Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 237: Desperate Sorrow

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Breaking free from Shouhe's claws, Hulk raised his head and let out a deafening roar, his green eyes filled with anger, and his entire body swelled a little under the impetus of anger. He raised his sturdy thigh and stomped on the ground fiercely, the hard ground under his feet let out a fragile cry, Hulk stretched out his radish-thick fingers and inserted it into the hard ground, grabbed a huge cement stone and smashed it hard at the Shouhe in front of him. go.

Under the action of huge force, the stones flew out like heavy cannonballs.

Looking at the stone flying straight towards him, Shouhe opened his mouth, and the next moment a huge wind ball appeared again.

【Wind Escape · Practice Air Bomb】

The huge power of the empty bomb shakes the air, forming a fierce wind that swept the yellow sand, and the instantly terrifying power directly pressed the angry Hulk to the ground, forming cracks like spider webs. Faced with the attack of empty bombs at such a close range, even Hulk was a little hard to resist. The violent sand squeezed every inch of its flesh and blood, but it could not eliminate the seemingly endless anger in its heart, but made Hulk even more angry.

Against the violent sandstorm, he raised his palm and drew five deep fingerprints on the ground.

Hulk opened his mouth and let out a roar, and every blood vessel under the muscle appeared like a tree root, followed by a terrifying force that emerged from its body. Under the blessing of huge strength, Hulk jumped up suddenly as if breaking free from the shackles of the empty bomb, his whole body rushed in front of Shouhe like a cannonball, and smashed his fists arrogantly.


Under the repeated push of anger, Hulk's body swelled from the size of Shou Crane's claw to about half of it. The sturdy arm fell on Shouhe's body, and it directly smashed the monster made of yellow sand and took a small step back.

In this regard, Hulk's ferocious face did not show the slightest joy. On the contrary, it roared and practiced, and its arms kept falling on Shouhe's body like raindrops, taking away large tracts of yellow sand on its body. In the whole scene, Hulk was more like a violent beast than Shouhe, venting his anger.

"The whole scene in front of me looks, how does it feel, we are the villain."

Hulk's outbreak was somewhat unexpected by the members of the Avengers, but it was somewhat reasonable.

Looking at Shouhe who was retreating under the Hulk's attack, Tony raised his eyebrows and told a not very funny joke.

"Be careful, this big monster can't be defeated so easily."

Waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand, Sol calmly reminded him.

Although, Hulk, with its sudden burst of terrifying power, kept pressing Shouhe to fight.

However, Sol noticed that even under such a powerful attack by Hulk, Shouhe had no intention of falling.

"Of course I know that."

As Tony, who has been fighting Shouhe since just now, he is also very clear about this. He tried hard to find a chance to join the battle, but the violent Hulk not only suppressed Shouhe, but also made the Avengers dare not easily. Join the fray. After all, Hulk in anger, no matter who his teammates are or not, as long as anyone dares to fight, he will definitely be beaten like the opposite Shouhe.

"Does it get stronger with anger?"

In the antique store, Li Ran, who was following the battle in Chinatown, raised his eyebrows involuntarily and muttered to himself about the scene where his clone was being beaten by the Hulk.

He is naturally aware of Hulk's ability, claiming that as long as his anger reaches the limit, it will become infinitely stronger.

But personally, no, through the personal experience of the clone, I can still feel the horror of this ability to some extent.

With the impetus of anger, Hulk's power has simply increased exponentially. In fact, if it weren't for Shouhe's ability, it would have greatly weakened and resisted the straight-forward pure physical attack of Hulk. Put on other slightly weaker clones, and maybe it has been blown up by Hulk at this moment.

"It can't be consumed any longer."

As Li Ran's mind changed in the antique store, Shouhe, who had been suppressed by the Hulk in Chinatown, also began to make changes.

