Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 679: Countless futures (finale)

"You, **** it!"

Raising his head to look at the furious Hulk, Carroll's inner emotions were engulfed by anger.

The photon energy that emerged from her body formed a terrifying coercion, as if the real impact caused explosions in the air, and the ground walls of the base were greatly shattered due to the oppression caused by the impact.


Swept away by the aftermath of the shock burst from Captain Marvel, Tony and James in mid-air seemed to be hit by an invisible force and flew out.

Click, click—

Around Carroll, a large amount of rubble was suspended in mid-air due to the influence of photon energy.

Captain Marvel himself is wrapped in the photon energy center, constantly radiating gorgeous and dangerous cosmic energy around.


With a huge sonic boom, Carol's figure disappeared in mid-air.

In the next moment, Captain Marvel suddenly came to Hulk amid the flashes of brilliant photons.

The violent impact lifted all the gravel around Hulk, and Captain Marvel waved his fist at the rampant Hulk.

Under the package of photon energy, Captain Marvel's fist stirred up a gust of wind, which fell on Hulk and actually knocked the Hulk's huge body into the air.

Looking at the Hulk hanging in the air, Carol Danvers didn't hold back at all, opened his mouth and let out a cathartic roar, and his arms turned into vague fist shadows and smashed at Hulk.

boom! boom! boom!

In the huge rumbling sound, every time Carroll's fist landed on Hulk, there was a great collision sound. The Hulk in mid-air was like a huge sandbag, and was constantly blown away by Captain Marvel. The terrifying power on the Hulk smashed through the solid walls of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Captain Marvel actually relied on his own powerful strength to forcefully pierce Hulk through S.H.I.E.L.D.


Under the impact of a huge punch.

Hulk was smashed down, and with a huge vibration, a terrifying pothole appeared there.

The wind was raging, the gravel flew, and a large amount of smoke filled the entire battlefield.

Everything, trembling under this battle, seemed to be suppressed by the terrible power that Captain Marvel burst out.

And Carol Danvers himself has no plans to stop.

She clenched her fists, and the brilliant photon energy burst out from her body, rendering her as dazzling as the sun.

In the energy center, Carol gritted his teeth, controlled the power that erupted from his body and turned it into a huge photon shock wave to cut through the void, and landed on the pothole where Hulk was with unstoppable power.

This kind of full-blown attack method is extremely rare even in Captain Marvel's long cosmic adventure career.

Apparently, this time Nick Fury completely angered her.



The terrifying shock formed by the falling of the photon shock wave caused all the surrounding sounds to disappear for a short time. After a few seconds, the deafening explosion sounded in the sky of the fire.

The damage caused by the photon shock wave launched by Captain Marvel is almost comparable to that of a nuclear bomb. Even if the last bit of sanity left her without completely breaking out these powers, the power formed by the attack completely covered the surrounding area, including this one. The S.H.I.E.L.D. base here was destroyed in ruins.

"Cough cough..."

Pushing away the gravel that was pressing on him, Tony dragged his scarred body and used the steel battle suit on him to barely support it.

Looking at the surrounding ruins, the expression under the helmet was full of sadness and despair.

Standing in the ruins, Tony's eyes swept across the broken wheelchair, the broken longbow and a piece of parts scattered from the [War Machine].

All were dead except him.

"You caused it all, Carol..."

In the ruins, Tony stepped forward, but his body, which was barely supported by the steel battle suit, was already overwhelmed and fell down.

He stretched out his palm to touch the wreckage of the [War Machine] in front of him, and muttered in his mouth.

"This is because of you."

If it wasn't for Captain Marvel's obsession with future predictions, none of this would have happened.


Controlling his body and falling into the ruins where Tony was, Carol Danvers stumbled.

Suddenly bursting out such a powerful photon energy is obviously a huge consumption even for Captain Marvel.

Facing Tony's accusation, Carroll's expression was silent.

Even if she did all this to protect everyone.

