Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 256: new card

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S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, inside the Tri-Curved Wing Building.

Nick Fury looked at the information in his hand and had a headache.

During this period of time, frequent incidents have made the Director of SHIELD burdened like a cow.

Not only does he have to deal with the repercussions of these events, but he also has to face questions from the Council. Under such a heavy burden, the S.H.I.E.L.D. director also began to feel a little tired. After all, even if he can lead the Avengers to save the world, Nick Fury is just an ordinary person after all. Even if he has received strict special agent training, he will still feel tired and even have times when he has more than enough power.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is determined to prevent major threats and protect the safety of the world.

However, the world is too vast after all, and it cannot be completely achieved by an organization of S.H.I.E.L.D.

That's why, when facing Penglai or the SCP Foundation, Nick Fury's stance tends to be contact, rather than mindless hostility.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization, not a villain organization like Hydra. Although sometimes it is not much better than the villain organization in terms of the means of performing tasks, it still has a bottom line.

What's more, whether it's a secret organization like Penglai or the SCP Foundation, they have shown terrifying combat effectiveness from the beginning of their debut, whether it's the power of Penglai's immortals, or the strange Momo of Polsalino, the captain of the second tactical unit of the SCP Foundation. To measure the ability to transform into a light spot, unless it is necessary to fight, or they show the possibility of threatening the world like Jiuyou, otherwise, if you can contact Nick Fury, you should try to contact him as much as possible.

After all, the threats on Earth are great, but they are equally unsafe beyond it.

The past experience made Nick Fury clear that there are also all kinds of good or malicious eyes outside the universe, watching the planet on which they live.


At this time, with a knock on the door, Alexander pushed open the door, looked at Nick Fury in the office, and said helplessly.

"Nick, the fact that you didn't go to the meeting made the Council very unhappy."

"You know, I've never liked meeting with those people in the Security Council." After covering up the information in his hand, Nick Fury looked at Alexander in front of him and replied solemnly.

In fact, Nick Fury is not lying, he has never had a good impression of those politicians in the Security Council.

Especially after the Chitauri invasion and the events in Upper New York Bay, Nick Fury's little hope for the Security Council was also exhausted.

"I know."

Alexander was not surprised by Nick Fury's reply. In fact, from his standpoint, the more rigid the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Security Council, the more conducive to Hydra's actions. Although he has his own thoughts in his heart, on the surface, Alexander still made an expression of a friend and persuaded Nick Fury: However, even if it is a pretense, you must give them some face, or else , I would have a hard time doing it. "

Alexander's words changed the expression on Nick Fury's face. He looked up at his sincere friend, and finally nodded: "Okay, I see. Tell the Council, I'm sorry this time. in their absence, I will attend the next meeting with them."

Nick Fury's words lightened the worried look on Alexander's face. He glanced at Nick Fury's previous materials, and then asked in a casual tone: "It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Trouble occurs every day, and all S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to do is to minimize the threat of trouble."

Noticing Alexander's gaze, Nick Fury opened the information in his hand, spread it out directly in front of him, and replied as usual: "Although Doctor Doom has been secretly detained by S.H.I.E.L.D., the Fantastic Four's The follow-up processing still needs to be handled by S.H.I.E.L.D., although I have arranged for Agent Phil to contact them, but it doesn’t seem to be going well…”

"This is an internal matter of SHIELD, and my current status in the Security Council is not easy to intervene."

Looking at the information in Nick Fury's hands, Alexander shook his head and deliberately drew a line to express his position.

Next, he tried a few words with Nick Fury in the office, and determined that the other party did not doubt his identity. Alexander found a reason at will and left.

Watching Alexander leave, Nick Fury restrained the smile on his face, looked down at the document in his hand, and after a moment of silence, he took out another document from below, his eyes deep.


[Legend]: 135855

The harvest was good, his eyes retracted from the data panel of the system, and Li Ran nodded secretly.

However, thinking that part of the legend came from the effect of the clone using the [Magic Flute] to transform, the expression on Li Ran's face became more or less weird.

In particular, the popularity brought by the transformation is not even inferior to the chaos caused by the [Tiger Charm] used by the phantom thief Kidd, which he carefully arranged. While Li Ran was speechless, he also realized a little bit of meaning, that is, the acquisition of the system's reputation is not only a terrible or powerful impression, sometimes, hot eyes can also bring a lot of reputation.

However, when he thought of the appearance of the clone, even Li Ran, who had already prepared himself mentally, couldn't help shaking, and hurriedly shook his head to sweep out the other person's hot eyes that could be regarded as childhood nightmares.

There are so many ways to get fame, there is no need to rely on hot eyes to get it.

Although, in terms of benefit ratio, this method is the simplest, but to a certain extent, it is simply a kind of mental destruction.

Anyway, in a short time, Li Ran will not use it again.

Taking a deep breath and pulling his thoughts back to the topic, Li Ran looked at the bright legend on the system data panel.

Without much hesitation, I immediately exchanged it for [Silver Treasure Chest].

Compared with the cold legend numbers, the actual cards attracted his attention more.


[Prop: Spinach]

[Effect: infinite power]

[Introduction: The wonderful food in the animation "Popeye", Poppy is a sailor who lives happily with his girlfriend Oliver. Poppy and Oliver's happy life arouses the jealousy of the villain Pluto, who does everything possible to **** Oliver away. So, Pluto always tried his best to grab Oliver. Whenever he was about to succeed, Poppy always got his life-saving charm - spinach. Poppy can become powerful just by eating spinach. 】

[Remarks: I am very Because I often eat spinach, I am Poppy the sailor. 】


【A Grade Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown A-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class B Card - Dr. Vega Punk]

[Skill: Research]

[Background introduction: The character in "One Piece", the genius doctor, is 500 years ahead of today's technology and is known as a scientist who has surpassed human wisdom for 500 years. When he was young, he was arrested and disbanded his original research team because he discovered the "design of life" that was considered the most dangerous existence by the world government. In fact, he was controlled by the world government and turned to work for the world government. 】


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