Raising his claws to block Hulk's attack, Shouhe opened his mouth and fired [Wind Dun and Sand Shot] to block Hulk's violent attack a little. Immediately afterwards, the two claws slapped the ground heavily, and a large amount of yellow sand began to accumulate and change into a huge pyramid under its control, directly trapping Hulk in the middle: "[Sand Burial Seal]"


Facing the layers of yellow sand, the Hulk roared angrily and smashed his sturdy arms, but no matter how hard he struggled, a large amount of sand was still mercilessly wrapped around his body. Coupled with Shouhe's sand body and curse seal, the seal of the [Sand Burial Seal] in front of him became stronger, and even air could not penetrate.

"Can't let Hulk be trapped!"

Tony had been trapped by Shouhe with sand before, looking at the pyramid that was gradually taking shape in front of him, and Hulk, who was getting more and more difficult to struggle under the cover of yellow sand, and quickly shouted.

In fact, the members of the Avengers knew without Tony talking.

Sol raised the Thor's Hammer high in his hand and summoned lightning to slash Shouhe's body fiercely.


Lightning fell on Shouhe's head, splitting off half of its face, but it still couldn't stop the more and more yellow sand on Hulk's body. Under the cover of a lot of yellow sand, although Hulk still waved his fists hard, his breathing has become weak.

bang, bang, bang—

In the distance, Hawkeye shot three arrows one after another to interrupt Shukaku's movements, but it didn't achieve the effect he expected.

The more this crisis is, the more calm Steve's heart is. His eyes swept across the huge body of Shouhe, and he immediately noticed the arm part that the other party has been connecting with the pyramid, as well as the arm from Shouhe. The body began to spread to the curse mark on the pyramid.

Although the effect of the curse seal is not clear, Steve's inner hunch tells him that this is the key.

"Those patterns that start from the arm and spread to the pyramid, we have to cut off the part where the arm and the pyramid connect!"

Raising his shield, Steve rushed towards the opposite Shouhe without hesitation.

【Wind Escape·Sand Shots】

He opened his mouth, and a large amount of sand bullets shot out from Morizuru's mouth. Although the power of the sand bullets was not strong in terms of attack, it was a terrifying attack that was enough to penetrate the body for ordinary people. Even a powerful body like Steve, which has been transformed by super soldier serum, may not be able to be good under the sand shot.

However, Captain America, after all, is a veteran who came down from the hail of bullets. In the face of the steady stream of sand shot fired from the mouth of the guard, he used the shield in his hand to evade dexterously, and the whole person was like an afterimage. The crane moved quickly under the attack, and in the blink of an eye, it was already close to the place where Shouhe's arm and the pyramid were in contact.


Looking at Steve who was approaching, Shouhe's face formed by the yellow sand became even more violent.

"Looks like the captain guessed right."

Obviously, Shouhe's abnormal reaction also proved from the side that what Steve had just deduced was not wrong, and the arm of Shouhe connecting the pyramid was the key.

Turning over to avoid the sand bullets that hit him like raindrops, Steve breathed a little, looked up at the huge body of Shouhe above his head, and shouted with a smile, "Hey, you know what you did wrong. what?"

Successfully attracting Shouhe's attention, the smile on Steve's face became more obvious: "Although you trapped Hulk through the pyramid, you also trapped yourself in place and couldn't move."


With Steve's cry, Sol jumped high, raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and roared to attract the violent thunder in the sky, and the dazzling, nearly pale lightning wrapped him into a huge electric ball In the thunder, Sol controlled Thor's Hammer with difficulty, and a piercing thunder broke out in mid-air, tearing the air instantly, carrying violent power, and penetrating Shouhe's body at a terrifying speed.


He opened his mouth and let out a huge scream, and Thor's terrifying attack with the power of thunder directly tore off the small half of Shouhe's body. A claw originally connected to the pyramid collapsed directly and scattered into yellow sand.

Click, click—

Losing the connection of one arm, large cracks began to appear on the surface of the pyramid that originally trapped Hulk.

"It's now!"

