Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 317: encounter crisis

The latest website: di-di, di-di-

"Looks like reality doesn't allow us two old guys to continue to miss the past."

Restraining the nostalgic look on his face, Alexander looked down at the content displayed on the phone, and then said with a helpless expression.

"Old guy or something, you can be it, I don't feel old yet."

Glancing at Alexander's mobile phone, Nick Fury immediately denied it. .

"Okay, Super Agent, Nick Fury."

Hearing Nick Fury's answer, Alexander shook his head helplessly, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Anyway, I'm already old, and it's easy to miss the past when I'm old, and I'm very fortunate to be with you. Fight side by side, Nick."

Raising his only intact one eye and looking at Alexander's cloudy eyes silently, Nick Fury replied silently: "Me too."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Alexander showed a relieved smile on his face, and looked down at the news in his hand again.

Alexander: "Then you know where to find me if there's anything on the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury: "Of course."


Coming out of the office of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander took a deep breath and completely restrained the smile on the corner of his mouth.

He picked up his mobile phone with a grim expression, and ordered without hesitation: "Tell everyone at SHIELD, the plan starts!"

In the office, Nick Fury silently watched where Alexander had left, and pressed the button on the table: "Start the communication encryption program, and the connection security will reveal 0405..."

"Confirm connection!"


With the start of the encryption process, Nick Fury's earphones sounded the voice of Agent Hill in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

"Agent, I need you to come to headquarters, no..."

Listening to the voice of his most trusted subordinate, Nick Fury frowned tightly and was about to summon the other party to the headquarters, but stopped subconsciously in the middle of his words: "I need you to inform Natasha and tell her that the situation is urgent, I'll be right over to you."


Although it is not clear what the so-called emergency situation in Nick Fury's mouth is, but in the face of the instructions of the Director of SHIELD, Agent Hill unconditionally chose to trust.

After finishing the brief call with Agent Hill, Nick Fury took the USB flash drive he got from Natasha before, and subconsciously swept the layout in the office, but his eyes were immediately attracted by the mobile phone left on the sofa opposite. past.

Sitting on the sofa was Alexander, who had just left the office.

"This is?"

Looking at the mobile phone left on the sofa chair, the doubts in Nick Fury's eyes just emerged, and the next second the opposite mobile phone screen flashed a dazzling red light.


In the next instant, violent explosions and flames filled the entire office.


"Have you found a clue, Captain?"

Avengers base.

Falcon looked at Captain America Steve in front of him and asked.

"I'm working hard, but this era is too different from my past. Although I've tried my best to adapt, there are still some things I want to find Dior in the vast crowd of New York..."

Frowning tightly, Steve shook his head silently when he heard Falcon's question.

Recently, he has been trying to follow the clues of the vampire, but Dio seems to have never appeared again.

"Perhaps, you should let yourself relax a bit."

Looking at Steve's frowning brows, Falcon couldn't help but persuade a few words: "Although I know Captain, you are eager to find that guy named Dio, but the more this is the case, the more you should calm down, over-forcing yourself will only make You lose your cool."

"I know."

Steve is naturally clear about what Falcon said.

However, when he thought of Dior, especially Carter, who was controlled by him, it was difficult for Steve to hide his inner anxiety.

A long slumber, and taking away too many things around him.

Therefore, he is unwilling to lose again, which is the most important memory and person to him.

"But, I can't do it."

"Maybe, at this time, what you need to do most, captain, is to give yourself a calm time first."

Aware of the tangled look on Steve's face, Falcon continued his persuasion: "Also, you are not the only one who can't find the target."

Following Falcon's words, Steve followed the direction the other party pointed, and immediately saw Ah Xing standing behind him in a white Tang suit and cloth shoes with a frustrated expression.

Since the battle with the 'pacifist' robots in Hell's Kitchen.

A Xing came to the Avengers Alliance under the suggestion of Ye Wen, and used the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. to find the reincarnation of the Penglai Immortal.

However, the results are also not optimistic.

Even, compared with Steve, A Xing has fewer clues about the reincarnation of immortals.

There has been little progress in this period of time.

"The reincarnation of Immortal Penglai?"

Just like what Steve said to Nick Fury in the office earlier.

Except for Thor, who is far away in Asgard, the members of the Avengers already know the information about the reincarnation of the immortals.

But knowing is one thing, accepting it is another.

At least, for Falcon, even if the authenticity of this information has been confirmed from Tony Stark's mouth, it took Falcon a lot of time to really accept this setting.

The reason why he was able to accept it was because of his previous battle with the [Holy Lord], after accepting the setting of the magic spell. Contact with the mysterious power of the East, although there is a huge gap between the two, but, after all, there is a precedent, anyway, this world has not been normal since the alien invasion war in New York.

Now, if there is another reincarnation of the Penglai Immortal, it is just a little more variable in this unusual world.

"Listening to Natasha, S.H.I.E.L.D. has arranged for a large number of people to look for it, but no useful clues have been found."

Listening to Falcon's words, Steve couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Ah Xing not far away.

Looking at the other party's decadent expression, a feeling of pity for each other rose in his heart.

Speaking of which, judging from the information revealed by Jin Bing before his death, Dior's purpose in coming to New York seems to be closely related to the reincarnation of the Penglai immortal that Ah Xing was looking for.

