Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 254: Ip Man VS Doctor Doom

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With a light drink.

A huge palm condensed by gravel slammed down, rolling up the yellow sand and hitting the defenseless Doctor Doom.

[Famousness from Victor von Doum +650]

[From the Fantastic Four Reed Richards's reputation +500]

[From the legend of the Fantastic Four Ben Grimm...]

[From the Fantastic Four Susan...]

【From Fantastic Four Johnny...】


Under the heavy attack of the Hand of Sand, Doctor Doom's body flew out like a heavy cannonball, knocking a bus parked on the side of the road into a huge groove.

"Who is this guy? He looks amazing."

Seeing the figure suddenly appearing on the battlefield, Johnny raised his eyebrows and blurted out.

"Whoever he is, at least he doesn't seem to be with Victor."

Turning his head to look at the figure that appeared and then at Victor, who was knocked out, Ben replied in a deep voice.

At the same time, he turned to look at Reed beside him, and asked with his eyes crossed: "How is it, Reed, do you still think your original idea was right? Victor is a good person and the most suitable person. "

"Well, Ben, I know, you're right."

Facing the half-sarcastic half-questioning words of his friend, Reed rubbed his temples and admitted.

In the past, he was indeed a little too naive. He was deceived by Victor's kindness and almost made a big mistake and even gave Susan to...

Thinking of this, Reed's eyes couldn't help but glance at Susan who was standing beside him.

Aware of Reed's gaze, Susan and he looked at each other silently.

Feeling the subtle ambiguous aura around him, Johnny pouted and was about to speak to remind them. On the other side, the sunken bus made a harsh sound, and a silver-white metal arm stretched out from the car to form a deep handprint on the car. Doctor Doom stuck out his body and looked at the one who knocked him into the air. The figure asked in a cold tone, "Who are you?"

Facing the questioning of Doctor Doom.

A man in a Tang suit turned his palms and controlled the yellow sand on his body to spread out, revealing his elegant appearance wrapped in gravel: "Penglai, Ye Wen."

[From the legend of Victor von Doum...]


Hearing Ye Wen's answer, Doctor Doom lowered his head and silently read the name the other party said.

Although the members of the Avengers were exposed to the eyes of the world because of the previous New York War, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still working hard to protect their information, except for Tony, who has been publicly announced. Therefore, for the vast majority of the public, including Doctor Doom, Penglai is still an unknown secret existence.

Although he didn't know much about Penglai, the ability that Ye Wen showed in front of him had already made Doctor Doom have to pay attention.

Shaking his head and pulling his thoughts back, Doctor Doom looked at Ye Wen in front of him, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

"I don't care who you are, since you dare to stop me, then you are ready to give your life."

The endless power from the cosmic storm radiation in his body made Doctor Doom full of confidence. Even if the members of the Avengers appeared in front of him, he had the confidence to fight them.

As the words of Doctor Doom fell, violent lightning gathered on him, and the terrifying and dangerous electric current melted the bus behind him into crimson metal, and Doctor Doom himself stepped forward without hesitation, moving towards the opposite side. Ye Wen rushed away. In his eyes, compared to the Fantastic Four and the others who had no threat, Ye Wen was the primary threat.

"Be careful!"

Seeing Doctor Destruction rushing forward, Ben shot without hesitation, intending to use his powerful defense to block the opponent's attack.


However, a bolt of lightning struck him, and the heavy stone man was instantly blown away by lightning again.


As a loud bang smashed the wall, Ben shook his head with an angry look on his face.

Doctor Doom's lightning couldn't kill him, but it also made him difficult to get close to.

From Doctor Doom's shot, to the moment when the Stone Man was electrocuted, it was almost a blink of an eye. When the Fantastic Four came back to their senses, Doctor Doom's silver-white metal figure had already appeared in front of Ye Wen, and I saw him waving his hard arm that was comparable to metal, driving terrifying lightning to smash into Ye Wen's body. go.

【Sand Shield】

In the face of the dangerous blow from Doctor Doom, Ye Wen behaved extremely calmly.

Feeling the terrifying threat so close at hand, Ye Wen withdrew his left leg slightly, followed by a low drink.

The shields condensed by the sand formed instantly, appearing between him and Doctor Doom, blocking the opponent's attack.

Click, click—

"Do you think that this bit of sand alone can stop me?"

He punched the [Sand Shield] made by Ye Wen. Under the steel mask, Doctor Doom's expression remained unchanged. With his cold snort, dense cracks appeared on the surface of the originally sturdy [Sand Shield]. The next moment, under the violent electric current that erupted from the palm of Doctor Doom, it melted and exploded.

Of course, Ye Wen didn't expect to block Doctor Doom's attack with a single [Sand Shield].

Although it is impossible to make an accurate judgment, it is clear that after absorbing the radiation of the cosmic storm twice in a row, the strength of Doctor Doom is infinitely close to the level of the B-level character card, and the current he controls is the most terrifying. One of the forms of attack, therefore, Doctor Doom at this time is undoubtedly a difficult opponent for Ye Wen.

Of course, in this case, Li Ran could also just let Ye Wen change back to Shouhe's form without hesitation, and directly destroy the Doctor with a hammer.

But First, this is inconsistent with the situation of Shouhe being sealed, and secondly, the damage caused by the huge body after becoming Shouhe is not necessarily smaller than that caused by Doctor Destruction today. Maybe even bigger, it doesn't fit Ye Wen's character at all.

However, after rejecting the possibility of Shouhe's appearance, if he wants to defeat Doctor Doom, it is obvious that Ye Wen needs to spend a little more thought.

Fortunately, he was not the only one fighting Doctor Doom at the scene.

With the obstruction of the [Sand Shield], dodge the attack of Doctor Doom.

"It seems that in order to beat you, you first need to solve the lightning on you."

Ye Wen frowned and looked at the violent current wrapped around Doctor Doom. As his thoughts turned, lightning rods made of gravel stood up on the ground, directly absorbing most of the lightning on Doctor Doom.

At the same time, Ye Wen's hands were on the ground, and a large amount of wind and sand rose up and wrapped around Doctor Doom.

"[Sand Bound Prison]!"

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