With an order from Ivan Vanke.

All the biochemical robot army began to change their posture, and the dense muzzle was aimed at Tony in front of him.

The next moment, fierce artillery fire rushed towards him.

In the face of the powerful firepower attack of the biochemical robot army, the most rational way is to avoid it by taking advantage of flight. However, thinking of Happy and the two behind him, he had to stand on the spot to block the bullet, while shouting: "Happy, remember the red button on the left on the food truck?"

"I remember, but sir, didn't you say that the button should not be pressed lightly under normal circumstances?" Happy replied loudly, sticking his head out of the food truck.

"Now is an unusual situation!"

He raised his hand and blasted a biochemical robot with a shock wave. Tony saw the figure of the inverted robot standing up again, and the expression under the steel mask became more and more solemn.

The defenses of these bio-robots are stronger than he expected.

"All right."

Hearing Tony's answer, Happy, who was sitting in the car, took a deep breath, then opened the lid and pressed a red button marked "Attention" inside the car.

In the next second, I saw that the fast food truck began to change its shape, and suddenly it changed from the restaurant mode to the sports car mode. emerge.

Turning his head and looking at the silent gaze behind him, Tony raised his eyebrows and said, "After the renovation, I found that there were materials left, so I added a new function to the food truck on my own initiative, which I originally planned to keep for As a surprise, you didn't expect to have to reveal it earlier now."

While speaking, Tony carefully blocked the bullets that were constantly flying in front of him, and at the same time shouted to Happy in the food truck: "Happy, now you two leave the battlefield immediately!"

"I know sir!"

Hearing Tony's astonishment, Happy didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly controlled the food truck to come in front of him.

In this regard, Li Ran has nothing to shirk. The current situation does not make much sense to stay on the battlefield. There may even be unforeseen dangers that may cause problems with the identity of the clone, so he did not shirk too much and let him directly. In the food truck.

Watching Happy drove away with the fast food truck in sports car mode, Tony silently retracted his gaze.

"Okay, now it's my turn to get serious."

The stone in his heart was removed, and Tony immediately controlled the armor and flew into the air. Looking at the army of biochemical robots on the ground, he said lightly.

It is not his style to be beaten passively all the time.

However, before Tony could launch his own counterattack, he saw flames spew from the feet of the biomechanical robots in front of him, and they also flew into the air one by one.


Looking at the army of biochemical robots that surrounded him again, under the steel mask, Tony couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile: "Well, I didn't say what I said before, what I want to say next..."

He raised his head and swept across the dense and pitch-black muzzles around him. Under the steel mask, the corner of Tony's mouth outlined a faint smile: "...Take the move, everyone!"

As his voice fell, a huge white shock wave was launched from the arc reactor in the inverted triangle on the chest of ark6, blasting all the surrounding biochemical robot army.

"Looks like your plan has failed again, Ivan Vanke."

"Don't worry, this time I will definitely find you a prison where you can never escape again."

Seeing the emptied army of biochemical robots, Tony controlled his armor to fall again, looked at Ivan Vanke in front of him, and said expressionlessly.

"who said it."

Facing Tony's ridicule, Ivan Vanke opened his mouth and showed a hideous smile. He raised his hand and ripped off the windbreaker he had been wearing since just now.

"You lunatic!!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tony's expression changed and he couldn't help shouting.

In front of him, Ivan Vanke, who removed his clothes, revealed a mechanical body that was exactly the same as the surrounding biochemical robots.

It seems that Ivan Vanke is crazier than he expected, not only transforming other people's bodies, but even his own body.

"You're wrong, I just got a new life, Tony Stark." Turning his wrist, two whiplashes extended from his arms and turned into two cables. Ivan Vanke twitched the corners of his mouth with a crazy expression on his face, and said with a big laugh, "I got rid of the fragile human body, and now I am stronger than before."

"You've gone completely crazy."

In the face of Ivan Vanke's crazy remarks, Tony frowned and replied in a deep voice.

"You disappointed me too much, Tony Stark." Shaking his head, Ivan Vanke's face showed a regretful expression: "I thought you would understand me, but it seems that you are just an ordinary person after all. "

"I never thought I was not an ordinary person."

"Since this is the case, then, just accept the ending of ordinary people and die for me!"

Shaking his head in disappointment, Ivan Vanke waved the cable in his hand and threw it ruthlessly towards Tony in front of him.


The whiplash slapped Tony's armor with a powerful electric current. Feeling the powerful force coming from the armor, Tony couldn't help frowning. The completely remodeled Ivan Vanke was in both strength and speed. And the past can no longer be spoken in one day. If it wasn't for the upgraded version of the ark6 on his body, perhaps Ivan Vanke's whip would be enough to destroy the armor's defensive capabilities.

Controlling the armor on his body, he launched a miniature cannonball from his arm and hit Ivan Vanke in front of him.

However, in the face of the explosion so close at hand, Ivan Vanke's face did not change in the slightest, ignoring the burned hair and scorched cheeks in the explosion, the two whiplashes in his hands burst out with more violent currents, facing the Tony attacked.


The shock wave was launched to direct Ivan Vanke in front of him, and Tony under ark6 breathed a little.

The next moment, I saw that Ivan Vanke, who was knocked down by the shock wave, stood up again, and the army of biochemical machines around him who had been knocked down by him also stood up again, and took neat steps towards him. surrounded.

"As I said, Tony Stark, you are dead today."

Controlling the army of biochemical machines to surround Tony in the middle, Ivan Vanke grinned and said viciously.



