"Jarvis, help me gather all the information about the recent explosion."

"Okay, sir."

Colonel James is Tony's friend after all, although he doesn't really care about the Pentagon behind him.

However, for the safety of his friend, Tony decided to help him.

The Pentagon classified the bombing as a secret, but apparently, the so-called classified information on Upper Jarvis was not as secret as it had imagined.

Half an hour later, Tony had seen all the intelligence content about the nine reports.

As James said, the Pentagon is highly concerned about the explosion, and the evidence collection of various accidents has exceeded hundreds of cases.

Tony couldn't help frowning when he watched one of the explosion videos recorded by the surveillance video, and commanded: "Wait a minute, reverse the scene just now and amplify the sound."

Following Tony's instructions, Jarvis immediately receded the contents of the surveillance video to the footage just before the explosion, and pushed the sound to the highest level.


The names mentioned in the video have basically proved what Tony had been worried about before.

Tony is no stranger to the name Holy Lord.

After all, he had only acted with containment experts from the Foundation not long ago, and he was impressed by the magical power displayed by the [Tiger Charm]. At the same time, in the process of collecting the spell, the containment expert [Dragon] also indirectly mentioned the owner of the spell, the existence of the Holy Lord.

It's just that, unlike what the other party said in the introduction, it seems that the so-called Holy Master has appeared, and it has begun to unfold its prelude to destroying the world as set.

"This is really, an unexpected development."

Raising his eyebrows, Tony looked at the dense evidence in front of him and thought of the meaning behind it.

He couldn't help sighing, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little heavy.

"Jarvis, pack up the collection and send it to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Fortunately, he is not a lone hero who fights alone. Although there is a certain degree of dispute with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the way of handling certain things, Tony is also very clear that at least in the goal of saving the world or fighting criminals, S.H.I.E.L.D. The bureau and even the Avengers have the same goals as themselves.

Ordered Jarvis to transmit information about the Lord to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone in front of him suddenly rang.

"What's the matter, Happy, I still have important things waiting for me to solve here?"

Turning on the screen, Tony looked at the screen displayed on the phone and couldn't help urging.

"Hey, Tony, you have to look at this, a scientist came to Stark Industries and was in a meeting with Pepper, and everything was going well until he was showing his brain to Pepper..."

"His what?"

Tony raised his eyebrows, and the mood that had been perfunctory because of Happy's phone became a little more concentrated.

After all, no matter how you listened to it, the content of the phone seemed a little too scary.

"His brain, Pepper seems to like it, Tony, you should probably come over and check it out."

In Stark Industries, Tony's past driver, and now the captain of the security team, Happy, was speaking to Tony on the other side of the screen with a serious expression.

"This guy looks suspicious. I checked his information. This guy used to work in a private think tank called Advanced Intelligent Machines, but he left two years ago. Now this guy looks very good. Suspicious, and the subordinate he brought, looks like a little gangster..."

Here, Happy chattered about his doubts.

On the other hand, there was a sudden change on the virtual screen in front of Tony.

Jarvis: "Sir, a connection from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Well, Happy, you're responsible for watching that guy, and when I have time, tell me what you've found."

"No problem, Tony, I'll follow that guy."

After casually speaking to Happy on the screen, Tony hung up the call, and then waved to Jarvis to agree to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s contact request.

After getting in touch, Nick Fury's dark face immediately appeared in front of Tony.

"Mr. Stark, can you explain the details about the Holy Lord?"


"So, can you tell me, Jin Bing, who is it?"

In the temporary base of the Defenders, Joseph Joestar asked Matt and the others with an air of ignorance.


In the face of Joseph Joestar's question, Matt was silent for a while before replying: "Jin Bing's real name is Wilson Grant Fisk, and he controls more than half of the criminal activities in Hell's Kitchen and even in the whole of New York. At the same time, he is also one of the most difficult opponents for the defenders. We used Jin Bing's criminal evidence to send him to prison, but as a result, he still relied on his huge network to escape easily, and planned many attacks against the defenders. revenge."

The defenders have tried to bring Jin and bring them to justice more than once, but in the face of the underworld empire where their huge wealth has accumulated, it seems that it is not as smooth as imagined.

"Anyway, Kim is a very cunning and evil guy."

As a private detective, it's not that Jessica didn't plan to collect criminal evidence to lock Jin Bing, but after the previous prison experience, Jin Bing's various criminal methods became more secretive, and it was difficult to find what he left behind. 's flaws.

The answers from the Defenders made the worried look on Joseph Joestar's face even more intense.

"Listen to what you said, even as an ordinary person, Jin Bing is a very difficult existence, and now he has obtained the evil power of the stone ghost face from Dio's hands."


Joseph Joestar's words caused the defenders to fall into silence.

"No matter what, we must stop Jin Bing," clenching his fists, feeling the power of the ripples in his body, Matt said solemnly: "Whether he is a human or a vampire now, in order to protect the safety of Hell's Kitchen, we must Stop Kim Bing's evil ambitions."

Compared to the Avengers, the goals of the Defenders may not be so grand, but they also use their own methods to guard the peace of Hell's Kitchen.

"The existence of the corpse has been proved. Jin began to extend his tentacles into the streets and alleys of Hell's Kitchen. We can't let him continue to infect the corpse."

