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"Master Ye, I'm really bothering you."

In Chinatown, the Shouhe incident has passed, and the follow-up reconstruction work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Looking at the elegant man in Tang suit in front of him, the old lady showed a grateful smile on her wrinkled face: "If it wasn't for you, Master Ye, I wouldn't even know how long it would take to clean it up by myself."

"No, this is what I should do, grandma."

Shaking his head, Ye Wen looked at the trembling old man in front of him and said apologetically.

Due to the timely evacuation of the Avengers and Li Ran's deliberate delay, there was no damage to the entire Chinatown. However, in terms of various store buildings, the losses were somewhat serious, including almost half of the stores near the martial arts hall. in the battle of the Alliance.

Fortunately, the subsequent reconstruction, the city government has already planned.

As an important landmark in Manhattan, Chinatown brings a lot of tourism revenue to the government every year, and members of Congress in the district also promised early that Chinatown will definitely restore its previous prosperity. Although the voter turnout in the Chinese district is not high, the middle class accounts for most of the proportion, and many of them are the target of their campaign fundraising, so it is impossible for the lawmakers to pay attention.

What's more, what happened in Chinatown is also the focus of attention in the United States today, and it is a good opportunity for congressmen to raise its popularity.

Shouhe's huge size and the damage caused, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to cover it up, it could not do anything. In addition, the recent series of similar incidents made S.H.I.E.L.D. feel more and more powerless. The public knows what's going on in Chinatown, and by the way, the focus is shifted.

"Look at my memory, Master Ye, I'm so confused, I've kept you busy for so long, and you don't even have a glass of water ready. Just wait, I'll go get you some water right away."

"Grandma, don't bother."

"Yes, yes!"

Shaking her head, the old lady turned tremblingly to prepare.

Ye Wen looked at the busy back of the old lady, shook his head with a smile, looked down at the sand at his feet, and as his thoughts turned, the sand seemed to be controlled by an invisible force and automatically gathered together. .


"He's been in Chinatown the whole time, helping with post-war reconstruction..."

Looking away from Ye Wen's body in the distance, Natasha calmly made a report.

"Continue to observe and report the situation of the target at any time."

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury heard the report from Natasha, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

Although the content of the report is business as usual, Nick Fury will not forget that the target of the report is a terrifying existence sealed within the body that can easily destroy New York. So no matter how harmless Ye Wen's performance was, Nick Fury didn't dare to take it lightly. In fact, in Chinatown, S.H.I.E.L.D. has arranged a large number of agents to guard against the possible rampage of the Shouhe in Ye Wen's body. out of control.

Even, he knew very well that if the Shouhe in Ye Wen's body really broke the seal, no matter how many agents were arranged, it would not help.


Chinatown, Natasha ended the call with Nick Fury with a somewhat silent expression.

To this day, she still can't believe the sacrifice of [Turtle Immortal]. This immortal from Penglai, who looks lustful but is actually powerful, finally chose to give up her life in order to re-seal the extraterrestrial demon Shouhe back.

Although, she has feelings for the sacrifice of [Turtle Immortal], but as a super agent, Natasha is used to suppressing these emotions in her heart. The sadness on her face disappeared in a flash, and she immediately returned to that charming black widow. His eyes inadvertently contacted Ye Wen on the opposite side, and he didn't shy away. He nodded generously and hit the other side. Say hello.

Withdrawing her gaze, Natasha said with a deep expression.

"Nine secluded."


[Famous from Natasha Romanov +435]

Sure enough, that's the right way to get legendary.

Although, with the lifting of the avatar restriction, Li Ran has been able to earn fame through various channels, but when it comes to the fastest way to obtain fame, and the best rate of return, it is best to count large-scale battle events.

One battle is enough to gain tens of thousands of fame for Li Ran.

It’s a pity that such large-scale battles cannot be frequent. First, it needs to pave the way, otherwise it will be difficult to deepen the impression of the participants. Second, the repeated appearance of the characters will also make the later stage less and less famous. Therefore, in order to be able to perfectly To gain fame, Li Ran must constantly find ways to create new characters to appear on the scene, and at the same time, he needs to lay the groundwork to prevent unsatisfactory gains in fame.

In short, in order to gain enough fame, he is simply too difficult.

Fortunately, the efforts were not in vain. Relying on this Chinatown seal and Shouhe incident, Li Ran finally saved up the 100,000 legends needed to exchange the silver treasure chest again, and, with a little more effort, the next silver treasure chest. Also close at hand.

[Legend]: 164865

I remember that I have already drawn three [A-grade card fragments] in the inventory, and there are still two left, which is enough to synthesize an A-grade character card.

Having experienced the abilities of B-level character cards, Li Ran is quite looking forward to the A-level character cards defined by the system. Even B-level characters are already so powerful, so what kind of power is A-level?

With anticipation for the [A Grade Card Fragment], Li Ran exchanged a [Silver Treasure Chest] from the system without hesitation.