Watching this scene, Steve did not hesitate at all, raised the shield in his hand and smashed it towards Shouhe's remaining arm.

Steve's action was like a signal, and with his action, the remaining Avengers members also launched their own attacks without hesitation.

Click, click, click.



As the members of the Avengers continued to take action, the connection between Shouhe and the pyramid became weaker and weaker.

Inside the pyramid, the powerless Hulk once again let out a furious roar, his body was full of scars on the bulging muscles, but the eyes in a pair of dark green pupils became more and more shining, and the anger that was about to go out in his heart also disappeared. Burned again.

Under the impetus of anger, the Hulk in the pyramid once again burst into a violent struggle, but this time, without the reinforcement of the Shouhe's curse seal, the yellow sand wrapped around the Hulk was no longer difficult to break free. The cracks of the entire pyramid were vibrated more densely, all over the entire pyramid.


Then, with a bang, the pyramid collapsed, making a deafening sound and turning into a piece of yellow sand.

In the yellow sand, a thick arm stretched out, and then Hulk's scarred body jumped out of it.


"We succeeded?"

Controlling Thor's Hammer to fall again, Sol's footsteps staggered.

The blow just now, even for Thor, the **** of thunder, was a huge drain.

Reluctantly holding on to his body, he turned his head to look at Shouhe, who had lost both his claws and looked miserable, and Sol asked in a somewhat uncertain tone.


Steve gasped and put the shield back up.

"Everyone, it doesn't look like it."

At this time, Tony, who had been paying attention to Shouhe, opened his mouth and replied with an ugly expression.

Under everyone's attention, Shouhe, who lost his arm, controlled the yellow sand beside him to gather the damaged limbs again.

[Famousness from Sol Odinson +1045]

[Famous from Tony Stark +955]

[From the legend of Natasha Romanov...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Steve...】

【From... 】

The whole scene is like a replay of a TV plot, which severely damaged the morale of the Avengers.

"Is there really no way to dress up this monster?"

Peter the spider looked at Shouhe who had recovered again, and a deep despair emerged in his heart.


"It's almost there, it's not going to end well if you keep fighting."

In the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the legend displayed on the system data panel, and a thought flashed.

"Old alcoholic, can you help me hold them down for a few minutes?"

A shock wave was sent out again to force the opposite Di Shitian to retreat, [Turtle Immortal] turned his head to look at Shou He who was not far away, and said solemnly to the [Jiu Jianxian] on the other side.

Now that the main body has made a decision, it is his turn to end it.

"How many minutes?"

His gaze stopped on the body of [Turtle Immortal], and [Jiujian Immortal] pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Old Turtle, what are you doing?"

"Haha, of course it's the end of everything in front of you." With a full-fledged laugh, [Turtle Immortal] glanced at the ruined Chinatown in front of him, and said firmly: "Since we decided to seal the seal Shouhe’s props were taken out, so it is necessary to reseal it back.”

"Re-seal it back?!"

"Old turtle, think about Now that Shouhe's power has recovered so much, if you want to seal it back again, it's not as simple as saying it, a little carelessness counts You are also very likely to lose your life." Hearing the words of [Turtle Immortal], [Jiujian Immortal]'s expression suddenly changed and he said.

"If you don't persuade me, I'm ready."

Shaking his head, [Turtle Immortal] said, "Don't forget, Xiaoye Wen is still in Shouhe's body. I have made up my mind, old drunkard, whether you will help or not."


After being silent for a while, [Jiu Jianxian] sighed and replied: "Since you have already made a decision, what else can I say, old turtle, don't die."

After speaking, [Jiujianxian] did not hesitate at all, raised the wine gourd in his hand and poured it into his mouth, the next moment a red light flashed from his body, he held the flying sword to block it Di Shitian and Dao Mo, who were in front of them, said coldly, "Then, then, let me meet you two Jiuyou guys for a while."

【Dionysus Mantra】

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