Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 244: Tiger Charm

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!

The moment things break apart.

The spider sensor in Peter's body sent out a frantic reminder.

However, it was of no use.

In the next instant, the little spider felt as if his body was directly divided into two halves by a mysterious force, half evil and half kind and cowardly.



Immediately afterwards, Peter discovered that this was not just his own illusion, because he really became two.

[From the good Spider-Man Peter Parker's reputation +450]

[Famous from the evil Spider-Man Peter Parker +450]

【Tiger Talisman】——When the pair is divided into two halves, the user is also divided into yin and yang sides, and each survives as a new life form.

"Look, you little dwarf, believe it or not, I stripped you off and threw you on a tall building to hang!"

The two little spiders looked at each other, and one of them suddenly threatened the guy who was exactly the same as him in front of him.

"Violence is not the best way to solve the problem, what's more, I didn't mess with you sir."

Facing the threat of the evil Spider-Man, the good Spider-Man said with a big face, and the weak temperament all over his body can be seen at a glance.

"Who cares if you offended me or not." Interrupting the good Spider-Man unceremoniously, the evil Spider-Man said in a domineering manner: "I just don't like you, especially your outfit, who would allow it? You dress like this."

"I'm Spider-Man, sir, and this is my uniform."

"No, you're not, I'm the real Spider-Man." Under the mask, the evil Spider-Man's youthful face showed an unhappy expression.

"Then, Mr. That, we can all be Spider-Man, and no one has stipulated that Spider-Man can only be one person." As a non-violent pacifist, Good Spider-Man is unwilling or not too dare to fight with the villainous person on the opposite side. The Spider-Man argues, carefully making concessions.

"There's always been one Spider-Man, and that's me."

Seeing the cowardly reaction of Good Spider-Man, Evil Spider-Man not only did not appreciate it, but became more and more unhappy. Seeing this guy who was exactly the same as himself but was extremely weak, Evil Spider-Man only felt angry.

"If Mr. insists on being Spider-Man, then you can be Spider-Man." In this regard, instead of being angry, Good Spider-Man made concessions again: "Actually, I don't want to be Spider-Man so much, superhero. It looks dangerous, and I don't want to get hurt by it."

"Super hero?"

Hearing the words of the good Spider-Man, the face of the evil Spider-Man immediately showed a disdainful expression: "I don't want to be a superhero, saving the world such a thankless thing, only Tony Stark does this. Only a idiot who has money and nowhere to spend will do it, I want to be a super villain, with superhuman strength in this body, I will not be stupid just thinking about being a stupid superhero."

"Don't you say that about Mr. Tony Stark!"

Hearing that the evil Spider-Man called his idol Mr. Stark an idiot, even the good Spider-Man who became cowardly and timid couldn't help but dared to refute.


However, looking at the evil Spider-Man with a vicious look, the courage that the good Spider-Man finally raised suddenly vanished completely, and returned to a cowardly expression, even daring to say aloud: "Stark... Sir, he is the hero who saved New York, and he developed a powerful steel suit with his own abilities, so he is not a fool."

"It looks like you have an opinion on what I said?" Beneath the mask, Evil Peter narrowed his eyes and asked dangerously.

"No, I'm just offering a slightly different opinion."

After swallowing his saliva, the good Spider-Man said decisively from his heart.

"I don't like your opinion." Under the effect of the [Tiger Charm], the evil Spider-Man not only became very evil in character, but also quite irritable. He saw that he was exactly the same as himself but from scratch The good Spider-Man with a weak reaction in the tail suddenly became more angry, and without hesitation, he started to move towards the opposite good Spider-Man. The good spider rushed over fiercely: "And your cowardly and useless appearance is completely embarrassing to me."

"Ah, sir, I have no intention of fighting you~"

In the face of the evil Spider-Man who was aggressively attacking him, the good Spider-Man suddenly panicked.

Although the two people separated by the [Tiger Talisman] have the same ability, but because of their different personalities, the fighting power displayed by the two is also very different.

The Evil Spider-Man moves fiercely, and under the action of super power, every attack will make a 'whoosh' sound, which is full of power.

On the other hand, although the good Spider-Man is not weaker than the evil Spider-Man in the slightest.

However, under the influence of his cowardly character, he did not dare to make any counterattacks at all, and only wanted to avoid it. Under such circumstances, even if he had super powers, he would not be able to play the slightest role, and he was completely suppressed by the evil Spider-Man. fight.

"You coward, don't you dare to make a move?"

The more cowardly the good Spider-Man behaves, the more angry the evil Spider-Man is, and the strength of the attack with his hands becomes heavier and heavier.

"Sir, fighting is a very dangerous thing." Relying on the spider sense to avoid the evil Spider-Man's attack, the repeated dodging made the good Spider-Man a little difficult, but even so, he still did not have the courage to fight back, the evil Spider-Man's Looking so terrifying, as if he fought back, he would definitely be attacked more: "If I offended you somewhere, I can apologize to you."


The good Spider-Man's blind concession, not only did not make the evil Spider-Man feel relieved, on the contrary, it felt more or less fueling the fire.

Looking at the same useless guy in front of him, he felt like he was about to explode with anger: "Your existence itself is a problem for me, if you really want to apologize to me, then you will be obedient to me. Die!"

As the evil Spider-Man's voice fell, the next moment he suddenly grabbed the spider silk and swayed, and the whole person slammed into the good Spider-Man in front of him.


The evil Spider-Man's collision was extremely sudden, and even the good Spider-Man with the help of spider sense couldn't react in time, so he endured the opponent's violent collision so abruptly.

