Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 323: upgrade

Latest URL: "Looks like you're planning something dangerous?"

Looking at Alexander with a silent expression in front of him.

Dio twitched the corners of his mouth.

There is a smile that is not a smile on the handsome and beautiful face: "But it doesn't matter, in the face of absolute power, all plans are useless. This is the most obvious after I met Jiuyou. So I don't care about your so-called plan, even if the goal of this plan includes me... as long as you can bear the consequences of failure."

As Dio's voice fell, a little sweat appeared on Alexander's forehead.

Facing the pair of scarlet and bewitching eyes in front of him, the person in charge of Hydra bent his mouth and showed a reluctant smile: "Hydra has no plans for you."

"As I said, it doesn't matter if there is, for me, Hydra is the weaker party, but in the eyes of other people, I am not the same, and that's why I need to be a 'God' as long as I can Become a 'God' and then I'll be relying on these frivolous plans to really govern everything I want to govern."

Grinning his mouth to reveal the sharp teeth in his mouth, the smile on Dior's face became brighter and brighter: "On the contrary, I am looking forward to what kind of surprises you will bring me, and I hope I will not be too disappointed."

This is an extremely dangerous existence!

As a Hydra, he lurked inside S.H.I.E.L.D. and successfully corrupted the key figures of this spy organization.

Alexander did not rely solely on his own means. Before becoming the minister of the Security Council department, he was also the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had rich combat experience.

It is precisely for this reason that in the face of Dior's unbridled madness.

That made Alexander even more vigilant.

In particular, the other party's words clearly mentioned a secret organization that even Hydra is very concerned about - Jiuyou.

Regarding the existence of Jiuyou, since Alexander first learned the name from S.H.I.E.L.D., he has always maintained an attitude of attention.

This is especially true after the previous Avengers battle with Godless.

An enemy of an enemy may not necessarily be a friend.

Especially for Hydra, an evil organization dedicated to seizing world domination.

In fact, both Penglai and Jiuyou are obstacles on the way to their development goals.

It is precisely with the continuous emergence of these mysterious organizations that Hydra will actively engage in the research of various aliens and extraordinary powers.

Through the research on the power of Loki's scepter on the earth, Hydra has obviously achieved certain results. They used the power of the scepter to conduct a large number of human experiments, and finally obtained it on a pair of brother and sister volunteers. With progress, under the power of the scepter, they have shown obvious extraordinary characteristics. According to the experimental data, as long as the experiment continues, the extraordinary power in them will become more obvious, and finally successfully transformed into the target of Hydra. Extraordinary abilities required.

Of course, the results of Hydra's scepter experiment are not just the brothers and sisters.

Doctor Doom, the super villain who was frozen in the fight with the Fantastic Four and Ip Man, is also in the Hydra experiment.

Although Dior can't see through all of Alexander's inner thoughts, he can at least get a glimpse of one or two.

A terrorist organization that can shout, "Cut off one head, grow two." This means that it is impossible to be subservient to anyone.

However, Dior doesn't care about this either.

What he said to Alexander before, although it was linked to Jiuyou. But it also represents Li Ran's view of Hydra to a certain extent. In the face of absolute power, all struggles are beyond doubt.

Although the power he currently has is not enough to make him ignore these conspiracy plans, Li Ran believes that with the continuous extraction of cards, sooner or later, he will be able to ignore these, or even the snap of Thanos' fingers.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran's thoughts were floating.

On the other hand, Vault Nedio continues to play his role as the king of vampires.

His eyes swept across the people in the vault, and finally stopped on Brock Rumlow and Bucky on the ground.

"Compared to Penglai, your current strength is still a little too fragile, so in order to prevent you from falling under Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm", I need to improve your strength a little."

Having said that, Dio came to Brock Rumlow and looked down at the vampire transformed by the degraded stone ghost face.

Stab it!

Immediately afterwards, Dio stretched out his sharp fingernails in the stunned eyes of Brock Rumlow and cut his neck instantly.

[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]

The vampire's powerful vitality prevented Brock Rumlow from dying the first time his neck was cut, and under the effect of regeneration, he quickly began to close and heal.

Looking at Brock Rumlow's gradually healing wound, Dior didn't seem to hesitate, stretched out his sharp fingernails and opened his wrist, and the blood sprayed from the wrist instantly fell on Brock Rum. Above the wound on Muro's neck.

【Create a vampire】

This is one of the vampire abilities of the character card [Dio Brando], through which the target can be transformed into a vampire like himself.

Of course, with the addition of the ultimate biological power of [Kaz], Dio's ability to [create vampires] has also changed. After all, as the maker of the stone ghost face, the power of vampires, in the eyes of [Kaz], there is no secret at all.

This is even more so under the power of its ultimate creature.

"This is?!"

With the integration of Dior's blood, Brock Rumlow can clearly feel that the power of the vampire in his body has changed significantly. The regeneration ability of the body has also increased significantly.

The wound on the neck that Dio cut, originally took a few seconds to heal, but now it recovered instantly in less than half a second.

Touching his neck, Brock Rumlow stood up and looked at Dior in front of him.

With the growth of the vampire power in the body, a strong bloodthirsty desire also emerged in Brock Rumlow's heart.

"what did you do to me?"

"It just makes you a little less vulnerable."

Facing Brock Rumlow's questioning, Dio grinned and replied with a smile.

"Feel it, it belongs to the true power of vampires."

