.

As a former Wakanda, Chang Amir is not without blood, and the battle between tribes is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

The kind of battle that involves the survival of a group often ends with the demise of a certain tribe.

Using the dagger to deal with the rest of the mercenary team one by one mercilessly, Chang Emir dropped the dagger in his hand and wiped his blood-stained palm. Turning to look at the huge sarcophagus in the pyramid, he shouted respectfully: "Great High Priest, I have completed what you ordered, and now I am the only one left in the entire team, so what will happen next? As you said, the power will be..."

When it comes to power, even the calm eyes that Chang Amir has always maintained has changed a little.

"as you wish!"

Inside the empty pyramid, Chang Amir's voice echoed in it.

After a long time, a majestic roar followed.

As the sound fell, the pattern in the center of the huge sarcophagus of the pyramid suddenly flashed a bright red light.

"Put your hand on the seal of the sarcophagus, my servant~"

Hearing the sound coming from inside the pyramid, Chang Amir's heart throbbing became stronger and stronger. He barely suppressed the throbbing in his heart, lowered his head and respectfully came to the sarcophagus. Looking at the pattern with the eerie red light, he took a deep breath, then stretched out his skinny and dark palm and pressed it against the surface of the sarcophagus.

As Chang Emir's palm was placed, a dazzling red light erupted from the sarcophagus again.

Immediately afterwards, under Chang Amir's gaze, the pattern began to twist and move.

In the next instant, an icy feeling that seemed to freeze the soul continued to spread up from Chang Amir's palm.

At the same time, the insect pattern on the sarcophagus also seemed to have life climbing towards Chang Amir's palm. On the back of the hand, he moved his body to adjust the direction, and finally turned into a dark pattern and branded on the back of Chang Emir's hand.

At the same time, as the pattern was branded on the back of the hand, a sharp pain suddenly emerged.

Under such great pain, Chang Amir couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.



"So, you tell me, Chang Amir?"

Ulysses Crow looked at the black old man with a calm expression in front of him, looked into the other's eyes, and his tone became colder.

He felt that the opponent seemed to have undergone some subtle changes compared to before, but the loss of his experienced mercenary team immediately covered up the strange feeling in his heart.

"You are the only one left to survive the whole operation?!"

"We had an accident."

Facing Ulysses Crow's question, Emil Chang replied calmly.

As far as the facts are concerned, Chang Amir didn't lie. They did encounter an accident. It was a special accident, and he was the only survivor of that accident.


Obviously, Ulysses Crow did not believe the reasons given by Chang Amir.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the black old man, his expression gradually grim: "Then tell me, Chang Amir, what kind of accident was it that could wipe out a mercenary team with rich combat experience, but it was a The feeble old black dog survived!"

Looking down at Ulysses Crow's arm grabbing his neck, Emil Chang said calmly, "Can I think that your description just now is suspected of racial discrimination."

"If you think it is, it is," Ulysses Crow grinned in a mocking smile in the face of Chang Emir's rhetorical question: "In fact, you should be glad, Chang Emir, if it wasn't for you If I still have some use, I already shot you when you told me about the situation, so if you want to save your life, don't play tricks on me, just take the Zhenjin you know The channel told me that maybe I can consider forgetting the loss you brought to me, and let you go..."

"Okay, I know."

Facing Ulysses Crow's answer, Emil Chang nodded calmly.

Seeing his cooperative performance, a smile appeared on Ulysses Crow's originally distorted face.

Ulysses Crow thought that Emil Chang was responding to the words behind him, but in fact, Emil Chang obviously expressed his thoughts on the words in front of him.

As Chang Amir's voice fell, he raised his arm slightly, and the next moment, the pitch-black pattern branded on his palm suddenly flashed a dazzling red light.

Immediately afterwards, Ulysses Crow, who had been holding Chang Amir, suddenly felt a slight tingling in his palm.

He turned his eyes, and immediately saw that he was grasping Chang Amir's collar, and strange black insects began to emerge and climb on his arm.

"Damn, what is this?!"

Looking at the bug that climbed up his arm, the expression on Ulysses Crow's face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously let go and grabbed Chang Amir's palm and shook his arm forcefully in an attempt to knock the bug off. . However, obviously Ulysses Crowe's method did not work. With the help of sharp grappling hooks, these bugs were firmly grasped on Ulysses Crowe's arm, and then they lifted up. His sharp jaw, without hesitation, aimed at the arm he was clinging to and bit down.



Hearing the screams from Ulysses Crow, the mercenaries who were defending around rushed over without hesitation.

However, in the face of these mercenary guards who rushed over, the expression on Chang Amir's face did not change at all. His eyes flashed slightly, and when he raised his hand, in the next instant, countless dark shadows emerged from his body. Out, the mercenaries were wrapped up in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, what the **** is this?!"

"Bugs! Why are there so many bugs!"

"Monster, he can control bugs..."

Feeling the constantly wriggling figure on his body, the mercenary controlled by the package immediately saw that what he was climbing on was a black beetle.