Under the collision, Shan Spider-Man subconsciously let go of his hands, and the half of the [Tiger Charm] he was holding in one hand and the spider silk came out with both hands, and in exclamation, Shan Shan's whole body started to fall straight down. At the moment of life and death crisis, Good Spider-Man's body immediately stiffened, and his brain went blank and could not respond at all.

Obviously, under the effect of the [Tiger Charm], the good Spider-Man, who was separated from the positive side, although kind, but with a cowardly personality, lost the courage to remain calm in the face of life and death crisis.

If the fall is real, even Spider-Man, whose physical fitness exceeds ordinary people, may not be able to survive.

At the critical moment, the good Spider-Man, who closed his eyes and screamed, only felt that his body, which had been falling rapidly, was suddenly lifted up by a force.

In the next instant, his screaming stopped abruptly.

Carefully opening his eyes, the good Spider-Man only saw the phantom thief Kidd in a white dress controlling the glider with one hand and holding himself with the other.

[Famousness from Peter Parker, the good Spider-Man +700]

[Famous from the evil Spider-Man Peter Parker +700]

Nearly dying, the good Spider-Man said to the strange thief with gratitude, completely forgetting that the reason why today's scene happened is entirely because of the strange thief: "Thank you, Mr. strange thief, if it wasn't for you, I would You're going to be killed in no time."

"You're welcome."

Controlling the glider to put the good Spider-Man down, the phantom thief Kid played with half of the [Tiger Charm] in his hand and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

The effect of the [Tiger Charm] is more useful than Li Ran thought, especially after dividing the spiders into two, it can actually bring double the legendary harvest.

Unfortunately, there is only one [Tiger Charm].

He felt a little pity in his heart, but Kidd, the phantom thief who turned into a clone, continued to maintain his true identity, and said to the good Spider-Man in front of him: "Since the gift has been sent, then I hope you will be happy next time. Enjoy this gift, Spider-Man."

As the words fell, the phantom thief waved his cloak and swept away suddenly, followed by an explosion and a puff of smoke, and there was no figure of the phantom thief Kidd in front of him.

In this case, if it was replaced by a small spider that was not affected by the [Tiger Charm], he would naturally pursue without hesitation, looking for the direction the phantom thief fled.

It's just, unfortunately, in front of the phantom thief now is the good Spider-Man who has only a kind and cowardly side under the influence of the spell.

He looked at the disappearance of the monster thief in front of him, and he didn't have any thought of chasing after him. Not only that, he looked up at the evil Spider-Man, who had disappeared for some time. Instead of worrying, he felt relieved. With a sigh, he looked at the surrounding environment, and after thinking for a while, he just left.



"I'm up, Auntie."

Early in the morning, Peter came to the first floor and said hello to Aunt May Parker, who was making breakfast.

"Tell me, Peter, were you bullied at school?"

Looking at Peter, who looked a little weak, May Parker's face showed a worried expression.

"No, Auntie."

Facing the concern expressed by Aunt May Parker, Peter quickly shook his head: "I have been doing well at school and have not been bullied by anyone."

On this point, Peter actually lied. Whether it was before the influence of the [Tiger Charm] or now, he was actually not doing well at school. Belonging to a small transparent existence, apart from friends, there are not many classmates who can talk.

"Auntie, I'm full."

After finishing the breakfast made by his aunt, Peter ran out the door in a hurry.

In fact, he had already made up his mind that the role of a student would be more suitable for him than a dangerous superhero status.

"Good morning, Peter."

"Good morning, Ned."


"Boss, this is the news material that is going to be published in tomorrow's newspaper."

Clarion Daily, in the newspaper office, employees send prepared news materials to the office of the editor-in-chief and boss J Jonah Jameson.


J. Jonah Jameson nodded, his gray temples, a thick beard, and a serious middle-aged man. Glancing at the content of the material, most of them are still related reports about the latest superheroes, the "Fantastic Four". However, this is something that can't be done. Whoever calls the "Fantastic Four" a few normalized now, handsome men and beautiful women who also have the image of non-human members, is completely the darling of the media.

Under such circumstances, the Clarion Daily, as a part of the news media, naturally needs to follow the hot spots to report.

However, after scanning these materials, J. Jonah Jameson raised his eyebrows and suddenly asked the employee in front of him, "What about Spider-Man, what about the report about him?"

Hearing J. Jonah Jameson's inquiry, the employees showed a helpless expression on their faces. In fact, even the employees of the Daily Bugle didn't know why the boss of their own newspaper had been struggling with the superhero Spider-Man. , Every now and then, he accuses Spider-Man of various actions through newspaper reports.

Although, I was puzzled by J. Jonah Jameson's approach, but who called him the boss of the newspaper, and he was just an employee working under the other party.

Therefore, in the face of inquiries, the staff responded without hesitation: "Spider-Man is still the same these days, nothing too special, and some newspaper readers have reported that our reports on Spider-Man have been somewhat recent. There's too much, and they want to see a lot of other content."

"Obviously, these readers don't know how harmful Spider-Man is to us."

Although the suggestions given by the staff were, they did not change J. Jonah Jameson's mind at all.

The so-called freedom of the press is simply not in the scope of J. Jonah Jameson's consideration.

"The existence of Spider-Man is a huge threat to New York, and sooner or later we will suffer a huge disaster because of him. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, the Daily Clarion must issue a reminder to the numb New Yorkers. , let them face the threat posed by Spider-Man."

In the office, J. Jonah Jameson justly expressed his disgust for Spider-Man.

"Actually, that day is not far away."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice rang in the office.

J. Jonah Jameson turned his head and saw a figure that was very familiar to him but unfamiliar in his office.

To the surprised look from J. Jonah Jameson, Black Peter in black uniform said with a smile: "Or, it can be said that the day has come."

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