Thinking of this, Steve couldn't help but walk in the direction of A Xing.


"I'll go get something."

Driving a motorcycle and parked in front of an apartment building, Steve took off his helmet, then raised his head and issued an invitation to the figure in mid-air.

"Alternatively, you can sit down at my place."

Controlling his body to fall slowly, facing Captain America's invitation, Ah Xing turned his head and glanced at the location of the apartment, then shook his head: "Forget it, I'll just wait below."

"All right."

Hearing Ah Xing rejecting his invitation, Steve shrugged and said nothing, picked up his keys and walked to the apartment.

"I'll be right back."

The apartment where Steve lived was not arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although, after he woke up, S.H.I.E.L.D. had also arranged a place to live for him, but because he was tired of the eyes called protection and surveillance in the residence, after staying for a month, Steve moved from the arranged residence. Moved out and found a quiet apartment to live in.


Going up the stairs, before Steve got to the floor where he lived, he heard the sound of a door closing.

Immediately afterwards, I saw my neighbor, a nurse working in the aggravated ward, with a heavy clothes basket, struggling to close the door.

It looked like he was going to do laundry.

Going up and down the stairs, Steve and the other party looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Steve noticed his haggard look, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but say, "Did something happen?"


Hearing Steve's question, the nurse's face showed obvious doubts.

"I mean, your face doesn't look very good?"

Noticing the other party's expression, Steve immediately asked.

"It's my aunt, she's missing, our family is worried, so..."

Faced with Steve's question, the nurse was silent for a while before replying in a low voice.

"Feel sorry."

Hearing the nurse's answer, Steve immediately showed an apologetic look, showing that he had already realized that his question had touched the other's sadness.

Apologizing, Steve glanced at the clothes basket that the nurse was kicking in his hands, and immediately added: "If you don't mind, you can use my washing machine, anyway, it's upstairs and it should run to the basement than you. Easy to do laundry."

"Thank you, but..."

Faced with Steve's invitation, the nurse hesitated for a moment, then shook her head slightly and refused: "I've already taken a lot, and don't use your washing machine to clean my white coat, after all, I just changed my shift, Coming out of the intensive care unit, so..."

The nurse's words were not finished, but the meaning of rejection was quite obvious.

Rejecting Steve's invitation, the nurse was about to go to the basement with the heavy clothes in her hand, when suddenly she turned back to Steve and said, "By the way, your stereo seems to be forgotten. It was off, and when I came back I heard it beeping all the time."

"Oh, yes? Thank you."

Hearing the other party's reminder, Steve immediately nodded and thanked him.

Looking at the back of the other party's departure, the expression on his face immediately converged.

Looking at the room where loud music was constantly being heard, Steve was silent for a while. Instead of opening the door and entering, he turned and walked towards the window.

Steve clearly remembered that he had never listened to any music before going out.


Carefully raising the glass window of the study, Steve jumped into the room and listened to the louder retro music in the room. The footsteps walked towards the living room where the music sounded with a completely different dexterity from the strong reminder.

Using the shield as a cover, Steve walked slowly to the living room. Using the angle of the building, he saw the phonograph rotating in the living room and the familiar face on the sofa.

"I don't remember giving you the key."

Seeing the figure on the sofa, Steve's wary expression dropped slightly, but he couldn't help but say.

"Do you think I need it?"

With difficulty propping up his body from the sofa, Nick Fury looked at Steve opposite, twitched the wound on his face and said, "My wife kicked me out of the house."

"I didn't even know you were married?"

The reason given by Nick Fury made the expression on Steve's face speechless.

He did not expect that the reason why the dignified Director of SHIELD appeared in his room was for such a simple reason.

"There's more that you don't know."

"I'm pretty sure of that, just like those before."

Shaking his head, looking at Nick Fury's figure on the sofa, Steve pressed the light switch on the wall: "But, sorry, Nick, there are people waiting for me below, so..."

Turning on the desk lamp, Nick Fury's appearance under the light showed at the moment, but the words in Steve's mouth couldn't help but stop.

After all, what Nick Fury looks like now is not as simple as being kicked out of the house, but more like he has suffered some serious attack.

Posing a quiet gesture towards Captain America, Nick Fury raised his hand to turn off the light of the desk lamp again, pressed his wound in the dark, and used his mobile phone to transmit: "Be careful of eavesdropping."

Using the special protective equipment in the office, Nick Fury avoided the first wave of the explosion, but he also encountered fierce resistance on the way to escape, and almost died in the hands of these attack objects.

"Sorry I wasn't invited, but I really don't have a place to go."

While his mouth was covering up with his voice, Nick Fury's fingers quickly entered on the phone screen.

"There is a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D."


There wasn't much input on the screen in Nick Fury's, but what it showed made the expression on Steve's face change suddenly.

Nick Fury's appearance surprised him, but he never thought that the reason for the other party's crisis was actually from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Who else knows about your wife?"

Barely suppressing the look of surprise on his face, Steve tried his best to maintain his calmness and asked.

"Just some of my friends who know this..."

Hearing Steve's question, Nick Fury covered the wound on his body, tried to get up and walked towards the other party's position, while reaching out to take something out of his pocket.

"Captain, are you okay?"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the apartment window, making the movement of Nick Fury's hands abrupt.

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