Looking at the beetles crawling on their bodies, even these mercenaries with rich combat experience couldn't help screaming in horror.

The constant loud cries in his ears made Chang Amir's brows wrinkle.

He raised his hand slightly, and the next moment the beetle wrapped around the mercenary covered everyone's mouth.

Hearing the quiet voice in his ears again, Chang Emil nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to look at Ulysses Crow to the side again.

During the period when Chang Amir was using the beetles to control the mercenaries, the beetles that climbed Ulysses Crow's arm did not stop, and they completely devoured Ulysses in just a few seconds. One of Crowe's arm raised his hand to control the beetles to stop their movements and return to their bodies.

Chang Amir looked down at Ulysses Crow who was crying while covering his broken arm, and a cold smile finally appeared on his dark face: "Since you care so much about that accident, now I will treat this accident. show you the results."

Scarab, this is the name of these beetles in Chang Amir, and it is also the power given to him by the great existence sealed in the pyramid. Through the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, he can continuously create scarab creatures like the one in front of him within the range that his body can bear.

As Chang Amir's thoughts turned, the scarab beetles gushing out from his feet cooperated with his will to grab Ulysses Crow who fell on the ground.

Taking a step, looking at Ulysses Crow who was wailing constantly, Chang Emil raised his finger slightly, and in the next instant, two dark scarabs circled around Ulysses Crow's body and climbed onto his head. , stayed at the position of the temples at both ends of his head.

Feeling the slight tingling sensation on his temples, Ulysses Crow stopped his wailing instantly, with a pale face in front of Chang Emir's dark and cold face: "What do you want, money, power, I I can give you everything, as long as you can let me go."

The reason he was tough before was because he thought he had the power to be tough, but just now Chang Emir used his bugs to clearly prove to him that his so-called power was not in the opponent's hands at all. The power of resistance.

In a sense, Ulysses Crow, who was an arms dealer, is a rather rounded being, but obviously his roundness appeared a little late.

"I've already said that I'm not interested in money."

Facing Ulysses Crow's pleading, Chang Amir shook his head indifferently. He looked at Ulysses Crow in front of him and turned his head to scan the servants behind him who were wrapped in scarabs. Soldier: "Actually, I have only one purpose from beginning to end, Wakanda!"

Whether it was selling his soul to gain power, or taking action against Ulysses Crow and everyone in front of him, Chang Amir only wanted to avenge Wakanda who expelled him from beginning to end.


"As long as you promise to let me go, no matter what kind of request, I will agree!"

Covering his severed arm, which was constantly seeping blood, Ulysses Crow nodded in response with a pale face.

Previously, the reason why Emil Chang did not agree was because he was unwilling to waste the fighting power of his precious mercenary squad for the black old man in front of him. After all, for Ulysses Crow, Zhenjin was his main focus. Goals, pointless battles are of no use other than making trouble for themselves.

However, now facing the threat of Chang Amir, Ulysses Crow has no room for hesitation.

After all, with the power that Emir Ichang has shown now, if he doesn't agree, the scarab beetles on both sides of his head may bite his temples in the next second. If he lost his life, what was the point of the wealth he had been so desperately pursuing.

Whether it's Zhenjin or Wakanda, it's not as important as his own life.

"very good."

Hearing Ulysses Crow's reply, Chang Amir nodded with satisfaction. He opened his fingers slightly and then the scarabs that wrapped the mercenary's body moved quickly and returned to his body. .

They came out of the scarab beetles that had wrapped themselves in layers and fell to the ground, and the mercenaries who were dying were gasping for breath, breathing precious air.


Looking at the scarab leaving the mercenary, Ulysses Crow squeezed a stiff smile on his pale face, looked at Chang Amir in front of him, and carefully pointed to the top of his head with his only remaining arm. Scarab: "Did you forget ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I still have a bug here."

"No, I didn't forget."

Facing Ulysses Crow's question, Chang Amir raised his head and glanced at him with his cloudy eyes, and replied meaningfully.

Hearing Chang Amir's answer, Ulysses Crow instantly understood.

Feeling the frightening feeling that kept coming from his head, Ulysses Crowqiang smiled and said, "Actually, you don't need this. There is no possibility of going back on what I promised." Thinking of himself One of his arms was bitten off by these scarab beetles, and now facing this bug that stopped on top of his head, Ulysses Crow only felt that his life was threatened at any time.

"This is just an insurance, an insurance that allows both of us to cooperate with peace of mind."

But I am not at ease.

Regarding Chang Amir's reply, Ulysses Crow silently complained in his heart, but on the surface he did not dare to complain at all.

As said before inside the pyramid, the most important thing Chan Emir learned outside was to keep a hand.

Glancing at Ulysses Crow's pale face in front of him, Chang Amir said coldly, "As for the time when Wakanda is activated, I will inform you when the time comes."


The corners of his mouth twitched. Although Chang Amir said it was a notification, Ulysses Crow knew very well that when a scarab was parked above his head and his life was being controlled by others, the so-called notification was actually an order.



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