"Is it cured?!"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury raised his eyebrows subconsciously when he heard the report from Natasha.

Although he had expected Penglai to have the ability to cure palladium metal poisoning in Tony's body, he did not expect it to happen so quickly.

"Actually, not only did the palladium metal problem in Tony Stark heal, but the hole in his chest was completely healed."

[Famous from Nick Fury +300]

Natasha's report stopped Nick Fury's hands and blurted out, "How did he do it?"

"How did you do it?"

In the midst of the colorful grand party held by Tony, Natasha turned her head and glanced at the turtle fairy surrounded by a few long-legged models, pouted her lips, and the expression on her face was a little subtle: "To be honest, if I can't believe this surreal unfolding without seeing it with my own eyes."

Even now, Natasha is still a little unacceptable to the whole process of Wu Tian's treatment of Tony. After all, the whole process is really beyond common sense.


Hearing Natasha's answer, the expression on Nick Fury's face couldn't help changing. Natasha, as a super agent of SHIELD, is someone who is used to seeing big scenes. Surprised by the fairy's treatment of Tony, Nick Fury is immediately curious.

Turning her eyes away from the immortal turtle with a red face in front of her, and Tony, who had been drinking and venting her emotions during this period of time, Natasha twitched the corners of her mouth and made an expressionless report: "I saw Wu Tian, ​​that is, The Turtle Immortal reached out and rubbed a black mud ball on himself, and after letting Tony eat it, his body would be fine."

Nick Fury: "..."

[Famousness from Nick Fury +165]

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was silent for a while before he said, "Are you sure, you're not telling me a story, Agent Natasha?"

"I hope this is a story too, but alas, it's all real."

Natasha can somewhat understand Nick Fury's reaction. After all, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that Tony, a man who was dying of palladium poisoning, was healed by rubbing a joke-like mud pill from his body. . This is completely inconsistent with the training she has received in the past, the three views.

"Perhaps, the immortals in Penglai are more special than we thought."

After all, Nick Fury is well-informed, and even has fought with aliens. Although Natasha's report is too far-fetched, he still accepts the result: "Agent Natasha , From now on, your first task is to continue the previous intelligence search for Penglai, Tony Stark, I will arrange other agents to carry out."

With the recovery of Tony Stark's body, S.H.I.E.L.D. has also lowered its attention to him, placing it as a secondary target, and turning more attention to Turtle Immortal.

Especially this time, the healing ability displayed by the other party, even if the process is absurd, but the result cannot be ignored. Easily healed Tony who was corroded by palladium metal.

"I understand." Nodding lightly, Natasha was not surprised by the task arranged by Nick Fury.

Nodding her ears and ending her internal conversation with S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha looked at the Turtle Immortal not far away, then moved the corner of her mouth and walked over with charming steps.


"Immortal, are you still satisfied with this party?"

He successfully cured the palladium metal poisoning in his body and repaired the hole in his chest. Tony only felt that the heavy boulder that had been pressing in his heart was finally removed, and he regained his high-spirited appearance in the past, watching surrounded by models. The Turtle Immortal asked with a knowing smile on his face.

"Satisfied, of course satisfied."

Sitting among the models with long blond hair and long legs, Wu Tian touched his bald head and replied with a smile on his face.

If I knew it earlier, I would go by myself.

Inside the antique store, Li Ran looked at the grand party held by Tony and the enthusiastic blonde beside him, and regretted it in his heart.

"You really are an expert."

"If the fairy doesn't mind, I can hold a party like this for you anytime you want in the future." Tony was full of gratitude for the turtle fairy who saved his life, so he made a promise without hesitation. .

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course." Nodding, Tony was about to say something when he heard a familiar voice in his ear.


At the party scene, Pepper frowned and looked at the characteristic figure of the model in the party, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone: "What are you doing?"

During this period of time, Tony's unreasonable behavior has broken her heart, and at this moment, seeing him throwing a party for fun, she naturally feels particularly dissatisfied.

"Hey, Pepper."

On the other side, seeing the little pepper at the party, Tony was in a completely different mood at the moment: "I'm celebrating."

"Celebrate, what to celebrate?"

Because of Tony's concealment, Pepper didn't know his mental activities of life and death before, and seeing the party in front of him only regarded it as his daily life.

"Celebrate every day I live, a better tomorrow." Reaching out and pulling Pepper in front of him, Tony looked at Pepper's face and murmured, "And celebrate that you've always been by my side. "

"Don't think that if you say something like this, I will forgive you for your previous actions."

Although he said so, it was obvious that Tony's sweet words still touched the soft part of Pepper's heart, so that she could no longer be too tough.

"By the way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'll introduce you to me."

After speaking the sweet words, Tony immediately took the hand of Little Pepper and came to the turtle fairy, and solemnly introduced: "This is, um, the fairy from Penglai, if you are not clear, you can understand it as a myth. It's like a **** in the story."

"Fairy? God?"

Smiling and saying hello to the immortal turtle surrounded by models, Pepper heard Tony's indifferent introduction, and then looked down at the bald old man with a beard in front of him. God is connected. So, just treat it as his drunken bullshit. After all, Tony has been drinking a lot since just now, and he looks a little drunk at the moment.

"Mr. Tony Stark, you should not reveal the identity of Teacher Wu Tian."

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice came from behind.

Pepper turned his head and saw a hot redhead smiling at Tony.


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