Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 128: crow on plane


In the antique store, Li Ran raised his eyebrows pretending to be surprised when he heard the name he got from Jessica.

"what is that?"

At this moment, his identity is the contact of the Assassin Brotherhood, so naturally he should not know the existence of Jiuyou.

"A more evil and terrible organization than the Hand."

Jessica spoke with a complicated expression on her face.

If possible, she would rather not contact the members of the Assassin Brotherhood. However, the strength shown by Jiuyou has far exceeded the imagination of the members of the Defenders. If there is no reliable help to help them through this difficult time, what will happen in the future? What awaits the defenders will be doomed to a gloomy end.

Even New York would be in danger as a result.

To be honest, Jessica doesn't care much about what happens in New York. She has already put out her superhero idea and lived a life of drunkenness in Hell's Kitchen, secretly taking photos of cheating as a private detective. However, thinking of her family, she couldn't let it go easily.

"Looks like you're right."

Looking at Li Ran in front of her, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Jessica's face: "Although I have always wanted to live an ordinary life, the ordinary seems to have always failed me."

Li Ran: "It is precisely because you have extraordinary abilities that you will face more challenges. At least you have the ability to fight for yourself."

Jessica: "Sometimes, I'd rather not have these abilities."

Li Ran: "That's only sometimes."


Frowning and silent for a while, Jessica took a deep breath: "Okay, maybe you're right."

"About Jiuyou, I will tell the Brotherhood." After silently staring at Jessica, Li Ran said with a pretense of deepness: "If such an evil existence really exists, we will act again."

"Anyway, thank you."

"This is not for you, Jessica, but for justice and for the Brotherhood of Assassins."


[Famousness from Jessica Jones +220]


"The situation is developing faster than I thought."

In the antique store, after the conversation with Jessica ended, Li Ran couldn't help muttering.

In his original expectation, although the defender will come into contact with Jiuyou, at least he will have to wait until the cards in his hand are a little more, and the combat power is not so one-sided.

Now, suddenly, the battle between the defender and Jiuyou has been pushed forward a lot, and he only thinks of one person - Jin Bing.

It seems that although this underworld emperor surrenders on the surface, he is still not so willing in fact.

However, this is also normal. After all, it is possible to achieve this level of gold balance, how could it be so easy to succumb to others.

After thinking for a while, Li Ran felt that it was necessary to warn Jin Bing, lest the situation get out of control.

Simply, arrange a new character of Jiuyou to appear, always relying on Juewushen and Jin's contact is always too conspicuous, and it is easy to make people feel suspicious.

In any case, it is also an evil organization that can compete with Penglai in the background setting. It is a bit too shabby to rely on the name of Jue Wushen from beginning to end. Think about how many characters you have used back and forth to create the mystery of Penglai.

After confirming the idea, Li Ran immediately no longer hesitated, opened the system and exchanged a [Black Iron Treasure Chest].

That's right, although Li Ran's current reputation is more than enough to exchange two [Bronze Treasure Chests], but in relation to his own arrangements for this new character, it is more suitable for a D-level card.

[Prop: Fake Peace Star]

[Effect: Wish]

[Introduction: When the Peace Star is sleeping in the corner of the earth, its ability affects the surrounding stones, so that those stones have the ability similar to the Peace Star. When the false Peace Star is attached to the object, it can exert its ability, but when it is removed from the object It will turn into a white powder after peeling off. 】

[Remarks: Ah, another fake peace star~]

The setting of Peace Star comes from a magical item in the world of "Tiejia Xiaobao" that can fulfill wishes. If it is true, it is naturally a good prop. However, the conspicuous fake character in the system introduction has basically been told Li Ran, don't be delusional anymore.

The false peace star does not contain much power, nor does it have the magical ability to fulfill wishes. Basically, it is a small prop that can only be used for mischief.

Shaking his head, Li Ran didn't have much expectation for the props in the [Bronze Treasure Chest], so he immediately turned his attention to the card.

[D-level card - A Fu]

[Skill: Self-created martial arts]

[Background introduction: A Fu is one of the characters who appeared in the American animation "Jackie Chan Adventures". He first appeared in the same episode of the dog spell and the pig spell. He is a member of the gangster, with superb martial arts, tall and mighty He is a strong and powerful man, nicknamed "Black Tiger". 】

[Remarks: Crows fly by plane! 】

Li Ran: "..."

To be honest, as a D-rank card, [A Fu] has a good combat power.

However, when I think of myself manipulating my avatar and shouting 'crows on a plane', 'rabbit fist', 'angry octopus', etc., I always feel that Jiuyou's force has been lowered a lot in an instant. .

Shaking his head and sweeping the image in his mind, Li Ran glanced at the card in the system and decided to try to exchange it for another treasure chest.

[Prop: Lie Bean Paste]

【Effect: eat】

[Introduction: Tricky props from the movie "Tricky Expert", the tricky tyrant. 】

[Note: I am Gu Jing. I came out to shine shoes at the age of six to help with my family’s finances. At the age of eight, I sold blood to help my grandmother’s medical treatment.


[D-level card - Zhi Zhixiong is true]

[Skill: I flow]

[Background introduction: The biggest villain in "Rurouni Kenshin", he was a reformist from the Changzhou faction at the end of the curtain, but the reformists did not trust always believed that Zhizhixiong was ambitious , I am afraid that once Zhi Zhixiong discloses the inside story of the killer, the reforming government may be subverted. So after Zhi Zhixiong completed a mission, he sent a musket team to kill Zhi Zhixiong, and then burned his body. I didn't expect Zhi Zhixiong to survive under such circumstances, and then full of anger, he started a revenge operation against the Restoration Government]

[Remarks: Humans are originally devils, and now the world has become hell. To build a strong country that only devils can survive, only such a country is suitable for today’s hell! 】

This card is not bad.

Looking at the system's introduction to "Zhi Zhixiong Reality", Li Ran nodded secretly, this kind of vicious ghost image fits the temperament of an evil organization like Jiuyou, at least much stronger than 'crows flying'.

Immediately afterwards, he put his eyes on the props opened in the treasure chest and hesitated for a while.


"My name is Li Ran. I'm handsome and popular among thousands of girls. I'm working on maintaining world peace and promoting love and tolerance..."


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