[Prop: Tiger Charm]

[Effect: Yin and Yang]

[Introduction: The Demon Lord of Fire in "Jackie Chan Adventures" has the power of balance, the yin and yang double tigers, representing balance. It has the magic power of the tiger, which balances conflicting forces, and can make the bearer balance Yin and Yang or separate Yin and Yang. The positive effect of the good and evil tigers is to balance and reconcile the powerful forces between other spells, to eliminate the defects of conflict and avoid a series of confusions. The negative effect is that the user's yin and yang are divided into good and evil. When the pair is divided into two halves, the user is also divided into yin and yang, and each survives as a new life form, rather than two sides. After the two halves of the spell are merged, the yin and yang sides are reunited as one. 】

[Note: You are courting death! 】

[Note 1: So scary~]


【A Grade Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown A-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class B Card - Kaz]

[Skill: Ultimate Creature]

[Background introduction: The characters in "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", the leader of the pillar man who fell asleep more than 10,000 years ago, the maker of the stone ghost face, evolved into the ultimate creature through the red stone of Aizhe and the stone ghost face, the second part of JOJO The final boss of "Fighting Trend", after becoming a perfect life form, Kaz's IQ is as high as 400, and his ability is the flow of light - the brilliant flower blade. After becoming the ultimate creature, it integrates the abilities of all creatures, and can use A hundred times more than Er Qiao's ripples, in the decisive battle, the force of the volcanic eruption spewed out of the earth and became a meteor, unable to survive or die, and finally, stopped thinking. 】

[Note: Finally, Kaz stopped thinking——]


"Ultimate creature?"

Looking at the introduction of [Caz] in the system, Li Ran couldn't help blinking.

The appearance of [A-level card fragments] met his expectations, but the introduction of the character card [Kaz] surprised Li Ran a little. He felt that he and the characters in the comic "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" had a good relationship. Several times have drawn and its related characters.

Of course, accidents are one thing. Compared with these Li Ran, he is more concerned about the ability of the card [Kaz], because according to the introduction of the system, although [Kaz] is from the world of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", his ability is not The most familiar stand-ins or vampires are instead a more powerful ability-the ultimate creature.

The ultimate creature is a terrifying ability that can change its own body's bone and muscle cells at will, integrating the abilities of all creatures on earth.

Even in the comics, if JOJO as the protagonist didn't open the protagonist's halo and use the power of the volcanic eruption to directly send [Kaz] to outer space as a star, the follow-up story of the entire "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" may be completely different. An ending is uncertain.

In any case, Li Ran was quite satisfied with the newly opened B-level character card [Kaz].

Although the ability of the ultimate creature is different from that of other B-rank characters, this kind of ultimate power purely derived from the body or cells has long been no longer lost to other abilities at the power level.

This was realized the moment Li Ran put on [Kaz] to feel the superhuman power from the ultimate creature.

As for the arrangement of the role of [Kaz], Li Ran has already had a case.

In fact, when he saw the outer space noted in the system, Li Ran had already thought of a wonderful place for it.


"Are you nervous, Reed?"

Inside the launch base of the spaceship, a beautiful blonde woman asked the slightly nervous man beside her.

"A bit."

Facing the woman's question, the man named Reed nodded nervously, and at the same time turned his head slightly to glance at the beautiful woman beside him, and quickly retracted his gaze.

Seeing this scene, his friend Ben Grimm couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Reed Richards, a genius scientist, his lifelong dream is to obtain a large amount of data through the study of the central energy of space cosmic storms, thereby deciphering the secrets of human genetic inheritance, for the benefit of the entire human beings. It's a pity that his dream was hit hard not long ago.

The invasion of aliens made the government's eyes turn to more practical alien technology from its illusory space cosmic storm research, and lost the government's subsidy budget. He originally expected to pass the spacecraft to close His hopes of observing cosmic storms in space were dashed, and he had to put his hopes on his college rival, billionaire Dr. Victor von Doom.

Fortunately, Victor von Doum is very supportive of his research. Although he has put forward some additional conditions, it is not so difficult to accept compared to being able to witness the cosmic storm in space.

"However, the thought of being able to see the cosmic storm with my own eyes soon made me look forward to it."

"You'll make it, Reed."

"Thank you, Susan." Turning his head and looking at the beautiful woman beside him, Reed replied in a trance.

"Cough," Ben interrupted Reed's trance with a soft cough, vaguely reminding his friends that now Susan had become the girlfriend of their sponsor, Dr. Victor von Doom, and also wrinkled He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Johnny, the spaceship is about to start, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

Ben's voice interrupted the memories between Susan and Reed, and when he came back to his senses, Su couldn't help but smiled and replied: "I've already called to urge him, but you know, Johnny It's always been my way."

"I hope that when you go to outer space, you won't go your own way like you are now."

If possible, I don't want a stupid guy like Johnny to participate in this space mission at all, especially since this guy once made two girls who wanted to be underwear models run into the NASA and run into the simulated cockpit in order to pick up girls. , the result was installed on the wall and fired.

It's a pity that Johnny is Susan's younger brother, and Susan is the girlfriend of Victor von Doom, the support object of their space flight this time, so even if there is a hundred reluctance in his heart, Ben has to pinch his nose , agreed to team up with him on this journey into space.


"Hey guys, you're all here."

Half an hour later, in the waiting room, Johnny with a condescending look finally appeared.

"You are late."

Frowning, Ben's attitude towards Johnny is quite a bit.

"It's not like the rocket hasn't lifted off yet."

Ignoring Ben's complaints, Johnny still replied in his own way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and greeted his sister Susan, and his eyes immediately turned to Reed on the other side: "How is it, Reed, What do you expect from this trip to space?"

"I hope it goes well."

"You're really boring."

He pouted and complained about Reed's answer. Compared with the cosmic solar storm, the target of their trip, he cared more about other things: "You said, will we encounter aliens on this outer space trip. "

The battle in New York has fully told them that there are unknown life forms in this universe, and they are quite dangerous.

"better not."

Shaking his head, Reed still gave a rational answer: "Those dangerous aliens can be handed over to the members of the Avengers to deal with. I only hope that my research can be successfully completed."

"Reed, you should be a little more ambitious."

"Observing cosmic storms in space up close is my ambition."

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