The latest website: "It seems that I underestimate you."

It was obviously beyond Alexander's expectations that Natasha and others dared to injure the enemy eight hundred and lose one thousand.

"You underestimate too many things."

In this regard, the expression on Natasha's face did not change at all, and her fingers continued to quickly unlock the security protocol of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You can't do that!"

Looking at Natasha, who had no hesitation, several members of the Security Council couldn't help but speak.

For them, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still a very important organization.

If Natasha is still exposed, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss to the Security Council, and many resolutions in S.H.I.E.L.D. also have the shadow of the Security Council in them. Take, for example, this so-called "Insight Project" at hand.

"As a member of the Security Council, I order you to stop what you are doing."


Facing the order of the Security Council, Natasha glanced at them, but the movements of her hands did not stop at all.

"Sorry, at this time, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation at hand."

Natasha didn't respond to these guys who couldn't grasp the situation, it didn't mean that no one else spoke.

With a low voice, Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD with a bandage in one hand, appeared in the office. He glanced at the people in front of him with his only intact one eye, and replied coldly: "For those who are about to be destroyed. As far as S.H.I.E.L.D. is concerned, the nonsense of you guys has no other effect than annoying people, so if I were you, I would choose to keep my mouth shut.”

The destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. certainly made Nick Fury's mood complicated, but he couldn't help but look at the faces of these annoying Security Councils, which gave Nick Fury a little comfort.

"Nick Fury, do you know what you're doing?!"

"Of course I know."

Nick Fury chose to ignore the angry figure of the Security Council member. He stepped forward to Alexander and looked at this familiar but incomparable face, his breath subconsciously increased a little: "To be honest, Alexander, although I I had foreseen the possibility, but I didn't expect that the person who finally chose to betray would actually be you."

"I don't think what I did was betrayal."

Looking at the dark face in front of him, Alexander replied without changing his expression.

"I just did what I was supposed to do. In fact, I even felt that if you were in my position, you would make the same choice. After all, you are the most rational and unshakable person I know. that person."

"However, we are not in the same position and everything I do is to protect the people."


He also took a step and took a step closer to Nick Fury's position. Alexander looked directly at Nick Fury's one-eyed eye: "People die every day in this world, Nick, your so-called protection is nothing for those people. It's pointless, people are quite forgetful animals, and simply helping them won't make them grateful, they will forget your protection in a blink of an eye, and only fear will make them understand what to do and what not to do. What should be done, as long as two million lives are sacrificed, seven billion lives can be saved, and the whole world will be very different after tomorrow."

In a sense, the so-called purpose of Hydra is actually not much different from that of Thanos.

Of course, Thanos' approach is more radical. Hydra only wants to control the entire earth by eliminating two million people, and Thanos directly wants half of the life of the entire universe.

"The tomorrow you are looking forward to is destined to not come."

Nick Fury responded without hesitation to the crazy goals revealed by Alexander.

Grabbing Alexander's arm, Nick Fury grabbed it straight to the screen in the office.

Lifting the security protocol of SHIELD requires confirmation of the authority of two A-level agents at the same time, including Alexander, who used to be the former director of SHIELD.

"Did you think we wouldn't be prepared?"

Glancing at Ah Xing behind him, Alexander said with a cold expression.

"We already removed your authority within S.H.I.E.L.D. when the attack was launched."

"Of course I knew you would do this, but fortunately I also kept a hand." Nick Fury obviously expected the situation Alexander said, and he opened his blindfold to reveal his other cloudy Eye: "I left another permission record in S.H.I.E.L.D."

By scanning another eyeball of Alexander and Nick Fury, Natasha successfully lifted the SHIELD security protocol.

Looking at the dense information displayed on the screen, Natasha turned her head and glanced at Nick Fury.

"Do as the captain says, Agent."

To Natasha's gaze, Nick Fury answered without hesitation.

"I understand."

Hearing this, Natasha no longer hesitated, and then pressed the confirmation button.

As the button went down, the information of S.H.I.E.L.D. began to be quickly exposed and appeared on the Internet.

"You did a wrong thing, Nick Fury."

Looking at the transmission result displayed on the screen, Alexander's expression changed, and he turned to look at Nick Fury beside him and said.

"No, I'm just reversing the error."

Turning his head to meet Alexander's eyes, Nick Fury still answered firmly.

"Agent Hill, what's the situation on your side?"

After speaking, ignoring Alexander's reaction, Nick Fury immediately questioned Agent Hill who controlled the computer room.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has been exposed according to the original plan, Nick Fury has not forgotten that this is only a small part of their plan this time. The more important one is to replace the template of the aircraft carrier and prevent the implementation of the "Insight Plan" .

"The situation is a little critical, sir..."

In the face of Nick Fury's question, Agent Hill's anxious voice followed: "Captain and Falcon are in trouble."

Nick Fury did not deliberately conceal the communication with Agent Hill, so Alexander, who was standing opposite him, also heard the content of the communication.

He looked at Nick Fury and said calmly: "It seems that your plan is not going well."

Nick Fury: "What did you do?!"

Alexander: "I just mentioned a little bit of preparation."

Agent Hill: "Sir, there is not much time left. If the captain can't put the template into the card slot before the aircraft carrier takes off, the result will be..."

As the time continued to decrease, the expression on Agent Hill's face became more and more anxious.


Hearing Agent Hill's reminder, Nick Fury asked Axing on the side without hesitation.

"give it to me."

Feeling the look of anticipation from Nick Fury, Ah Xing did not hesitate and nodded lightly.

The next moment, the whole person has broken through the glass of the office and flew towards the outside.


bang, bang—

On the aircraft carrier, Steve's situation is not optimistic.

After Dior's transformation and upgrade, Bucky's mechanical arm is significantly stronger.

