
Above this sinful city, Kino stood expressionlessly on the huge golden giant.

From a distance, this tall golden giant with a similar proportion to the human body can vaguely see Kino's appearance from its face.

The tail behind him is a pair of golden and dazzling wings, just like the legendary angel standing high in the clouds, dispelling darkness and shining down.

"Now, we are the same height!"

Kino stood on the head of the giant with his hands folded on his chest. He stretched out a hand and hooked his hand towards Barbatos, signaling him to let him come over.

The golden giant also imitated Kino's movements and swung his right hand.

"Kino Luther!"

Barbatos stared at Kino. At this moment, the dragon raised the black thunder in his hand. They roared and surrounded Barbatos, covering it with a layer of thunder armor.

The dragon pointed at Lionel, who was tied to the cross at his feet and looked miserable, and said, "This old guy is your father!"

"Kino, if you surrender to me now, I can promise you that I will seal off half of the world to you. You are qualified!"

"Moreover." Barbatos stared at you and said, "I can also pardon those rebels!"

It can be seen that the pressure brought by Kino is too great.

The dragon has even begun to negotiate for coexistence.

But as the saying goes, not being cruel to the enemy is not absolute cruelty.

As early as the moment Barbatos fell into a dark dream, Kino had already sentenced this guy to death in his heart.

"No, Barbatos." Kino shook his head, glanced at Lionel, who was crying and snotting, and said, "First of all, I don't have any feelings for him. Secondly, I have no interest in the dark world you created."


Kino raised his hand, drew a ray of light from the clouds in the sky and held it, and this ray of light quickly changed into a killing sword with golden light.

The young man raised the hilt of the sword, pointed the tip of the sword directly at Barbatos and said: "Only one of you and me can survive!"

After the words fell, it seemed that they had a tacit understanding, and both sides rushed towards the opponent at the same time.

"I am the dragon!" Barbatos swung his legs, and every step would make the earth tremble. It raised its claws and threw out dark thunder and dark matter light.

"Then I am the dragon slayer!"

Kino controlled the giant to split the thunder with a sword, and the power from the dream god surged from his eyes, growing and expanding in the air until it spread and expanded!


The colorful light roared the dark energy like a rainstorm and tsunami, and the power extended by the two violent energies instantly lit up the entire sky.

The people who were fighting looked up at the same time.

They saw that the dark haze covering their heads had long dissipated, and the sky of Gotham City was bright!

"It's dawn."

In the bat cave, the laughing bat glanced at the battle outside, and then retracted his sight.

He still had his own things to do.


Humming the folk songs of Gotham, Kuangxiao walked into the dark Batcave.

His assistants, a group of Robin Hounds, have already started to work around some sophisticated instruments. In the center of the huge Batcave, there is an iron chair with an old man with a forked hair tied on it. The other party is the famous monitor in this universe. The head behind him, which is emitting colorful light, is placed in a glass container. That is the head of the anti-monitor.

"Barbatos' plan is really stupid. He actually wants to confront Keno head-on. Fortunately, I always have a backup plan." Kuangxiao grinned.

His plan is very simple. As the positive energy of the universe (Monitor), and the negative energy (the head of the anti-monitor), plus the dark energy of Barbatos, these three can collide and blow the entire universe to pieces.

"This is the real plan to destroy the world!" Kuangxiao lowered his head and showed his ugly yellow teeth.

"You call this place the Batcave?"

The sound of an object falling came from behind.

Batman, who followed Kuangxiao all the way, also appeared here.

His mission was to stop the laughter.

"Batman, I knew you would follow me." The Laughing Bat turned around, pulled out his hand and scratched his chin: "But your armor doesn't work here, Bruce, it will be shielded by the energy here!"

Just as the laughter said, Bruce lowered his head and found that the bright silver armor had turned black.

"Kids, kill him!"

Accompanied by the roar of laughter, the Robin Hounds rushed towards Bruce with a grin, vowing to bite him to pieces.

They crawled on their hands and feet, like twisted hounds, making gurgling sounds from their mouths.


Facing the attacking hounds, Batman just ran past quickly and threw smoke bombs containing strange gases from his pocket.

These smoke bombs exploded and merged into the mouths of the Robin Hounds, making them fall to the ground unconscious as if they were hit by smoke.


The Laughing Bat and Batman tangled together, fists collided and hit both cheeks, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.


But to Batman's surprise, the fighting style of the Laughing Suit was very similar to that of the Joker, unpredictable and erratic.

This caused him a lot of pain, and when the two of them fought again.

Laughing Suit said with a grim smile: "You have never really used your training skills and methods to fight!"

"You're just a nightmare!" Batman kicked the laughing man away, but the monster pointed at himself with a smile and said, "I am you!"

They struggled together again.

He punched Batman in the cheek: "What would you be like without those rules?"

"It's just the second me!"

"I'm not you!" Batman waved his fist and laughed wildly.

"But you should know, Batman will always win!"

Looking at Bruce approaching him, he laughed wildly and took out the pistol from his pocket and pulled the trigger insidiously.

Bruce, who had instinctively reacted to the sound of gunshots, dodged sideways, but the bullet still penetrated his abdomen, causing him to cover his abdominal muscles in pain and fall to the ground.

"Look, this is the gun that killed our parents. I carry it with me wherever I go to remind myself: they died because they abided by moral principles. This is the lesson in that alley."

"And now I want to hand it over to you, the last lesson." Laughing loudly raised the gun in his hand and said: "We must learn a lesson and don't put our destiny in the hands of others. Batman should be a perfect survivor. He is the apex predator, this is his final form!"

He raised the revolver in his hand and pointed it at Batman's head.

But at this time, he heard Batman say urgently: "Pull the damn trigger quickly!"

He laughed wildly and tilted his head: "It seems that you gave up, which is not bad."

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