Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 286: unexpected card

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Raising the shield in his hand to block the sharp claws that blocked Killian's wave, Steve backed away, avoiding the highly corrosive venom sprayed from his mouth. Behind him, [Uncle Long] seized the opportunity and relied on the ability of his immortal body to face him. The blasting power in his hands condensed, and instantly fell on Killian's roaring face.

There was a mournful wailing sound in his mouth, and the hot lava lines flowed on Kirian's body. He had just recovered the blasting wound on his face, and the arrow shot by Hawkeye appeared in front of him in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, the whistling bullet from Luke's revolver bounced off the ground, hitting Killian's body accurately.

"Not yet?"

Controlling the metal wings around Killian to avoid the attack, Falcon looked up and shouted at Tony.

"Wait a second."

Suspended in mid-air, Tony looked at the temperature measurement data displayed by Jarvis on the mask and replied with a frown.

In the picture of infrared radiation, Killian's entire body has turned red, and the temperature outside the body has also risen sharply due to frequent fighting injuries. In just a few minutes, it has reached thousands of high temperatures. This is definitely an exaggerated temperature. After all, the normal body temperature of ordinary people is only 26 or 7 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature is around 40 degrees Celsius. If it exceeds 43 degrees, it can be considered a fatal danger.

Not to mention that a body like Killian's body instantly reached a high temperature of nearly 1,000 degrees.

However, Tony is well aware that this is not the limit of the Extremis virus.

According to his investigation and the previous experience of fighting with those who were also injected with the desperate virus, the temperature of ordinary virus injectors has reached more than 1,000 degrees, not to mention the injection given by [Holy Lord]. The mysterious potion itself produces a situation where the mutated physical fitness is greatly improved.

"It is necessary to continue to let his temperature rise again!"

"Go up!"

Falcon looked at the melting metal feather tips behind him, and when he heard Tony's answer, he couldn't help but reply.

"Continue to fight, I see that the opponent has not exploded, and we have been melted away."

The metal wings on his backpack had just been swept away by Killian's spider claws, and had melted away a little.

"His temperature can't last forever, it will reach its limit sooner or later."

Tony naturally knew that as Killian's temperature continued to rise, the battle of the Avengers would become more and more difficult, but this was almost the only way he could think of to defeat Killian.

Thinking of this, Tony issued an order, and the remaining steel armor behind him fell to the ground, and also joined the battle with Killian.

With the addition of the steel armor, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the burden of the Avengers. At least these armors are in front of them. Even if Killian launches an attack, there will be a wave of armors to block it.

At the same time, with the appearance of these armors, Hawkeye and Luke in the back can also shoot and shoot more freely.

"Hush, hush~"

In the face of the continuous attacks of the Avengers, even Killian, who has the two ability mutations of Desperate Virus and [Secret Elixir], is difficult to resist. How powerful he is, after all, there is still a limit, especially after the mutation, under the premise that his thinking is dominated by biological instincts, there is no way to fight back, and he is easily contained by the Avengers.

In just a few minutes, the wounds on Killian's body nearly doubled.

The ability of the Extremis Virus has also been used frequently.

"Sir, the temperature of the other party has exceeded 3,000 degrees."

In the helmet, Jarvis has been paying attention to Killian's situation, and quickly reminded Tony.

After the body temperature exceeded 3,000 degrees, Killian's appearance was almost invisible to the original appearance. From beginning to end, he had been wrapped in red magma, and his body surface continued to emit scorching high temperature.

Facing the surrounding steel armor, every time he counterattacks, he can easily dissolve one of them.


However, in the face of this situation, the expression on Tony's face under the helmet is really not surprised but happy.

Because according to his judgment, when the temperature of the desperate virus reaches more than 3,000 degrees, it will enter a state of out of control, which is the limit he said before.

"It's now!"

So, when Jarvis reminded him, Tony immediately shouted to the Avengers below.


Hearing Tony's reminder, Falcon's face showed your speechless expression.

"Are you sure you're not on the other side, Stark?"

Just kidding, in this situation, no matter what Killian looks like, it is dangerous. In this situation, they will rush forward unless they are crazy.

In fact, as early as when Killian's temperature rose to more than a thousand degrees, the Avengers who had surrounded him had already shown difficult expressions.

"I should be able to hold on."

Squeezing the shield in his hand, Steve gritted his teeth and said.

"Forget it, let me go."

He raised his hand to stop Captain America, who had no hesitation, and his clone [Uncle Long] said with a bitter face, "How can I say that I have an immortal body now, even if I really hit it, it's only the last time I died, although it hurts a lot. ."

As he said that, before Steve could answer, [Uncle Long] took a deep breath and looked at Killian, who was full of red, with a tragic expression on his face.

He opened his palm, and a large amount of blasting power began to condense, instantly rendering his arm a golden color.

"Really, bad luck, bad luck, bad luck!"



[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

【The legend from Killian...】

[Legend]: 132455

It seems that the previous investment was not wasted in vain.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran nodded slightly when he looked at the legend displayed on the system data panel.

In addition, he spent 20,000 legendary degrees in order to perfect the setting of the [Holy Lord], and now it seems that this investment is undoubtedly quite cost-effective. Relying on the two character cards of [Sato] and [Bakugou Shengji] and the "heroic performance" of [Uncle Long] at the end, Li Ran managed to accumulate another 100,000 legends.

Looking at the 100,000 reputation on the data panel, Li Ran didn't hesitate, and immediately clicked on the exchange list.

After consuming 100,000 legends, a brand new [Silver Treasure Chest] appeared in front of him.


