Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 307: can't believe

Latest URL: "Be careful, folks, something is wrong around here."

Following his inner feelings, Matt turned his head to remind the defenders beside him.

"How bad is it?"

As comrades who fought side by side, the defenders obviously attached great importance to Matt's reminder.

Jessica raised her brows and asked in a serious tone.

"It's many times worse than you think."

Looking at the dense red dots displayed on the detector, Steve's tone was unprecedentedly solemn.

"It seems that our actions during this period have obviously angered Jin Bing. Let him give up his previous hiding and instead plan to fight us head-on."

"Fight head on?"

Hearing Steve's answer, Luke Cage murmured and repeated, and the expression on his dark face suddenly changed: "Captain, you mean..."

"I think he meant to tell us that there was big trouble." Taking Luke Cage's words, Frank clenched the handle of the gun in his hand and looked around. Under his gaze, a dense array of 'pacifist' robots surrounded Captain America and the defenders with red light flashing in their eyes.

"At this time, if we go and call A Xing back, will it be too late?"

Looking at the 'pacifist' who was almost indistinguishable, also had a huge body and an expressionless face, Jessica couldn't help swallowing.

Although the Defenders and Captain America have defeated several 'pacifist' droids before, the result of this battle is based on their few-on-one situation.

"I think the other party has already expected that we will act separately. The situation on the side of A Xing may not be as simple as imagined."

Glancing across the siege formed by dozens of 'pacifists' in front of him, Steve tightened the shield in his hand and said in a deep voice.


As Steve's voice fell, a deep voice sounded from behind the 'pacifist'.

Immediately afterwards, the 'pacifist' made way, and Kim, holding a cane, appeared in front of the defenders.

"Golden Bian!"

The production template of the 'pacifist' robot is Jin Ning, however, the appearance of Jin Ning standing among these robots is still quite conspicuous, and his conspicuousness is not only because the transformed body is compared to the general mass-produced 'pacifist' 'The robot is more conspicuous, also because compared to other simple robots, although it has been transformed, Jin Bing still has a human feeling.

Although, in the entire transformation of the 'pacifist', the part of him that can be called human is only one head.

The mechanical eyes flashing red swept across the defenders in front of him, and Jin Bing's eyes stopped for a while on Steve holding the shield: "I have arranged three 'pacifists' on the other side to wait, as long as A When Xing appears there, you will taste the power of 'pacifists', more than three 'pacifists' attack, I think even Axing from Penglai will not be too easy."

Jin didn't expect to solve Ah Xing with three 'pacifist' robots. His purpose was to use those robots to drag Ah Xing out so that he would not be able to get there in time.

For Jin Bing, the threat of Axing was lost.

In front of him, neither the Defender nor Captain America are the opponents of the 'pacifists' behind him.

"Sure enough, such a method is very your style, Jin Bing, as always annoying."

Hearing Jin's eloquent words, Jessica snorted coldly.

"For me, the means are only the process. As long as the goal can be achieved, who cares about the process afterward. This is a cruel world that only looks at the winner. As a loser, the best destination is to shut up and die. Just like what you did next."

Turning his stiff neck towards Jessica, Kim replied with a grim expression.

"To be honest, defender, I've been waiting for this opportunity for revenge for too long. If Lord Dior hadn't explained my other tasks and kept asking me to restrain myself, you would have been like that so-called iron fist long ago. I died in my hands. Where can I let you continue to act and cause me trouble. However, this is also good, if I can solve it at once like the iron fist, how can I feel the joy of revenge. So, rest assured defenders. , I will return the pain you have inflicted on me, bit by bit, to you."

"Golden Bian!"

Hearing Kim and mentioning the dead Danny, Luke Cage clenched his fist subconsciously.

"You really have something to do with Dior!"

On the other hand, Steve noticed Dior's name in Jin Bing's mouth, and subconsciously asked: "Tell me, that Dio guy is there! What mission are you doing for him?"

Steve's slightly excited reaction attracted Jin Bing's attention. He looked at Captain America, and his mechanical eyeballs rolled. Although there was no expression on his icy face, his tone of voice was obvious. A bit of a change.

"Captain America, I once heard Lord Dior mention your name, a self-righteous fool, and of course Peggy Carter..."


Hearing Kim and mentioning Peggy Carter's name, the emotion on Steve's face could no longer be hidden.

"Captain, calm down."

Noticing Steve's uncontrollable reaction, Matt hurried forward and pressed his shoulder with his hand. At the same time, the power of the ripples in his hand spread slightly, guiding the other party's emotions to calm down again.

Joseph Joestar once said that the ripple is a magical power, although its ability has a huge threat to vampires, but the ability of this power does not stop there. Although a large part of the above paragraph was said casually by Li Ran, Matt, who is the inheritor of the ripple, is obviously convinced of it.

Moreover, he used the ripples to combine his super senses, which were different from ordinary people, and successfully developed some special abilities that did not belong to the use of ripples taught by Joseph Joestar.

For example, in front of him, he used the power of the ripples, combined with his sensory amplification, to successfully calm the excited Captain America again.


Taking a deep breath and repressing his original excitement, Steve thanked Matt beside him. Then he turned his eyes and looked at Jin Ning opposite. After calming down, Steve also reacted. Maybe Jin Ning just said those words are true, but the other party chose to tell what he knew about Dior and Pei at this time. Ji's incident was revealed, obviously with a purpose.

Have you regained your composure?

Seeing Steve regaining his composure under Matt's reminder.

A look of regret flashed in Jin Bing's eyes, but it was nothing but regret.