Thinking of the increasing number of dead people recently, Luke Cage expressed his position.

"Everyone, what follows will be a life-and-death battle for Hell's Kitchen."

Turning his head and sweeping the crowd in front of him, under the action of the ripple power, Matt's super-sensory ability became more and more sensitive.

"I don't like it. Where I live in the future, there will be a group of blood-sucking guys."

Jessica raised her eyebrows and expressed her position.

"me too."

Danny didn't say much, raised his iron fist as a sign.

The defenders each expressed their fighting positions, and then turned their attention to Joseph Joestar.

Facing the gazes of the defenders and his party, Joseph Joestar showed a smile on his weathered face, and said without hesitation: "As a vampire hunter, eliminating vampires is one of my goals, not to mention, this is called Kim Bing's guy, obviously has some information that I need to know."

At the same time, with the addition of Joseph Joestar, it will undoubtedly give the defenders more confidence in the next battle with Jinbing.


"Are you sure, this is where Jin Bing is hiding?"

Hell's Kitchen, Kim and Mansion.

Joseph Joestar looked up at the towering building with a weird expression: "This place doesn't seem to have a secret plan no matter what."

Danny nodded solemnly: "Although it's a bit unexpected, according to the clues I got, Jin and his subordinates are indeed in this building, and they haven't come out of it for several days."

Hearing Danny's reply, Joseph Joestar retracted his gaze and showed his professionalism as a vampire hunter: "If everything you say is true, then it is very likely that the People have been infected by Jin and transformed into vampires and corpses."

Thinking of this, Joseph Joestar couldn't help but grinned, made a headache, and murmured: "The corpse in a whole building, even I have never experienced such a battle situation, you can handle it. Yet?"

"We are ready to fight."

In the face of Joseph Joestar's concerns, the defenders kept their eyes firm and forged ahead.

The entrance to the Jinbing Building was closed, but that alone obviously couldn't stop the defenders from advancing.

Luke Cage reached out and broke the door lock of the entrance with a little force, and opened the door of the building. The goal was a dark scene.

Noticing the strangeness in the building, the defenders and Joseph Joestar subconsciously frowned, vaguely feeling a depressing atmosphere flowing in the building.

pat, pat-

"It didn't work, it looked like the lights in the whole building were broken."

Pressing the switch at the entrance, the lights in the lobby on the first floor of the building did not respond at all. Jessica pouted and quickly understood.

For vampires and ghouls, the dark environment is obviously more beneficial to them.

"Not only the lighting, but also the layout of the entire building has been changed, completely isolating the sunlight."

Luke Cage's eyes swept around the building and said.

The defenders chose to attack the building during the day, but obviously, Kim was not prepared for it, and it did not allow them to take too much advantage.

"For your purpose, Jin Bing has already guessed it."

Just when the defenders were cautious because of the various arrangements of the building, a hoarse voice sounded. Immediately afterwards, in the darkness, dense figures appeared in the hall, vaguely surrounding the defenders and Joseph Joestar.

In the surrounded situation, a figure who seemed to be the leader stood up, grinning and revealing his final sharp teeth: "Now, the entire building is full of transformed vampires and corpses. Just a few of you, There is absolutely no way to defeat us, defenders, I will **** all the blood out of your body."

Faced with the threat of this vampire in front of them, the defenders looked solemn.

So many corpse people have obviously brought great psychological pressure to them.

"It seems that I have been underestimated." However, in the face of so many corpses, Joseph Joestar's performance remained calm. He twisted his neck, stepped in front of the defenders, raised his eyebrows and looked at the vampire in front of him, and said indifferently: "Matt, you have to remember that the ripples come from the blood in the human body, but its There are no restrictions on the medium of transmission, such as..."

Ignoring the threat of the corpse army in front of him, Joseph Joestar took the battle in front of him as a practical tutorial to teach Matt the power of the ripples.

I saw his hands on the ground, accompanied by a soft cry: "Xiandao ripples run away!"

The next moment, in Matt's super senses, a huge ripple force was generated from Joseph Joestar's hand, and it was transmitted to the corpse in front of him at an extremely fast speed.



The power of the ripples transmitted through the ground, although not as powerful as the use of the body, it still caused huge damage to the corpses in front of them. It melted under the power, and even the leading vampire suffered a severe blow and wailed in pain.

"What kind of power is this, and why does it hurt me?"

While retreating rapidly behind him, stepping on the melted corpses to avoid the damage of the ripples, the leading vampire issued a miserable question.

As the distance increases ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the damage of the ripples to this vampire also tends to weaken. He looks down at his healed feet, but the expression on his face is extremely ugly. Although the melted feet recovered by relying on the vampire's powerful self-healing ability, the pain caused by the feet melting under the ripples was still left in his body.

"The power that can kill you."

Faced with the questioning of the leading vampire, Joseph Joestar apparently had no intention of explaining.

"Everyone, step up to me and kill him!"

The power of the ripples displayed made this vampire feel terrified, and he could feel that the power contained in this power might really kill him as the other party said.

A change flashed across the pale face, and the leading vampire glanced at Joseph Joestar's hands in fear, then gritted his teeth and ordered the surrounding corpses to attack. The mouth ordered the corpse to step forward, but the vampire himself took a step back again, hiding himself in more shadows.

"Ripple sprints and fights~"

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