[Prop: Samsung beads]

[Effect: Wish]

[Introduction: Magical props in the world of the animation "Dragon Ball". There are five types of dragon **** in the world of Dragon Ball, a total of seven, and each dragon ball has one to seven red five-pointed stars. You can make any wish by making a wish to the dragon. . 】

[Note: Shenlong, appear. 】


[Prop: Golden Fried Rice]

【Effect: eat】

[Introduction: The magical luminous food in the world of the animation "China Little Master" is different from the traditional egg fried rice. Only the egg yolk is taken. The color is brighter and the fragrance is stronger. The finished golden egg fried rice requires that the egg liquid evenly wraps each rice grain, and the rice grains are separated and cannot stick together. 】

[Note: Ah, this is? ! 】


[Class B Card - Darcy]

[Skill: Fighting]

[Background introduction: One of the most bizarre characters in the "Street Fighter" series, a monk from India - an Indian monk who has reached the ultimate in the profound meaning of yoga. One of the more mysteries that has been acquired through ascetic practice is that it can freely change the length of its hands and feet, and it is good at attacking from a long distance. A skeleton hangs around his neck, capable of spraying yoga flames from his mouth. 】

[Remarks: Oil and black! 】

Li Ran: "..."

The unpacking results this time can only be regarded as unsatisfactory. The introduction of Dragon Ball is certainly heart-warming, especially the ability of Shenlong to fulfill his wishes in "Dragon Ball". However, what Li Ran opened was only a three-star bead at the moment, and there was still a long way to go before collecting the seven dragon **** to summon the dragon.

What's more, judging from the current situation of Li Ran opening the treasure chest, he would not expect to gather the seven dragon **** to summon the dragon.

In the process of collecting Dragon Balls, he may already have the ability to fulfill his own wishes.

Apart from the three-star beads, there is no need to say much about the character card [Dalxi]. Although the combat power is good, it is not the top combat power among the B-level cards, and it is not decisive for Li Ran's next plan. effect.

Fortunately, I was already prepared.

Looking back from the result of this unpacking, Li Ran immediately turned his attention to the system's inventory.

In fact, when he obtained the card [Dr. Vega Punk] earlier, Li Ran had already collected five [A-grade card fragments], but he kept it all the time and did not fuse it. Now, seeing the unsatisfactory results of the unpacking this time, it made him turn his attention to the [A Grade Card Fragment × 5] again.

Although he already owns a lot of B-rank character cards, Li Ran still feels somewhat uneasy in the face of the first A-rank card that is about to be merged.

After all, in normal terms, if Li Ran wants to obtain an A-level card, he must collect a million legends before he can get it by opening the [Golden Treasure Chest], and, from the introduction of the system, we can see that the A-level card is Cards can be said to be the cards with the highest combat power that can be opened in the treasure chest.

For the remaining S-rank cards, there is no other way than to save fragments by opening the [Golden Treasure Chest].

A-level card, I don't know what your first A-level card will look like?

While imagining the possibility of obtaining an A-level card in seconds, Li Ran set his sights on the [synthesis] function of the system.

Speaking of which, Li Ran didn't use this [synthesis] function many times, and it was only two times when he was fully counted. The former doesn't need to say too much, it's all tears, but the latter has given Li Ran a lot of help.

Hope, the result of this synthesis will not be like the previous [Mizuki], no, I will never think about [Mizuki] that time.

Shaking his head and swept away the unfavorable thoughts in his mind, Li Ran returned his gaze to the [Synthesis] function on the data panel.

After adjusting his mentality, he immediately clicked [Synthesis] at the bottom of the introduction data.

I saw a white light flashed in the original column of [B-level card fragments × 5] in the system.

Immediately afterwards, a brand new card with golden luster appeared in front of Li Ran's eyes.

[Class A Card - Gamera]

[Skill: Monster]

[Background introduction: The name of the overhead monster that appeared in "The Great Monster Gamera", a biological weapon made by ancient civilizations, turned into a rocky state and fell asleep, and acted with the purpose of protecting the earth, not only the human being, but the entire ecosystem , including the Earth itself. In order to defeat the creatures that destroy the earth's ecology, even if it affects human beings, they have no scruples. 】

[Note: roar~~~~~~]

Li Ran: "!!!"


"These are all caused by the battle of the Avengers?!"

Miami, Florida.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at the deep pit left by the huge explosion in front of them, as well as the broken Kun-style fighter not far away. Even if they knew the combat effectiveness of these extraordinary people like the Avengers, they were still deeply impressed. was shocked. With the explosion of Killian, the mission of the Avengers was basically completed. Although the disappearance of the most critical target [Holy Lord] made their mission anticlimactic this time, but with the main cause of creating the Extremis virus explosion Killian's death, at least it didn't make Steve and the others go away in vain.

After the battle is over, it is naturally the turn of S.H.I.E.L.D. to end.

However, looking at the entire battle scene, it can be said that nothing will grow. Under the repeated explosions, there is almost nothing intact except for the potholes all over the ground.

Around Killian's base, S.H.I.E.L.D. collected information about the Extremis virus.

"Leave it to me here, the base seems to need manpower to help."

Glancing across the bumpy ground, one of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. paused for a and then said something to his colleague beside him.

"Then leave it to you."

In this regard, the colleagues did not feel too much doubt, nodded and turned towards the direction of the base.

Watching the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent leave, the Hydra spy stood silent for a few seconds before reaching out to pick up a broken sharp claw on the ground.

"This is?"

On the side, the same Hydra came over indirectly.

"It should be the part left over from the battle."

He looked down at the sharp claws in his hand, because he did not know the relationship between the fighting process, he did not know that the sharp claws in his hand came from Killian's mutated spider appendages.

However, due to the carefulness of the agents and spies, he immediately handed the sharp claw to his companion: "Send it to the base."

Obviously, the base in the mouth of the spy is not the base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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