After all, for him, the existence of Captain America cannot affect the direction of the next battle. Lord Dior was once defeated by the opponent because of the weakness of vampires. However, behind him, these 'pacifists' transformed by doctors do not have any obvious shortcomings in combat effectiveness at all, and Lord Dior's failures will no longer appear on him.

Thinking of what the doctor had explained, Jin and took a step back, re-giving his place to the 'pacifist' robot.

Looking at the robot army that surrounded the defenders, the red light in Jin Bing's eyes was even brighter, and he held the crutches in his hand and ordered coldly: "The 'pacifists' start, storm mode!"

Following Jin Bing's order, a red light flashed in the eyes of the surrounding 'pacifists', and then all the silent robots responded in unison, with a mechanical voice: "Power attack mode, activate !"

"Everyone, cover behind me!"

Without too many words, the previous engagements made both the Defender and Steve quite understand the attack pattern of the 'pacifist'.

Therefore, when they heard the voices of these robots falling, Steve and Luke Cage stood in front of them almost without hesitation.

It's just that, unlike the past, in the face of the dense muzzle in front of him, Luke Cage obviously has no confidence in his so-called invulnerability.

"Captain, are you sure your shield can stop so many 'pacifist' laser cannons?"

"In this situation, no matter whether you have confidence or not, you must stop it!"

Steve has no doubts about the defensive power of his vibranium shield, but no matter how powerful the vibranium shield is, the range it can defend against is only a small area. For the numerous muzzles in front of him, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"If it really doesn't work, let me block these attacks. Captain, you retreat with the rest of the members."

Although Steve's remarks did not respond positively, Luke Cage also clearly heard the meaning behind the other party's words. Turning his head to look at the dense muzzle in front of him, the expression on his face struggled for a while, then turned into a firm color, and said silently to Steve on the side.

Compared with the shield in Steve's hand, Luke Cage's invulnerability is obviously inferior.

Although his ability can also block the attack of the 'pacifist', a slightly powerful laser can leave wounds on his body.

So Luke Cage, who proposed to stand alone, was clearly ready for self-sacrifice.


Luke Cage's words made Steve's hand holding the shield tighten.

Obviously, the veteran had heard the meaning from the other party's words.

Intellectually speaking, Luke Cage's method can almost be said to be the only chance of life in the current situation.

However, having Steve leave his teammates with him and retreat alone, even knowing that might be the only way. He couldn't convince himself to do it either.

After all, he chose the shield as his weapon so that he could stand at the forefront of the war, shield his teammates from the wind and rain, and block the enemy's most dangerous first wave of attacks.

So, after being silent for a while, Steve still refused.

"Sorry, I can't convince myself to do this kind of thing. Maybe, we can switch. You retreat with the rest of you, and I'll block in front."

"Perhaps, you don't need to try either."

Listening to the conversation between Steve and Luke Cage, Kim interrupted coldly: "Because I promise, under the fire of 'pacifists', whether it is the so-called Captain America or the The defenders are all destined to be beaten to pieces, just like the way I looked before I died, no, it should be even worse, because I will not leave any chance for you to survive."

"I have a slight opinion on this."

Jin Bing's ruthless speech had just ended when a slightly frivolous voice suddenly came from the air.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of Jin Bing's mechanical voice, a red and yellow steel battle suit appeared above the 'pacifist' robot.

"Perhaps, the next outcome is not that the captain and the others were beaten to pieces, but that you were beaten to pieces by us. What do you think?"

"Tony Stark!"

Looking at the steel battle suit suspended in mid-air, the red light in Jin Bing's mechanical eyes flickered slightly: "Do you think you can defeat the army of 'pacifists' machines transformed by the doctor with just this armor on your body? "

"Actually, that's what I think."

Facing Jin Bing's questioning, Tony raised his palm without hesitation, and the arc nuclear reactor on his chest also emitted a dazzling light.

"Very good, then I want to see whether it is Iron Man's suit or the 'pacifist' laser. I think the doctor should like the data comparison of this experiment."


The doctor who frequently appeared in Jin Bing's mouth obviously aroused Tony's interest. He raised his eyebrows and then asked, "What is the doctor you are talking about?"

"Want to know?"

Facing Tony's questioning, Jin Bing's tone changed slightly, but he immediately restrained: "I'll tell you when you are hit by the 'pacifist'!"

In line with Jin Bing's words, the 'pacifists' who were surrounded by defenders and Steve immediately changed the direction of their muzzles and aimed at the steel battle suit in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling laser shot out, forming a yellow light that flew towards the position of the battle suit in an instant.


Facing the rapidly flashing laser in front of him, Tony raised his arm subconsciously, and a blue shock wave was fired from the palm of the steel suit, neutralizing the threat of the laser cannon.

However Before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief, more laser rays were like raindrops, emitting from the bodies of the many 'pacifist' robots below.

Facing the densely flying lasers.

Even Tony didn't have the confidence to completely resist it.

He controlled the steel armor to evade hard, but he was still negligent, missed a laser, and was hit by the steel armor arm.

The scene where the arm of the steel suit was hit was like a trigger, and then more and more lasers passed through Tony's defenses and dodges, hitting the steel suit. In the blink of an eye, the original steel battle suit was penetrated by countless lasers.


Below, seeing the scene of the steel suit being penetrated by the laser, Steve's face suddenly showed an incredible look.

He couldn't believe that Tony, who was talking eloquently a quarter of an hour ago, Iron Man, one of the Avengers, was just...

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