Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 242: Mutations

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"The new hairstyle is nice."

Stretching his stiff body, Ben appeared in the laboratory. Looking at Reed, who was really concentrating on his research, and his gray temples, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and sneered.

"Hey Ben, you're finally awake."

Turning to look at his friend who had woken up again, Reed quickly put down the experiment in his hand, and happily hugged him.

"You've been in a coma for three days, and I've been worried about your condition."

When the space cosmic storm hit, Ben was on a mission outside the space station, and everyone thought he would die.

"How is it, Ben, is there anything wrong with your body?"

"Actually, I feel fine." He shrugged. Although he was in a coma for several days, Ben didn't feel any discomfort.

"However, it's really a thrilling scene, isn't it?"

Recalling the situation on the space station, even if he was not injured, Ben still felt a little frightened: "What is going on?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head silently, even Reed couldn't explain what happened on the space station before: "I have checked the data over and over again, all are correct, but the result is not fact, I was thinking that this might be a warning that I should give up research on cosmic storms in space..."


Seeing the guilty look on Reed's face, Ben immediately interrupted his next words: "This is the mystery of the universe, you can't predict all of it, at least we all survived that disaster. ."

After persuading his friend a few words, Ben immediately brought the topic to the meteorite in the center of the laboratory.

"So, this is the meteorite you brought back from outer space?"

"In fact, it was the cosmic storm in space that brought it."

Ben's words successfully diverted Reed's attention. Looking at the strangely shaped meteorite in front of him, Reed's tone couldn't help becoming excited: "I initially scanned the internal structure of this meteorite and found that there are many interesting places. Perhaps the composition of the meteorite itself is special, or it may be due to the cosmic storm in space, in short, this meteorite is not unusual."

"I originally planned to continue to study this meteorite in depth, but Victor did not agree with my request."

Speaking of which, Reid's expression was a little helpless.

He was very interested in this meteorite, but Victor obviously had other plans.

Taking his eyes back from the meteorite brought back from outer space, Ben still looked the same. Reed, who was so focused on research, couldn't help but said, "Reed, although from the point of view of a friend. , I shouldn't say these things, but after going through these things, I feel that there are some things in life that are more important than work or research."

"what are you saying?"

Reed looked at the meteorite in front of him and replied blankly.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ben continued, "I mean, it's time for you to find a girlfriend."

"Please, Ben, you know, I don't have any idea of ​​finding a girlfriend right now."

"Is it out of ideas, or have you forgotten Susan at all?"

Ben's words changed the expression on Reed's face, but he quickly restrained himself, shaking his head and saying, "Ben, she is now with the most suitable person, so it's good for everyone. "


"I have to figure out a way to get rid of this scar."

In front of the mirror, Victor looked at the tiny scar on his temple and couldn't help frowning.

"Actually, it's good for you, sir, to have a scar."

Hearing Victor's words, the secretary opened his mouth and gave the latest reaction: "People generally feel that you look more kind when you have scars, and it also makes them feel sympathetic to your experience in outer space."

"So, I should be thankful for the scar?"

Victor asked with a cold face, and sorted out his appearance in front of the mirror.

"How's the situation?"

"The stock price is still falling, the impact of the space accident is still there, and the previous alien invasion has made everyone pay special attention to events from outer space."

The secretary's report made the expression on Victor's face even colder: "What about the meteorite?"

"Unfortunately, sir, they are generally not optimistic about the meteorites you brought back from outer space, thinking that they have little value." Shaking his head, the secretary replied.

"Haven't they seen the research that Reed provided?"

Although, the previous space accident made Victor quite dissatisfied with Reed, because an accident not only severely damaged his prestige, but also caused him huge losses. However, from a rational point of view, Victor had to admit that Reed was a smart guy, so Victor also believed very much in the research report he provided on meteorites.

Frowning, this result made Victor a little unacceptable: "This is obviously not an ordinary meteorite."

"But it's still a meteorite, sir."

The secretary replied calmly.

"These meteorites are not Tony Stark's steel suits, and it is difficult to attract investors' attention."

"Tony Stark."

Hearing the secretary's words, Victor couldn't help but murmured.

Even among the many billionaires, Tony Stark is quite special, especially after he became a superhero who saved New York and a member of the Avengers.

"Anyway, keep in touch, I think there will always be someone interested in this meteorite."

Shaking his head and pulling his thoughts back, Victor ordered the secretary.

Turning around, he touched the pen on the table, and the next second, a weak current suddenly emerged from his fingers.


Looking at Victor who suddenly fell silent, the secretary couldn't help but shout.

"Well, nothing."

When he came back to his senses, Victor looked at his palm and replied perfunctorily.


"It must be a cosmic storm, the radiation from the storm has changed our DNA..."

When they just ate at the restaurant, Susan and Reed noticed the strangeness of their bodies, which made them suspect that the previous space storm had affected everyone's bodies to a certain extent.

"Don't jump to conclusions. This is just your guess. Before making a real conclusion, we still need more evidence to support it."

Although he has experienced the weirdness of his own body, Reed still maintains a rigorous attitude as a scientist, and does not easily draw conclusions: "Maybe, all this is just an illusion caused by poisoning when we ate stale ingredients in the restaurant. "

"Please, Reed, do you really think this is all just an illusion?"