With her flying advantage, Jessica was the first to find the location of the biochemical mechanical army.

Looking at the red armor surrounded by the mechanical army, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and contacted through the communication device: "Everyone, I found the biochemical mechanical army, but looking at the current situation, it doesn't seem very optimistic."

"What's wrong?"

On the other side, Matt couldn't help asking when he heard Jessica's announcement.

"I saw Iron Man surrounded by them."

"Iron Man, Tony Stark?" Matt was puzzled when he heard the name suddenly popping out of Jessica's mouth: "Why did he appear with the biomechanical army."

"I don't know, maybe they were involved in the first place." Looking at the situation from another angle, Jessica guessed: "I saw that the weirdo who was originally with Jin also appeared here, and he was with Jin. Tony Stark fighting."

"No matter what, we have to stop the action of the biochemical machinery army."

"I'm worried that Tony Stark is about to die. Judging from his appearance, it's about to die."

The gathering of a large army of biochemical robots has obviously had a quantitative effect. Even if the ark6 on Tony's body can block the attacks of ten biochemical robots, the biochemical robots in front of him have already exceeded this number.

The cable wrapped around the waist of the armor slammed it to the ground. Ivan Vanke looked at Tony, who was struggling under the attack of the biochemical robot, and said coldly, "It's over, Tony Stark."

As he said, Ivan Vanke controlled the current on the whip to wrap around his arm, and was about to smash it on Tony's head.


At this moment, a bullet hit Ivan Vanke's fist at a tricky angle.


Looking at the bullet embedded in the crevice of his wrist, Ivan Vanke looked surprised.

Underneath, Tony took advantage of his absent-mindedness to control the armor to take off rapidly, temporarily getting rid of the precarious situation before.

Looking up and looking at Tony who escaped again, Ivan Vanke's eyes burst into intense anger: "I don't believe it, you are so lucky every time, Tony Stark!" Saying that, Ivan Vanke turned his head , I saw a group of defenders coming from a distance.

Among them, a guy dressed as a cowboy, holding a revolver, nodded slightly to himself.

Obviously, the bullet was fired from his hand before.

"I didn't expect that, I let you go, but you still ran over to die one by one!"

I had spared a few defenders at Jinnian before, but they came here again to stop me.

"It seems that I was too kind to you just now, and you are unwilling to cherish your own lives. Since that's the case..." Saying that, Ivan Vanke controlled half of the robots from the biochemical machine army. Looking at the defenders in front of him: "Then, I will take it away for you."

"Unexpectedly, you actually persevered."

In midair, Jessica looked at Tony, who was covered in scars on the top and bottom of the armor, and couldn't help but speak.

"who are you?"

Tony turned his head and looked at Jessica who was suspended in mid-air without any props beside him.

The other party's flying style reminded him of the turtle fairy before.

"We, we are the defenders."


Under the steel mask, Tony frowned, he had never heard of this name.

Although she looked down on Tony's expression under the mask, Jessica also sensed his doubts in the other party's tone, and immediately said: "In fact, we have always been in Hell's Kitchen in the past. Here, it is to stop these biomechanical armies in front of us, if they are allowed to destroy, the whole of New York will be in danger, how about you, why are you being cared for by so many biomechanical robots?"

"Ivan Vanke, the name of the big soldier who transformed these biochemical machines. He has attacked me several times before. He is a crazy and terrible guy." Hearing Jessica's words, Tony fell silent for a while and said the reason why he was attacked.

"You can see it."

Looking down at Ivan Vanke's current appearance, Jessica nodded without any surprise.

"However, he should have stayed in prison, and he mentioned before that the transformation method of this biochemical robot was obtained from others."

Hearing Tony's words, the expression on Jessica's face changed. From the beginning, she had been wondering why Bullseye was transformed into a biomechanical robot, but now she has come to understand it.

Frowning her brows, Jessica speculated, "If my judgment is correct, the person who gave him this transformation method might be someone from Jiuyou."


Hearing the name from Jessica's mouth, Tony subconsciously muttered to himself.

However, before he could continue to question, Ivan Vanke's blunt English sounded again in his ears: "Tony Stark, it's time to make a conclusion."

Restraining the expression on his face, Tony looked at Ivan Vanke who flew to the same level as him in midair, and also replied, "I think so too."

Talking~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tony turned his head to look at Jessica, who was petite beside him. He was about to say something when he saw that the other party was controlling the direction of his flight, and he directly moved forward to take a biochemical creature that also flew up. The robot crashed back to the ground.


Looking at the pothole that was knocked out on the ground, Tony raised his eyebrows and decided to shut up.

"Don't worry, Tony Stark, after I kill you, I will dig out your brain and remake you into a biochemical robot, and you will be used by me." Shaking the cable in his hand, Yi Van Vanke said cruelly.


Frowning, hearing Ivan Vanke's plan, Tony showed obvious disgust on his face under the steel mask: "If this is the case, I'd rather blow my head."

Thinking that if he was killed, he would become a biochemical robot with only one face like Ivan Vanke, and Tony couldn't help shivering.

"It's not up to you." Controlling the whip in his hand, Ivan Vanke grinned and showed an ugly smile. He waved his arm and was about to shoot.


He heard a crisp sound of breaking through the air, and it seemed that something had hit him on the back.

Because of the transformation of the whole body, Ivan Vanke's body has long since lost any sense of touch. He turned his head to look behind him, and immediately saw an unexpected thing stuck on his back.

"Is this, an arrow?"

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