But the end result is the death of many people, even Nick Fury...



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Inside the antique shop, watching the war planned by himself.

The expression on Li Ran's face was somewhat regretful.

Although the Green War Hulk catalyzed by [Bill Cypher] through thinking is powerful, it is not a Green War in the true sense after all.

Therefore, even if such a green war is powerful, it is still not the opponent of Captain Marvel Carroll.

Being defeated by Carroll is also a matter of course.

However, what Li Ran regrets is that if the battle scene between Captain Marvel and Green Hulk can be bigger, and if it expands to the whole of New York, it may bring him a little more fame.

Although he felt a little regretful about the Green Hulk's rampage he planned, Li Ran quickly packed up his mood.

In the past, because of the need for fame, he couldn't really kill and create big events such as the mass death of superheroes.

Such an approach certainly ensures that he can gain fame for a long time.

However, it also limited Li Ran's means of gaining fame.

After all, judging from the results, any method of gaining fame is inferior to the shock of death.

But now, Li Ran suddenly changed his style, killing superheroes, regardless of their lives.

It's not self-inflicted abandonment.

But already have the means to change everything.

His eyes fell on [Sierra] in the system card slot.

This card, which was only rated B in the system evaluation, has now become an existence in Li Ran's hands that is no less than an A-level character card or even more important.

"Then let's 'regret' now."

Looking at this card, Li Ran gently closed his eyes.

Accompanied by a murmur.

He felt his mind stretched, and everything around him seemed to be pulled, twisted, and reversed in an indescribable way.

In this state, Li Ran felt that after a long journey, his thinking seemed to be just a moment of brilliance.

Opening his eyes, the time in the newspaper in his hand recorded the time Li Ran traveled through.

Looking up at the [Legend] in the system data column, the smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer be controlled.

"From now on, let's face countless 'future' possibilities together."


"Ultron, Ultron will lose control and judge everyone as dangerous, and the whole world will be destroyed because of Ultron."


S.H.I.E.L.D., ended its operation against the 'Evil Six'.

Tony heard the future fantasy given by the boy, and did not hesitate to refute.

"Ultron can never get out of control."

As the maker of Ultron, Tony obviously does not believe that the artificial intelligence he has developed will go out of control or even cause disaster in the crisis world.

This is completely contrary to his original intention of creating artificial intelligence.

"However, how do you interpret the picture in the prophecy?"

From the illusion, I can clearly see the scene of the world under the attack of Ultron, the scene of a large number of robots attacking.

Captain Marvel once again chose to believe the prophecy without hesitation.

At the same time, in the antique store, Li Ran also launched the program that was set in the Ultron system at the beginning of the birth of Ultron.


Inside the Avengers Building, the normal Ultron suddenly began to think and then... woke up.

Humans are the root cause of all problems.

The future of Ultron destroying the world begins to unfold.


"Wanda, Wanda will kill all the grotesques!"

"Jiuyou, Jiuyou will rule the world..."

"Spider-Man, Spider-Man will kill Captain America..."

"Penglai, the extraterritorial demons broke free from the seal, and everything will be destroyed..."

"The scp Foundation, the Foundation's containment is out of control, and the entire world will be destroyed by the power of the containment."

"The giant of light, the giant of light from the universe will bring disaster to the world..."

"[Bill Cypher] will come again, and no one can stop it..."

"Transformers appear in America, and a large number of superheroes will die at the hands of Transformers..."


Through the boy, Li Ran predicted one future after another.

Among these futures is a future where Wanda's mental breakdown kills a lot of weird people.

There are Jiuyou appearing in America, creating a future of disaster.

An extraterritorial demon from Penglai came out of the seal and ravaged the future of New York.

More brought by the scp foundation, the containment is out of control, and the future of demons occupying the earth

Every future has caused huge disasters, and in these futures, a large number of superheroes are killed in war.

Even Captain Marvel was killed in the battle with the Giant of Light.