"I'm just presenting a hypothetical possibility."

On this side, Reed and Susan were arguing with each other because of their speculations. On the other side, Johnny, who was wrapped in a pink down jacket, snapped his fingers and interrupted excitedly: "Guys, look at me."

Redrawing the attention of Reed and Susan, Johnny snapped his fingers, and then a flame emerged from his fingers out of thin air.

With a snap of his fingers, he controlled the flame to flash on his fingers, and Johnny said excitedly: "I have a feeling that as long as I want, I can let this flame burn anywhere on my body, anywhere. "


"Cosmic storms have changed our DNA!"

Danny's living example makes Reed have to believe that everything is true.

"However, this is unreasonable. What is the mechanism through which cosmic storms change our DNA, and is this change permanent or temporary?"

Although he acknowledged the fact of the mutation, more problems appeared in Reed's heart next.


Reed's words made Tony, who had been silent about gaining extraordinary power, stunned for a moment. He liked his ability at the moment and didn't want it to disappear.

"Compared to these, I think we should still look for Ben."

The opening interrupted Reed's speculation, and Susan said with concern.

Since the three of them have all mutated because of the concern of the cosmic storm, as Ben, who once faced the cosmic storm, should theoretically be the same as them.

While thinking about it, the three hurried to the room where Ben was.

However, the closed door of the room blocked Reed and his party at the door.

"Ben! Ben! Are you okay?!"

Standing outside the door, Reed was facing the door of the room, slapped frantically, but couldn't get any response from inside.

This unusual situation made Reed immediately start to worry.

Before, when eating in a restaurant, I had already shown an uncomfortable appearance. Now, the mutation of a few people was contacted, and Reed suddenly became uneasy.

"Susan, do you have the code to the door?"

While knocking on the door of the room, Reed asked Susan next to him.

"Let me try……"

Hearing Reed's words, Susan immediately came to the combination lock.

"No, I need a little time."

Through the transparent gap in the door, Reed noticed that the situation in the room was unusual, and his inner unease quickly turned into anxiety. Looking at Susan who was constantly trying to unlock it, Reed thought of the ability he had just shown in the restaurant. With the idea of ​​​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he reached out through the gap under the door and successfully opened the room. Inside locked door.

"It's disgusting..."

Looking at Reed's ability, Johnny said with some disgust.

Compared with the cool ability to control flames, Reed's soft ability is obviously not very appealing to him.


Johnny's reaction made Reed a little speechless. He opened his mouth and was about to say something. The next moment, the loud noise from the room suddenly startled the three of them.

Rushing into the room, the big hole in the wall and the bent bed frame all indicate what happened here.

"Look! What is that?!"

Pointing to the hole in the wall, Johnny exclaimed.

With Johnny's exclamation passing through the entrance of the cave, Reed and others immediately looked at the situation. Through the entrance of the cave, they vaguely saw a yellow figure running loomingly in the forest in the distance.

"Is this Ben?"

Looking at this strange figure, Reed said uncertainly.

Judging from the reaction in the room just now, Ben has obviously also mutated, but what kind of mutation was it, and why did Ben run away, which made Reed a little puzzled.

"What happened here?"

At this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded behind the three:

The three of them turned around and looked at each other in unison.

I saw that Victor had come to the door of the room at some point, looked at the situation in the room, and asked with a puzzled look.

"Something happened, Victor."

Looking at Victor who appeared, Reed immediately explained: "The cosmic storm seems to have changed the DNA of our body, and the body has undergone some changes."

"It's not just Ben, we all have different symptoms." Susan said immediately after Reed's explanation.


Susan's words made Victor's eyes change a little bit, and he remembered all the changes his body had undergone these days.

"Symptoms, I don't think they are symptoms."

Hearing Susan's explanation of their physical condition, Johnny immediately retorted with some dissatisfaction, he raised his hand to generate a flame: "Now we have the same extraordinary power as the Avengers, maybe we can refer to the Avengers also established A superhero group, what do you think of the name Fantastic Heroes, or the Justice League?"

"We don't yet know whether these capabilities are harmful to the body."

In the face of Johnny's imagination, Reed began to pour cold water and said: "Before determining the danger of these abilities, I think we should be careful. Even, we should use these abilities less often to avoid more serious things from happening."

"Hey, man, you've already become a superhuman, why are you so boring." Controlling the raging flames in his hands, Reed's remarks made Johnny a little disappointed.

"Johnny, this is not the time for jokes!"

Looking at the flames in Johnny's hands, Susan said displeasedly, "Put away your flames, don't you think the current situation is not messy I'm not joking. "

With a frown, Johnny extinguished the flame in his hand. Although he does his own way and is arrogant, he can still listen to his sister's words to some extent.

"If what you said is true, then Ben's current situation is not safe, and we should find him as soon as possible."

Taking his eyes away from Johnny's hand, Victor looked at the huge hole in the wall and pretended to be concerned.

"Maybe it's not the big guy who isn't safe."

Looking at the big hole in front of him, Johnny didn't think there was anything unsafe for a guy who could create such a big hole.

"Maybe he just suddenly wanted to go out and breathe, and when he's done breathing, he might come back."

"No, he should have gone home."

Reed looked at a photo that fell on the ground and said.

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