Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 137: fast shooter

With a strong Texas accent.

The thin man who appeared at the entrance of the martial arts hall was wearing a cowboy uniform, a white cowboy hat, a red scarf around his neck, a revolver pistol around his waist, a branch in his mouth, and a leisurely expression. . The whole person looks like a cowboy who came out of a 1960s western.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the cowboy who appeared at the door, Jessica had some vague conjectures in her heart, but she didn't dare to be completely sure.

"Luke," raising the cowboy hat on his head, the man introduced while chewing the branch in his mouth, "from the Brotherhood of Assassins."

"Assassin Brotherhood?!" Hearing the name Assassin Brotherhood uttered from Luke's mouth, Punisher couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his face a little surprised.

"What's the matter?" Luke Cage immediately asked after noticing Frank's expression.

"I heard the name of this organization before, and a guy who can turn bullets once invited me to join their fraternity." Frank didn't hide it, and directly stated his previous encounter with Wesley Gibson, Punisher was quite impressed with the skill of turning the bullet.


The Punisher's remarks silenced the defenders in the martial arts hall for a while. It was obvious that they had guessed that the person who turned the bullet in the other's mouth was killed together in Chinatown and the battle.

"what happened?"

Noticing the change in the atmosphere in front of him, the Punisher immediately asked.

Looking left and right, Luke Cage finally said, "The person who turns the bullet in your mouth is called the one who fought side by side with us."

"Once?" Noticing the word once used by Luke Cage, Frank glanced at the atmosphere in the martial arts hall, and he already understood the final outcome without saying anything.

Restraining her emotions, Jessica looked at the cowboy who came from the Assassin Brotherhood in front of her and thanked, "Thank you, Luke."

"No need to thank you, ma'am." It was obvious that Luke and the previous ones were completely two types of beings. Facing Jessica's thanks, Luke took off his cowboy hat, twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly in response. : "My purpose is the same as yours, all for the battle with Jiuyou."

"What is your ability, is it also to make a bullet turn?"

Ignoring the atmosphere in front of him, Frank suddenly spoke, looking at Luke in front of him and asked. He was always a little bit brooding about the scene of using the Bending Bullet before, and even specially designed several tactics for this purpose, specifically targeting the attacking method of the Bending Bullet.

Unexpectedly, he was prepared here, but already...

And Luke's appearance made the Punisher rekindle the plan to fight again.

Shaking his head lightly, Luke's answer was destined to disappoint the Punisher: "Sorry, I don't have the ability to turn bullets. My ability is to shoot faster."

"How fast?" Hearing Luke's words, Frank's face showed obvious disappointment. As a retired captain of the US military, his shooting speed was also very fast.


However, in the next instant, Frank understood what the other side's so-called fast was.

With a crisp sound of gunshots, the Punisher didn't even see how Luke on the opposite side made his move, only noticed that the other side raised his arm slightly, and then heard the dull sound of bullets penetrating objects behind him. , looking back only to find the wooden pile placed on the side of the martial arts hall, I don't know when a clear bullet mark appeared on its body.

With a branch in his mouth, Luke gently pressed his cowboy hat with his left hand, and replied with a chuckle, "That's it."

In the entire martial arts hall, only two people really noticed that Luke shot. No, to be precise, it was actually only Matt. As a clone, Ye Wen knew that he would shoot. Under the ability of super senses, Matt could vaguely detect Luke's action of picking up the revolver and shooting. Although he could detect it, he could only detect it. During the real battle, he couldn't be in this way at all. Dodge bullets for a short period of time.

"The Assassin Brotherhood."

In his mouth, he repeated the name of the opponent's organization. Luke's appearance and the magical spear skills he showed undoubtedly gave him great confidence.

Perhaps, we can really stop Jiuyou.


"Flaming Ghost!"

With one knife, the gang members in front of him were cut in half. For these members of the Hell's Kitchen underworld organization, Li Ran did not have the slightest obstacle in his mind. Before he came, he had already investigated The gang in front of him has been engaged in human trafficking for a long time, and it is not worthy of any sympathy.

Looking at the burning corpse in front of him, he let out a harsh laugh like a ghost: "You know, this world is actually very cruel, not everyone has the right to enjoy life," he raised the blade in his hand and pointed at the one on the ground. The corpse said in a deep and cruel tone: "Just like him, he lost the value of living because of his weakness. Do you think that you have the value of living?"

As he spoke, he slowly turned his head and pointed his face, which was tightly wrapped in bandages, at the bullseye behind him.

Facing that terrifying posture like a ghost, even Bullseye, who was also murderous, could not help but feel a shudder in his heart, turned his eyes away unnaturally, and replied coldly: "My existence value, I don't need to let it go. it's up to you."

As he said that, he glanced at the corpses of gang members all over the floor in front of him. Most of them were beheaded.

"Jin Bing's original plan was to annex the members of this organization." The method was too cruel, and there was no secret Jin Bing's plan to act at all.

Putting his knife into the scabbard, he replied with a cold expression: "The weak will only waste air and have no value in existence."

"Also, tell Jin Bing, I like his ambition, but I hope next time he can find me some opponents that I can see instead of these useless wastes in front of me."

After speaking, he ignored Bullseye's reaction, turned around and left the scene.

As a member of Jiuyou, he doesn't need to care about Jin Bing's face.

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