Hearing Dio's answer, Brock Rumlow glanced down at the soaring nails on his fingertips. Immediately, under the fierce bloodthirsty desire that kept emerging in the body, he grabbed a member of the Hydra in the vault and began to **** blood.

His eyes were taken away from Brock Rumlow, who was controlled by the vampire instinct, and Dio immediately put his eyes on Bucky on the other side.

"He was part of the Hydra plan and needed to operate during the day."

Alexander didn't care much about the blood-sucking experience of his subordinates.

Hydra is not an organization with many emotions.

However, noticing Dio's sight, Alexander had to stand up to stop it.

Of course, Alexander did not have much feelings for the Winter Soldier. The reason why he showed such concern was simply that the Winter Soldier needed to continue to act for the Hydra plan.

The power of vampires is powerful, but there are also great limitations.

In particular, the inability to act in the sun clearly doesn't fit his definition of a winter warrior.

"Yeah, I was looking forward to turning Bucky into a vampire."

Glancing at Alexander, who was facing him, Dio made a regretful expression on his face: "If this is done, when Steve knows all this, the expression on his face will definitely be quite wonderful."

After saying a word of regret, Dior immediately turned his attention to Peggy Carter behind him: "Bring what the doctor prepared."

Following Dio's order, Peggy Carter came over with the metal box in his hand.

Her eyes stopped for a moment on Bucky in front of her, with a complicated look on her face.

Peggy Carter is no stranger to Bucky, but she never expected to meet each other in this way.

At this time, Peggy Carter began to gradually realize that Dior's remarks about fate.

Taking the metal box in Peggy Carter's hand and opening it, what was revealed inside was a can of pitch-black metal liquid contained in a transparent glass device.

Reaching out to pick up the glass jar, Dio opened the jar without hesitation and poured the liquid on Bucky's metal arm.


[From the legend of Bucky Barnes...]

As the metal liquid fell, it was visible to the naked eye that these pitch-black liquids were attached to the metal arm of the Winter Soldier, and continued to spread. In just a few seconds, the original silver-white metal arm was darkened. wrapped in liquid.

At the same time, with the engulfment of the liquid, the original cold face of the Winter Soldier also showed changes, and the constant pain from the metal arm interface of the body made Bucky scream violently.

"What the **** did you do to him? What are those liquids?"

Bucky's scream and the appearance of the metal arm made the expression on Alexander's face change suddenly.

The arm of the Winter Soldier is the masterpiece of Dr. Zola Hydra, and after Dr. Zola was diagnosed with a terminal illness, his consciousness was transmitted to the computer. Even today's Hydra is quite difficult to make a similar tight mechanical arm.

"Just a little upgrade for his arm."

In the face of Alexander's questioning, Dio still maintained his indifferent tone, looking at Bucky who was screaming in front of him and replied.

As his voice fell, the screams of the Winter Soldier gradually weakened.

At the same time, the silver-white metal arm on his body was completely transformed into pitch-black color.

"Report your situation!"

His eyes stopped for a while on Dior's bewitching and handsome face, and Alexander immediately gave instructions to Bucky in front of him.

"I feel that the arm seems to be a little different."

Under the brainwashing of Hydra for many years, Bucky instinctively put on a face of obedience the moment he heard the order.

Alexander: "Tell me what's different."


Hearing Alexander's questioning, Bucky couldn't help lowering his face, watching his black metal arm, with obvious hesitation in his tone: "I can control the change of the arm..."

With Bucky's answer, his metal arm also merged and transformed into a sharp cone in a slow form.

[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]

"Nano-transformer, this is a nano-robot developed by a doctor that can transform the structure by covering it to make it deformable." With the results shown by Bucky, Dior opened his mouth to explain.


Listening to Dio's explanation, Alexander turned to look at Bucky again.

Looking at the metal arm that was gradually adapting and deforming faster and faster under the control of the Winter Soldier, he finally could no longer hide the shock on his face.

The doctor in Dior's mouth is naturally a clone of Li Ran who integrated the [Dr. Vega Punk] card. Through the research on the capabilities of another card's liquid metal robot, the doctor of clone successfully developed a similar nano-robot. And on top of the success of the research, a new form of nanorobot on Bucky's arm that can be directly transformed by covering the original structure of the engulfing machine has been developed.

Even the nano-transformer on Bucky's arm was only a successful initial experiment of Dr. Avatar. In his final vision, the nano-transformer had the ability to devour metal and self-transform, which means that the later nano-transformer robot could By devouring metal to achieve self-reproduction, the end result is similar to the micro-robots in "Super Marines", with "appendages" that have infinite extension and infinite deformation.

"I've done everything that needs to be done, so I'll wait for your results."

Using the strength in his hands to level up Brock Rumlow and Bucky, Dio turned his body to look at Alexander on the side: "Hope, you won't disappoint me too much."

After speaking, ignoring Alexander's reaction, Dio dodged, and the entire figure disappeared into the underground vault.


Looking at Dior's disappearing Alexander was silent for a while.

Only then did he retract his gaze, and glanced at Brock Rumlow and Bucky who were on the side, his eyes flickered.

Dio's actions certainly increased the power of Hydra to a certain extent, but in the face of these sudden powers, instead of the slightest joy in Alexander's heart, he showed greater vigilance.

"be ready."

Therefore, without any hesitation, Alexander looked at everyone in the vault.

"Re-brainwash them to make sure everything is ok."

As Alexander's voice fell, the Hydra in the vault immediately came to Brock Rumlow and Bucky.

In the next instant, two shrill screams sounded from the vault below.

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