The deformed sharp blade, although still unable to break the vibranium shield in Captain America's hand, obviously poses a great threat to Steve behind the shield.

In particular, after being brainwashed by Hydra again, Bucky returned to the coldness of the Winter Soldier again.

No matter how Steve shouted, he still launched a rapid attack without hesitation.

On the other hand, Steve was obviously still unable to make up his mind.

Under the situation, he was completely suppressed and beaten by Bucky during the entire battle.


"Captain, there are only three minutes left."

The sharp blade cut through the clothes on his body. Steve looked down at the blood that was vaguely infiltrating his stomach, squeezed the template in his hand, and continued to hear Agent Hill's anxious reminder.


"Damn, can't you arrange a normal opponent for me!"

He raised the laser gun in his hand and shot at the strangely shaped figure in front of him.

Facing the blue ray emitted by the falcon's hand, the figure turned his body and quickly avoided it.

Immediately afterwards, he swooped forward, and the whole person rushed in front of Falcon like a bolt of lightning.

Seeing the figure rushing towards him, the expression on Falcon's face changed, and he quickly controlled the only half of the metal wings left behind him to wave forward. Open the opponent's attack.

poof, poof—

Although he avoided the attack with the help of the broken backpack behind him, this way of evasion was obviously approaching its limit.

The figure's method of tearing off its wings abruptly has obviously caused a certain degree of damage to the flying device behind the falcon, and he forced the device to make an evasive action, making the problem of the already damaged device even more serious.

However, in the current situation, this strange figure on the opposite side is far beyond the capabilities of Falcon in terms of strength and speed.

If there was no device behind it, just that one blow would be enough to kill him.

"Give it up, you are not my opponent at all."

The attack was empty, the figure stood on his body, and finally spoke his first words.

"Brock Rumlow?"

Hearing this voice, Falcon finally connected the figure in front of him with his vague impression.

"I didn't expect you to be from Hydra too."

"Hydra gave me a new life and gave me unparalleled power, and you, without the device behind you, are just a weak ordinary person."

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you dare to show your true colors?"

Stabilizing his breathing, looking at Brock Rumlow in front of him, Falcon pouted and said.

"It's just a small price to pay for power."

Noticing the price Brock Rumlow said, contacting the other party to wrap his body tightly without leaving any part, Falcon's mind suddenly flashed: "Vampire, it seems that you are changing yourself. Become a vampire!"

After confirming the true identity of Brock Rumlow in front of him, the expression on Falcon's face became calm: "I didn't expect that you would dare to fight with me during the day." As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced. The sun on the head, from the previous battle with vampires and the information given by S.H.I.E.L.D., the sun is the most fatal weakness of these vampires.

"Don't compare me to the defective products you encountered before, I am completely different now."

His identity was revealed by the Falcon, but there was no fear in Brock Rumlow's tone.

"I promise you will die at my hands before you are exposed to the sun."

Saying that, without any hesitation, Brock Rumlow raised his foot and stepped heavily on the ground, stepping on a shallow pothole, and the next moment he appeared in front of Falcon.

"Heavenly Buddha came to the world!"


Seeing that, Falcon was about to be hit by Brock Rumlow's attack.

At this moment, a huge golden palm print fell from the air.

It hit Brock Rumlow, who was moving rapidly, without error.

Under Dior's blood, although Brock Rumlow's vampire power has been greatly improved, it is still not enough for "The Palm of the Tathagata".

Without any resistance, Brock Rumlow's entire body was instantly pressed down by Buddha's palm.

Click click!

With a crisp but eerie sound of bones breaking, Brock Rumlow was embedded directly into the ground just like the spider-men in the office before.

[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

"It seems that I came just right."

In midair, looking at Brock Rumlow being pressed down by his palm, Ah Xing put away his palm, the expression on his face as if he had done a trivial thing.

"Ah Xing, the captain is on the aircraft carrier over there."

He lowered his head and glanced at Brock Rumlow, who was twisted into an abstract painting. The corner of Falcon's mouth twitched, but he quickly remembered Steve who was still on the aircraft carrier, and hurriedly opened his mouth to face the floating man in the air. Axing said.

Hearing Falcon's reminder, Ah Xing nodded and turned to look at the location where the aircraft carrier was about to fly.

Suddenly, the sound from the ground made his flying movements pause.

"Hey, not dead yet?!"

Looking back, he looked at Brock Rumlow, who was still supporting his body under the palm print and began to appear healed.

A Xing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, with a surprised expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his palm, and a note of "Tathagata's Palm" fell towards Brock Rumlow's position again.

"Welcome to the West!"


Under the golden Buddha's light, Brock Rumlow's body that finally stood up was pressed down by the Buddha's palm again, and at the same time, the original palm print hole on the ground was a little deeper again.

Falling into the huge pothole made by A Xing, Brock Rumlow was covered in blood in the Hydra's special uniform.

Before, he was glad that Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm" didn't destroy the clothes wrapped around him, but now, obviously there is no such thought.

In the Brock Rumlow bent his fingers with difficulty.

"The Buddha asked Jialan!"

In the next second, the Buddha's palm turned into a Buddha's light fell again.

"Golden Dome Buddha Lamp!"

Immediately afterwards, as if worried that his strength was not enough, Ah Xing made up for it again in midair.

Standing not far from Brock Rumlow, Falcon looked at the huge pothole that appeared on the ground under the attack of Axing, and at the same time felt the huge vibration from the ground, and the completely driven into the ground. Brock Rumlow, even as an enemy, he couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy that he shouldn't have.

[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]

However, before Falcon could turn his sympathy into a more concrete expression, the next second, Brock Rumlow was turned into a pile of coke when exposed to the sun because his uniform was broken.

Falcon: "..."

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