And every future ending, broken New York.

Li Ran will "regret" through [Sera], going back in time to the moment before everything happened.

"Regret" time and time again, although no one except Li Ran remembers those futures.

However, on the data panel of the system, the accumulation of tens of thousands of rumors shows that the impact of these futures is real.


Open your eyes, and once again the future of 'going to heaven' comes with 'regret'.

Li Ran's eyes fell on the panel of the system. The fame accumulated in countless futures was enough for him to exchange for several [Golden Treasure Chests]. In fact, Li Ran also opened several treasure chests through these legends.

However, due to luck, I couldn't open the last [S-rank card fragment x 1] that I wanted from several [Golden Treasure Chests].

"Hopefully, this time the unpacking will go smoothly."

Under the continuous opening of the [Golden Treasure Box], Li Ran had no trouble in the process of exchanging the [Golden Treasure Box].

Witnessing the consumption of one million legends on the system data panel, Li Ran started the unboxing process almost without blinking.

[Prop: Teleportation Gun]

[Effect: Shuttle]

[Introduction: A scanner-like device with a glass tube loaded with transmission energy on the upper part. Pulling the trigger can launch transmission energy to form a green portal, which can be used to go to any place on any planet, or even any parallel universe, parallel dimension . There seems to be an energy limit, requiring regular charging to replenish energy. In addition to teleportation, it also has magical uses such as launching portals to cut opponents apart, so it is also a weapon. 】

[Note: I can't keep my marriage alive, although I can turn a black hole back into a star, so at some point we have to ask ourselves how slim the probability of this being the right decision is, maybe it's just our self-deception, because We don't want to die alone, but that's exactly how we die: dying alone. 】


[S-rank card fragment × 1]

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown S-rank card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[A-Class Card - William Hartnell]

[Skill: Time Lord]

[Background introduction: On the surface, William Hartnell is a trembling old man, but his sly eyes with a smile have betrayed him. William Hartnell is hungry for exploring the unknown. He played death games with celestial toy makers, fooled Roman emperors, Mongol warlords and French revolutionaries, and played cat-and-mouse again and again with the evil robot Dalek, and in "Planet 10," the cyborg Attempting to steal the earth's energy to replenish the mother planet "Mondas", although the energy overload eventually led to the destruction of Cyber ​​and Mondas, but it also seriously damaged the doctor's health, reducing his vitality to the point where he had to be reborn, Finally the Doctor managed to return to TARDIS and began his first rebirth. 】

[Note: Everyone knows that people always die, but not every day, not today. 】

There is no doubt that the items opened in the [Golden Treasure Chest] this time are extremely powerful even for Li Ran, whether it is a [Teleportation Gun] or a [Time Lord] that can travel through the universe and even parallel worlds - [William · Hartnell] Both.

However, compared to these, most of Li Ran's attention was not attracted by the last [S-rank card fragment × 1].

"Finally, is it time? S-class character card."

Looking at this inconspicuous [S-Class Card Fragment], Li Ran's heart was filled with excitement after a long absence.


Take a deep to suppress the turbulent emotions in my heart.

With a trembling consciousness, I put these [S-rank card fragments] that I regretted in the future, and put them into the synthesis column.

At the moment of confirming the synthesis, Li Ran felt that his breathing had also stopped at this moment.

There weren't too many gorgeous special effects. When Li Ran came back to his senses, a flashing purple card appeared in the system's inventory.

[S-rank card - Saitama]

[Skill: One Hit]

[Background introduction: The male protagonist in "One Punch Man". With immeasurable strength, strength and speed are at the ceiling of this work, far exceeding all other heroes and monsters that have officially debuted. As a student, he doubted his future because of his weakness. But in the battle with the Crab Man, he found the fun of wanting to be a hero as a child and began to work hard and beat all kinds of weirdos in the process of exercising. In the end, Saitama has absolutely great power, and in return he loses a lot. 】

[Note: I have become stronger and bald]

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