"A USB flash drive?"

Seeing Jino walking out of the fire, the killing machine tilted its head as if it couldn't understand.

The program runs and thinks, and it quickly connects the previous computers.

The electronic sound was a bit hoarse and low.

"You're pretending!"

As the former Batman, now the killing machine.

His computing power began to analyze rapidly.

Defeating the Alfred Protocol via the Internet?

This is impossible. Countless worlds and countless brilliant Internet geniuses cannot break the protocol.

Not to mention that Killing Machine analyzed Keno.

The opponent is very strong, but the opponent has never shown any talent in computers.

"My butlers are endless!"

He roared and opened his arms, and one after another Ah Fu walked out through the light curtain.

They repeated "What can I do for you" to ignite the words, their eyes glowed red, and this group of machines composed of nanomachines rushed towards Geno again without fear of death.

The sight is endless, like a tsunami, which is enough to cause the uncanny valley effect in people.

"Current progress: 100%!"

Following the announcement by the singer in the headset, the next moment, Ben originally rushed towards the place and ignited many Afu figures.

The metal surface flashed with crackling electric light, like a convulsive short-circuit. Many Ah Fu bent down with difficulty, and the words in their mouths began to become intermittent.

"I, I can, for you"


As if reaching a critical point, the endless Afu exploded, and the destructive fire almost ignited the entire city.

The strong bombardment instantly knocked away the killing machine.


At this moment, Gino slowly raised his palm.

"Heavenly magic!"

The young man shouted, and the twisted steel bars roared and stretched to bind the limbs of the killing machine that fell to the ground, as if it was inspired.


The electric current output from the ground paralyzes the operation of the equipment inside the killing machine.

He was twitching constantly as if he was paralyzed on the ground, with a terrifying red light flashing in his eyes.

The electronic prosthetic eyes stared intently at the figure falling from the sky.

"Geno Luther!"

A voice without a trace of emotion echoed, and the killing machine stared at Jino: "How did you do it?"

"Want to know?" Jino looked at the killing machine lying on the ground unable to move at all.

The killing machine didn't speak, but the metal head swayed slightly.

It was obvious that he wanted to know.

Gino slowly bent down as if showing kindness.

He stared at the killing machine, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "But I won't tell you."


Before the killing machine could speak.

"Buzz~" The invasion from the singer began.

After losing the Alfriel Protocol, it became apparent that the Killing Machines were unaware of the singer's covert intrusion.

The exchange between Jino and the other party just now was just to distract the other party's attention. Oh no, it should be said that it was more appropriate to say that it was about computing power.


The electric current pulsed, and the prosthetic eye flashed.

The killing machine couldn't help but mutter: "Error, fix, error."

This chaos did not last long. When Jino crouched down, the red light in the eyes of the killing machine went out, announcing the demise of the dark knight.

It's all over, but there's one more thing that needs to be done.

Jino slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on the huge metal building.

“It’s time to end this city’s nightmare.”

The young man's eyes glowed scarlet.

It was like having a long dream.

When the people of Detroit slowly opened their eyes, they discovered that there were some black iron pillars with unknown meanings on the streets around the city.

"what happened?"

People looked at the dim starry sky above their heads in surprise. The extreme darkness was daunting.

"We did it."

Above the clouds, Clark looked excited.

Saving the residents of a city filled him with a sense of accomplishment.

"To the next location, of course."

Gino patted his friend's shoulder.

The two stood above the clouds, feeling the breeze blowing in all directions.

Jino looked towards the central city to the west.

Through the endless plains and mountains, he seemed to be able to see a red and black energy storm surrounding the entire middle city.

"Honestly." Clark frowned: "Don't you think Batman is dangerous?"

"It's crazy how they can do that."

For the first time, Clark was thinking like a wise man.

"Everyone is different, Clark." Gino shook his head and explained to Clark: "It's like a Speedmaster."

"Different experiences and different choices will create different Batman."

"And what we have to do is stay vigilant and take warnings."

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's go to Central City."

Gino raised his leg slightly and said, "Honestly, I still have a running race to participate in."


The surging speed storm flows like a whirlpool, devouring every life that dares to approach the city.

Red Death Bat, this man wearing red and black armor is looking into the distance with his helmet in hand.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, but another voice sounded in his mind.

"Bruce, it's not too late to turn back."

"Haha." Faced with the voice in his head, the Red Death Bat sneered and responded: "Don't try to persuade me. I can't turn back now."

He looked at the distant scenery.

With a faint look in his eyes, he said to the voice in his head: "I feel very strange, this city should have you."

"But it didn't."

"On the contrary, there is a weird guy named Gino in this world."

The voice in my head said: "This is because as long as justice exists, someone will stand up for him."


The Red Death Bat closed his eyes slightly and fell into memories.

Gotham City.

Earth minus 52.

"It's getting worse. Central City is falling apart!"

Barry Allen wears a red uniform and runs around every corner of the city.


A laser fell, and the Flash ducked sideways. He shouted anxiously behind him: "We shouldn't fight!"

He kept rolling to avoid the attacks of cold rays.

"You are the smartest person I have ever met. This is more important than you and me. We should work together to save the world!"

"No, just like before, you're already too late. Flash, it's time to give up the Speed ​​Force to someone else!"

A Batmobile slowly opened, and Batman holding an ice gun stared at the Flash quietly.

"No? You don't understand, Batman, I told you, I won't give you the Speed ​​Force."

"You don't understand that after losing a loved one, the Speed ​​Force cannot bring them back!"

Faced with the Flash's words, the middle-aged Batman roared: "Then you should understand that if you don't voluntarily help me, I will force you to help!"

Shouting, Batman charges towards Flash and the fight begins.

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