
It's like dry noodles and broken calcium biscuits.

A body with its head twisted toward its back fell from a golden passage.

The red and black uniform was covered with bright red blood, and the long mouth under the mask was covered with blood, looking miserable and terrifying.

Clark couldn't bear to look and turned his head.

The next second, Gino walked out of the speed channel opened in the air.

"What number is this?"

Jino fell from the sky, and the strong wind lifted his cloak.

"Let me do the math, killing machines, and devastators, and red death bats."

Clark clapped his fingers and said, "Three have been solved."

The Devastator was defeated by Gino using a dream.

The killing machine was defeated by the artificial intelligence of the planet Cybertron.

Red death bat?

This guy is the worst. He has the same speed force, but does not have an extraordinary physique. The final outcome is that Gino catches up and breaks his neck with the palm of his hand.

"Okay, it seems we have to hurry up." Gino rubbed his neck.

His plan is very simple. First get rid of the "tentacles" extending out of Barbatos, and finally deal with the "ugly loach".

It's like eating a cake from the outside, layer by layer.

Beach City.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the earth through the sun hanging in mid-air.

The city that should have been illuminated by a light curtain was completely dark.

Not a shred of light.

Just endless darkness.

And in the darkness, there was a dark green light flickering faintly.

A guy wearing a green uniform with a bat mark engraved on his chest squatted on a high-rise building with an expressionless face.

The darkness that made him invisible was clearly visible in his eyes.

He looked at the streets and alleys not far away, and his thoughts returned to the past.

When should the story start?

It probably started when young Bruce followed his parents out of the movie theater.

Earth minus 32.

The music scene at night is as always showing its chaotic side to the world.

The howling sirens, the looming gunshots, intertwined with each other to compose a song called sin.

Bruce held his parents' hands.

In order to avoid the crowds, they chose an alley to take a shortcut home.

Bruce still remembers that the movie showing that day was called "Robin";

Next, if nothing else happens, they will return to Wayne Manor, enjoy dinner with the butler Afu, and then take a rest.

But fate is like a naughty girl, she never tells you what will happen next.

All of a sudden, an armed robber burst into the alley.

He threatened the Thomases to hand over their wealth.

During the dispute, the pearl necklace was torn and two gunshots were fired.

Then there were two corpses lying in a pool of blood.

The kidnapper put down the smoking revolver and glanced at young Bruce: "We're done, kid."

"Now get down on your knees and close your eyes and you won't be hurt."

Bruce didn't know what he was thinking. He slowly raised his hands, then knelt down on one knee, his mind went blank, and he watched the kidnapper's jacket shaking as he ran.

Bruce only felt an emptiness in his heart, as if the sky and the ground were shattered, leaving only void, endless void.

He can't even feel fear!

And just when Bruce was kneeling on the spot, a dazzling green light flashed around a corner and came to Bruce's eyes.

This is a dazzling ring with strange symbols on it. It looks like a circle with a horizontal line sandwiched between it.

Bruce heard the ring say: "Bruce Wayne, you have the ability to overcome great fear."

"Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps!"

Bruce raised his head and stared blankly at the ring that emitted green light. He didn't understand what it was, but it looked mysterious and powerful.

And Bruce didn't feel that he had the ability to overcome fear, but that he had lost his fear.

By some strange coincidence, he raised his index finger and stretched it towards the ring floating in mid-air.

He didn't intend to explore the origin of the ring. At this moment, he only had the murderer who killed his parents in his heart.

When the ring was put into his hand, dazzling green light covered the boy's body, and the uniform from the Green Lantern Corps instantly covered Bruce's body, and his eyes flashed with hatred.

He's going to make that bastard pay!

As expected of Bruce, it only took a few seconds for Bruce to figure out the purpose of the ring.

Raise your fist slightly and let the green energy drag you high into the sky.

His figure turned into a stream of light and shot straight into the sky. In just a few seconds, he already knew the location of the entire Gotham City, as well as the figure in the vast sea of ​​people.

The murderer who killed his parents was rummaging through his wallet in an alley.


Bruce, wearing a Green Lantern uniform, descended from the sky, with a dazzling green light flashing on his right hand.

"I want you to pay with your life!"

A bright light flashed in Bruce's hand, and he mobilized the energy in the light ring to send out a green laser to kill the murderer.

Seeing the young man falling from the sky, the murderer dropped his wallet in fear and ran away without saying a word.

"Go to hell!"

Bruce shouted, but the sound coming from the light ring made Bruce stunned.

"Wrong, Green Lantern Corps rule number one Lethal weapons are not permitted."

Listening to Ring's words, Bruce gritted his teeth: "Shut up, Ring!"

"I am your master, do as I say!"

He clenched his fist, and the originally peaceful ring began to glow with an abnormal green light.

The energy of the coat gradually manifested into a skull monster.

"Error: Willpower exceeds 100%!"

"Error: Willpower 117%!"

As the ring went out of control, the original green light gradually became darker and darker.

"He deserves to die, kill him!"

Bruce raised his right hand, and the roaring monster roared towards the murderer of his parents.

The violent energy attached to the mortal body, causing it to instantly burn and turn into a withered skeleton.

He killed the murderer with his own hands, but there was no joy in Bruce's heart.

Let the energy in the ring lift you high into the sky and return to your parents' bodies.

Bruce clenched his fist and said, "Ring, bring my parents back to life!"

As the shadow of the painting fell, the cold corpse began to tremble slightly, and the twisted Thomas and Martha stood up unsteadily.


A frightening cry came from their mouths.

Obviously, these two monsters resurrected by the ring are not his parents.


He roared loudly, and at the same time, his heart gradually became twisted.

He vowed to eliminate all criminals in the world!

"I want them to taste my pain too!"

Young Bruce raised his head, his eyes burning with a crazy luster.

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