Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 315: angry tony

"Are you gaining weight?"

Stark Industries, New Energy Building.

Tony looked at the child who was almost rounder than when he first saw him, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Master Xie Lu's cooking skills are very good, and the dishes he cooks are delicious."

With a chubby little face, he glanced at Tony in front of him, and the child put down the takeaway in his hand and replied seriously.

Hearing the child's words, Tony subconsciously slapped his mouth.

Picking up the golden ratio roasted wheat on the table, Tony lowered his head and glanced at the dish in his hand, and then glanced at the child's mellow face on the opposite side, he couldn't help but tentatively said: "Hey, kid, I'll have a discussion with you, I How about giving you double the tip and letting Master Xie Lu cook some other dishes for me to try?"

Tony said so, not because he was tired of the smell of siumai.

There is no doubt about the taste of golden ratio shaomai.

As the proud work of the special pastry chef [Jie Lu].

Ever since he tasted the taste of siumai, among Tony's original favorite foods, the cheeseburger's position has started to decline in a straight line.

However, man is a creature full of desires.

In particular, Tony once tasted other dishes except the golden ratio shaomai in [Xie Lu].

In the past, due to [Xie Lu]'s own character, even if Tony spoke out about the preferential treatment he offered, he couldn't convince the other party to make some other dishes specially for him.

But now, looking at the kid in front of him, Tony sees the possibility of a breakthrough.

If he can convince the kid in front of him to help, then he will be able to taste [Xie Lu] other cooking foods except the golden ratio shaomai.

"Ha ha."

Facing Tony's bewitching words, the child didn't say much.

He pouted and gave the superhero a blank look.

She replied with a silent laughter.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have any expectations for this kid."

Facing the kid's fiery response, Tony twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and tried to keep his emotions calm. Picking up a golden ratio siomai and stuffing it into his mouth, Tony used the food to soothe his emotions, but he was somewhat reluctant to give up, especially after feeling the delicious siomai in his mouth as always.

"Seriously, kid, what do you need to promise to convince Master Xie Lu for me?"

"Master [Jie Lu]'s cooking is for people who can really taste delicious food, such as what I prepared. Guys like you who don't know how to respect cooking are not qualified to taste Master [Jie Lu]'s craftsmanship. After eating the golden ratio shaomai, you should be lucky, but you are still not satisfied and want to eat more."

Looking at Tony with a pouting face, the child maintained his usual attitude from the moment he met Tony, and said unceremoniously.

I was criticized by a little ghost.

Tony felt that the golden ratio shaomai in his hand suddenly became less fragrant.

"Since you look at me like this, why do you still come to deliver me takeout every day, kid?"

"It's not what Master Xie Lu asked for."

Hearing Tony's questioning, the child immediately showed an expression of grievance: "Master [Jie Lu] said that as a chef, no matter who you are facing, as long as the other person wants to taste the food, that is the guest. Therefore, you cannot refuse. The idea of ​​customers wanting to eat food. Obviously, many of them are guys who don't even know how to respect cooking..."

When it came to the last half of the sentence, the child's eyes aimed at Tony deliberately, and the object of his words was self-evident.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Of course, as a result of what he said, it naturally made Tony's bad mood worse.

Although, this is the purpose of the child, or the subject, Li Ran.

"Little devil, you seem to have forgotten that the gauntlet you want is still in my hands."

He took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing again. Tony looked at the chubby little face of the kid in front of him, and made an undisguised threat.

"This is obviously what you promised me before."

Hearing Tony's words, the serious expression on the child's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said.

"Really? Did I say so?"

Seeing the anxious look on the child's face, Tony immediately felt that most of the depressed emotions in his heart were relieved, and he couldn't help but ask the corner of his mouth with a smile.

"Why don't I remember such a thing."


tsk tsk~

In the antique store, Li Ran looked at Tony's smug expression and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

A member of the dignified Avengers, Iron Man Tony Stark was forced to the point of being angry with a child.

Did what you do go a little too far?

He lowered his head to reflect on his own actions, then raised his head and glanced at the legend on the system data panel.

Li Ran decided that since it has already gone too far, it's not bad to go too far.

Anyway, it's not him who is too much.

It wasn't him who was too angry.


"How can you do this, you are lying."

Here, as the main body, Li Ran has just made a decision to continue.

On the other hand, in the face of Tony's 'delinquent' expression, he turned into a child's avatar and suddenly looked angry, a chubby little face flushed with anger, pointed at Tony in front of him and said: "As a superhero , you actually act like this to a child, you are still not an adult, and Iron Man..."

The child's accusation made the expression on Tony's face a little stiff.

In fact, he also felt that his approach was indeed a bit inauthentic.

Especially on the premise that he has already promised the other party.

Although, the little devil in front of him has a bad attitude and is annoying.

But as a mature and rational adult, he should have his own height and should not be angry with each other like a child who has not grown up.

Thinking of this, Tony pouted, and opened his mouth to say something to end the farce in front of him.

"Sure enough, my previous suggestion with Master [Xie Lu] was right. For a stingy person like you, you don't even need to give too much to the golden ratio shaomai. It's enough to give one or two tastes, no more. It's a waste!"

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

On the other hand, the words in the child's mouth made Tony's emotions that he managed to suppress resurface again with a bang.


"I'm here, sir."

