Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 152: Qigong wave

The whiplash in Ivan Vanke's hand was wrapped around a dazzling white electric current, flying towards Tony like an electric snake.

If this hit, even with a steel comrade for protection, it would be enough for Tony to eat a pot.

However, at this moment, a thin figure inserted into it.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the whiplash thrown by Ivan Vanke, and a violent electric current burst out from the whiplash like an electric snake, but it didn't seem to have the slightest effect on the figure in front of him.


Sure enough, with the confirmation of the character's impression, for those who are familiar with it, there is no longer that shocking feeling.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the legend data that appeared on the system panel, and thought to himself.

Obviously, both Tony and Natasha already have a certain degree of understanding of the role of Turtle Immortal. Therefore, it is impossible to easily generate too high legends about the behavior in front of him like Ivan Vanke who met for the first time. Spend.

In short, the more you watch, the less likely you are to make a fuss.

It seems that it is necessary to adjust the plan in the future, and it is not possible to rely on one character to frequently gain popularity.

In the antique store, Li Ran pondered to himself, and the battle with Ivan Vanke on the other side did not stop.

Although Tony and Natasha can provide a lot less fame, but Ivan Vanke is a newcomer, the Turtle Immortal is a complete stranger to him, and naturally there is not much that can be provided.

Thinking of this, Li Ran controlled the clone, and with a little force on his arm, he directly pulled Ivan Vanke, who was controlling the armor in front of him, towards him.

"how is this possible!"

Seeing with his own eyes that the Turtle Immortal, with his thin body, was able to pull himself in the armor, Ivan Vanke's rough face showed a subconsciously shocked expression. The strength displayed by the immortal turtle has far exceeded his definition of an old man.

In an instant, the Turtle Immortal in his eyes changed from a skinny old man to a humanoid monster in an old man's shell.

bang, bang, bang—

Ivan Vanke knew very well that if he was pulled over by the immortal turtle, it would not be a good result to meet him next. This can be seen from the paralyzed mechanical armor around him, so he He quickly controlled the battle armor on his body, and started to pull upwards with a violent flame sprayed from the soles of his feet.

"The strength is good."

The current Turtle Immortal, after all, is only a clone with a quarter of the power, and it is not as powerful as the original Turtle Immortal in terms of combat power.

Feeling the power coming from his hands, his clone smiled slightly, but he didn't continue to compete with Ivan Vanke in strength. Instead, let go directly and let the opponent escape from his attack range.


Controlling the steel armor to fly into the air, Ivan Vanke looked down at the Turtle Immortal who was still on the ground, and the rough face under the steel helmet was slightly relieved.

However, when he looked again in the next second, he found that the place where the other person's figure was standing was empty.


"Are you looking for me?"

Ivan Vanke didn't even have time to show a shocked expression when he heard a vigorous voice coming from behind him.

Turning his body subconsciously, he saw the Turtle Immortal, who was originally standing on the ground, with his arms and hands at the moment, standing in the air with a smile on his face and looking at himself.

Although it is not as powerful as the real Turtle Immortal before, the avatar who plays the Turtle Immortal at this moment also has abilities that the other party does not have.

The unique move of Sky Dance is also an ability that Turtle Immortals did not possess before.

"So immortals can fly?"

Looking up at the clone hovering in mid-air, Tony couldn't help asking Natasha beside him.

In the previous battles, the immortals have never been seen to demonstrate the ability to fly.

"I don't know." Natasha shook her head, blinking and watching the figure in mid-air silently.

The new ability displayed by the Turtle Immortal made the super agent of SHIELD once again think of the mysterious Penglai behind the opponent. Natasha clearly remembered that the immortal in the other party's mouth was not just the turtle immortal in front of her.

"You can fly!"

In mid-air, Ivan Vanke looked at the Turtle Immortal who appeared in front of him, and couldn't hide the surprised look on his face. After all, although he was also flying, Ivan Vanke needed to rely on the power of his battle armor to fly into the air. However, the immortal turtle in front of him did not need to catch any auxiliary props, and flew to his eyes so easily.

"Of course."

Nodding lightly, Li Ran was not in a hurry to, but answered in a relaxed tone.

Ivan Vanke felt that his three views were challenged: "How is it possible, how is it possible for humans to fly."

Turtle Immortal: "That's because I'm not an ordinary human being, I'm an immortal."


"Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said." After brushing up the legend again, Li Ran looked at Ivan Vanke in front of him and thought it was time to end this farce. Although the riot caused by Ivan Vanke was big, it was obviously not a big threat to Li Ran.

He rolled up his sleeves a little and looked at Ivan Vanke. He originally wanted to deal with the opponent directly with a Turtle Qigong, but when he shot, he seemed to think of something, and put away the gesture of directly launching the Turtle Qigong. Instead, he changed into a posture of opening one hand and said softly, "Qigong wave—"

As the Turtle Immortal's voice fell, the white air in his palm converged into a strong wave of light, which hit Ivan Vanke in front of him.

Although the power of Qigong Wave is not as great as Turtle Qigong and Qigong Cannon, it is also a very powerful move, and it also has the characteristic of being able to increase its power by relying on its own combat power.


With the violent impact of the qigong wave, Ivan Vanke, who was unable to use his strength in mid-air, was smashed back to the ground as if he had been destroyed. The aftermath of the impact directly knocked out a big pit on the ground. Ivan Vanke fell in the middle, and the armor wrapped around him also turned into pieces of scrap iron, scattered everywhere, looking like he was out of breath but not inhaled.

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