Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 106: rock face

Controlled the avatar to retract his arm.

Bugatti directly pulled Tony out of the air.


With a heavy landing sound, Tony fell heavily in front of Bugarati. Fortunately, under the protection of the armor, he did not suffer too much damage.

However, before he could stand up again, he heard a soft shout.


The next second, Tony felt himself being hit by an invisible fist.


"Sorry sir, I didn't find out the source and principle of the attack."

He only had time to hear this sentence, and the next moment Tony felt his back tighten, and then he was pulled out of his armor as if he were undressing.

[Famous from Tony Stark +410]

Turning his gaze from the disappearing weird zipper on the back of the armor to Bugatti, Tony pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal a reluctant smile, concealing his inner panic: "I suddenly feel that it is better to thank you in front of you. It seems more sincere. Then again, how on earth do you do it, unzipping objects casually?"

Although ordinary people can't see the avatar, they can see the effect after the avatar is activated.

"This is the ability from the stand-in." Bugarati threw out the setting of the stand-in.

"A substitute?"

Silently remembering the name in his heart, Tony immediately restrained his smile: "Okay, you said you were looking for clues about an item, why did you find me?"

"Phantom Thief Kidd." Bugarati said, and mentioned a name that he was quite familiar with.

"Phantom Thief Kid?!"

Hearing this name, Tony's expression couldn't help being in a trance. The three months of experience in Afghanistan and the recent experience made him almost forget that there was such a person in New York that he hated.

"I'm tracking the whereabouts of this monster thief, and I found that he had contact with you, so Tony Stark, have you got anything strange from that guy?"

Shaking his head, Tony replied: "Sorry, although I don't like that guy like Kaitou Kidd, and I really hope I can provide you with clues, but since the encounter a few months ago, I haven't found him. trace, so..."


Facing Tony's answer, Bugarati didn't make any response, instead he began to look at him silently with a blank expression on his face.


Under the invisible pressure, Tony swallowed involuntarily.

"You know, Tony Stark, I can clearly tell whether the other party is telling the truth or lying, so you should be glad you didn't lie to me."

What Bucciarati said was high-sounding, but the reason why Li Ran knew that Tony didn't lie was that the thing he said about chasing down phantom thieves didn't exist at all. Since it didn't exist, Tony naturally didn't have any. the possibility of lying.

Released the palm that had been holding Tony, Bugarati replied: "Okay, I believe you, this is the end of the question. Excuse me, Tony Stark."

"Wait a moment!"

Looking at the back of Bugarati leaving, Tony subconsciously shouted, "Can you tell me what the phantom thief Kidd stole?"

Stopping his steps, Bugarati made a sideways pose: "Garden face, an evil and dangerous object."

"Ghost face?"

Hearing that, Tony lowered his head and repeated a sentence, but when he looked up, he found that Bugarati had disappeared.


At this moment, Pepper's voice came from a distance, which brought him back to his senses.


"Actually, the truth is - I am Iron Man!"

In the antique store, Li Ran raised his eyebrows when he looked at Tony's photo at the press conference and the huge headline from the media above.

With Tony admitting his identity as Iron Man before the television media, it also represented the beginning of some big events. While thinking about it, he turned his eyes to the data panel of the system.

[Legend]: 18765

Bugarati gained a lot of fame during his trip out this time, but obviously no one would think too much about such things.

He originally planned to continue to accumulate more fame, but the current situation does not seem to be suitable for this idea.

If Tony's announcement of his Iron Man identity is regarded as a beginning, then the various extraordinary events that will occur throughout New York will become more and more frequent, which also means that Li Ran needs to do more necessary preparations , in short, to increase some of your own effective combat power.



After the press conference that caused a lot of controversy, Tony returned to the cliffside villa, but the smart housekeeper did not light up the room as usual.

"Welcome home, sir."

Under the dim light, Tony saw a figure standing at the window of his am Iron Man. Sensing the movement behind him, Nick Fury opened his mouth and lowered his voice: "Do you think you are the only superhero in the world? "

"I don't think so."

Tony opened his mouth and interrupted Nick Fury's words. The appearance of Bucciarati made him very clearly know that he is not a special existence, and that there are people more magical than him in this world. The so-called stand-in ability, the ability to open a zipper on an object at will, is a huge threat to himself.

After all, without the protection of the steel armor, he and Obadiah are just ordinary people in essence, and can't stand the opponent's fists.

Thinking of this, Tony's sense of vigilance became more and more obvious.

Perhaps, he should make a little preparation to avoid encountering that guy named Bugarati again in the future, and he is as powerless as before.


The unexpected answer made Nick Fury silent for a while. Fortunately, the well-informed director of SHIELD did not panic because of Tony's overreaction, and still maintained his mysterious posture: "It seems, You've seen a little bit of the truth about this world, Mister Stark, and it's dangerous and fragile, not as safe as we thought."

"Who are you?"

A guy who appeared out of nowhere, suddenly ran to his own home to talk at length, and did not drive him out directly. Tony already felt that his temper had improved a lot.

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Turning around, Nick Fury revealed his iconic one-eyed eye and replied to Tony who looked impatient in front of him: "I want to talk to you about building the Avengers. things."

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