"From today, this kid is listed as persona non grata in the building. I don't want to see the other person's face in front of me again."

"Are you sure, sir? If you do this, it may be a big trouble for you to taste Chef [Jie Lu]'s cooking in the future. After all, the other party..."

Facing Tony's instructions, Jarvis made a reminder.

Hearing Jarvis' words, Tony couldn't help showing a hesitant look on his face.

Although he didn't like the kid in front of him, he obviously didn't have much resistance to [Xie Lu]'s cooking.

"Exactly, so I will have a reason to let Master [Xie Lu] stop cooking for you in the future."

Here, Tony just showed a hesitant look.

On the other side, the child took advantage of the victory to make up for the attack.

"I'm sure, Javi..."

Stimulated by the child's words, Tony obviously couldn't bear it any longer, and opened his mouth to confirm the order.

"What are you doing, Tony?"

Pepper Pepper suddenly pushed open the door of the office and asked helplessly.

"I can hear your voice from outside the office."


The appearance of Chili Pepper clearly eased the 'nervous' mood in the office a little: "Why are you here?"

A puzzled expression appeared on his face, and then he raised his head to express the doubt in his heart.


According to normal circumstances, Jarvis should remind him of Pepper's arrival.

"I think, sir, you should calm down your emotions."

In the face of Tony's questioning, Jarvis still replied in his usual tone.

"There are some things in the company that you need to confirm."

Hearing Tony's question, Pepper raised the folder in his hand, glanced at the office environment, and was immediately attracted by the chubby face of the child standing beside him.


Crouching down, Pepper looked at the red face and asked softly.

"What's your name and why are you here?"

The child whose body has been transformed is not bad in appearance, especially after the little face becomes round and tout, it adds a bit of cute feeling.

In the face of Little Pepper's inquiry, the child's attitude was not as vicious as Tony's, with a small face, he continued with his old-fashioned look: "I don't have a name, Master [Jie Lu] will give it to me after taking me in. After taking the name Abao, I came here because of the delivery of food."

"A Bao."

Hearing the child, it shouldn't be said that Po said his name, Tony's expressionless eyes flickered indistinctly.

Before, Tony never cared about the name of this little devil in front of him.

Therefore, only now did Pepper know the name of this kid during Pepper's questioning.

"[Jie Lu] Master? Take it in?"

Hearing Po's answer, Pepper noticed the name [Xie Lu] mentioned by the other party, and then the silent man in the red fast food truck in front of Stark Industries appeared in his mind.

Xiao Chili is no stranger to [Xie Lu], especially after Tony became a regular customer of the other party's fast food truck, he often asked her to help him buy golden ratio shaomai for him to eat. After going back and forth, although I don't say how much friendship I have with [Xie Lu], at least I can say a few words.

However, recently, because of the busy work in Stark Industry, Pepper has taken away a lot of energy, so she didn't even know that [Xie Lu] took in a child.

Women are inherently emotional beings.

In this regard, even Pepper, who is a strong woman, is no exception, so after knowing that this child named Po is taken in.

Pepper's face couldn't help showing concern, he reached out and touched A Bao's little head, and continued to care softly.

"Little guy, you must have suffered a lot before meeting Master [Jie Lu]."

"I have forgotten everything in the past."

Shaking his head, Bao continued to look like an old-fashioned little adult.

In fact, there is no such thing as suffering. The reason why he said this is to avoid Pepper from continuing to ask questions.

He simply put on such an appearance and said, "Now Master [Jie Lu] is very good to me. No matter what I want to eat, he will cook it for me."

A Bao made this appearance just to prevent Little Pepper from asking any further questions.

However, his reaction in Pepper's eyes made her even more worried.


Even Tony couldn't help falling into a brief silence after hearing what the kid said, no, Bao.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Pepper Potts...]

Li Ran: "???"


He restrained his emotions.

"By the way, Bao, do you know what just happened?"

Pepper touched Po's little head softer and softer. Looking at the chubby little face in front of him, he glanced at Tony behind him, and suddenly asked softly.

The reason why Pepper chose to ask Po instead of letting Tony tell him.

It was entirely because of her knowledge of Tony, she knew very well that if she asked.

If there is a part that Tony is unwilling to answer, it is very likely that he will use various reasons to prevaricate himself.

As he has done in the past.

So, instead of listening to the answer that Tony, let's ask Po, who is also in the office.

However, Little Pepper would never have thought that Po, who was in front of her, was one of the parties to the incident she asked about.


The moment he heard Pepper ask a question, Tony had a bad premonition in his heart.

His eyes swept across A Bao's serious little face, he quickly opened his mouth and forced a smile, changing the subject.

"Actually nothing happened, I was just talking to myself. By the way, what did you just say that I need to confirm?"

Facing Tony's blunt change of the topic, Pepper couldn't help shaking his head.

From what she knew about Tony, she could clearly see that the more nervous he was, the more important the things behind it.

"Tony, we didn't meet on the first day, do you think this will work for me?"

"I'm just trying it a little bit, in case it works."

Hearing Pepper's words, Tony replied stubbornly, his eyes turned to Po, who was in front of him, looking at the chubby little face, he resorted to his last resort, shaking himself The arm reminded: "Little devil, do you remember what I promised you?"

"Ha ha."

Facing Tony's blatant reminder, A Bao's round face showed an incomparably bright smile.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

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