wine cellar.

The long-standing fermentation smell of red wine stored in wine barrels wafts out from the gaps in the barrels. Just a simple smell seems to make people intoxicated.

The entire wine cellar was obviously full of people, but no one dared to make a sound.


A smile appeared on Gino's lips, but Clark, who knew him, suddenly changed his face slightly.

As the man who knows Gino best besides Lex, Clark knows that when Gino shows such a smiley expression, it means someone is going to be unlucky.

"Just because..."

Jino opened his palms, and golden magic covered the black-skinned wizard.

The gentle energy surrounded the black wizard, and everyone heard Jino's gentle voice say: "I am the only person here who has magic."

As the words fell, the golden beam of light merged into the man's torso. The next second, as if he had lost his soul, the black man's head turned around, and he fell limply on the cold concrete floor like a soulless body.

"he died!?"

Someone spoke in confusion.

"Don't be nervous, my friend."

Jino glanced at the frightened mage in the corner, smiled and said: "He is not dead, but I used heaven's magic to send his soul to heaven to enjoy happiness."

After hearing the young man's words, more people's expressions changed slightly.

It is true that they cannot feel the existence of the soul from that body, but for those who know the inside story of heaven, it is not a good thing for the soul to ascend to heaven.

Souls that ascend to heaven will become preparatory angels, fighting against demons all day and night.

Gino smiled and tilted his head and said, "So, who else wants to go to heaven to enjoy it?"

Listen to the boy's words.

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions as they looked at the harmlessly smiling young man.

This young man has such a vicious soul!

Under Gino's "gentle" persuasion, everyone finally decided to take refuge in the Justice League Hall.

After watching the last person slip into the magic passage opened by Jino,

After waving his hand to close the space channel, Jino glanced at the drunk Zha Kang.


Constantine was so surprised that he forgot to look at Keno. Before he could recover, the young man hooked his shoulder: "Let's go, Constantine, it's time for our Justice League Dark to take action."

Constantine twitched the corner of his mouth and looked into those blue eyes "affectionately": "Can I refuse?"

Facing Zha Kang, Gino tilted his head and returned Constantine's "kind" smile: "Sorry, no."

"All right."

Zha Kang shrugged and sighed, "I knew you would drag me along."

"After all, you are shameless, aren't you?" Jino smiled back.

"Where are we going now?" Clark did not participate in the quarrel between the two. He was a little worried about the safety of his human goddess Lana.

"It's very simple."

Jino raised his hand and opened a space channel again: "Let's go to the Amazon Island to see."

The young man's eyes were dark: "I believe the Amazon Queen should know something."


When Constantine followed Jino out of the space passage, he saw the splendid palace supported by several pillars.

On both sides of the vast palace stood rows of long-legged Amazon female warriors.


Three figures who walked through the space tunnel stood in the hall as if they appeared out of thin air.


The moment the three people appeared, the Amazon female warriors immediately raised their swords on guard.

"Everyone stop it!"

Hippolyta, who was sitting on the throne, stood up and stopped the guards from moving.

She hurriedly walked down from the throne, bowing slightly to show respect.

"Mr. Keno."

Hippolyta looked at the handsome young man with her peripheral vision, and she didn't see the young man aging even after a long time.


Jino looked at the woman with a smile as if he had returned to his own home, "Long time no see."

"Let's make a long story short." Gino glanced at Clark and Constantine who were peeking at the Amazon female warrior's thighs, sighed and said, "I came to you for Diana."


Hippolyta immediately tensed up and looked into Gino's blue eyes nervously.

"What's up with her?"

Keno shrugged and said:

"It disappeared. It was probably involved in a magical incident."

"how so?"

Hippolyta's shoulders shook, as if she would cry any second.

In a woman's eyes, Diana is everything to her.

But now, Diana has disappeared.

"So let me ask you." Gino stared at Hippolyta: "Do you know why Diana was involved in magic incidents?"

"I don't know." Hippolyta shook her head subconsciously, but she seemed to have thought of something again, gritted her teeth and said, "I don't know why Diana was involved in magical events."

"But I knew someone had to know."

The woman took a deep breath and said, "Hera, the Queen of Heaven."

"She has a magic mirror in her hand that oversees all things."

"I understand." Gino nodded, his eyes twinkling: "Let's go to Olympus."


It is located in the mysterious dimension and belongs to the Greek pantheon.

When talking about the Greek pantheon, it can often be summed up as the Romance of Zeus.


The blue space broke through the clouds again, and Gino jumped off the clouds dragging Clark and Constantine.

Feet on solid ground.

When Clark and Constantine opened their eyes, they saw countless erotic scenes.

The vast green fields and forests are dotted with hot springs of various sizes.

Various goddesses dressed in various styles were soaking in the hot spring, raising eyebrows and making eyes at the three men who suddenly arrived.

"Is this paradise?" Constantine wiped the corners of his mouth, feeling his mouth was dry.

"Well, these are the low-end goddesses of the Greek pantheon."

Gino patted Constantine on the shoulder: "You can enjoy it here."

"Clark, follow me in."

"oh oh."

Clark followed Gino on the plains of Olympus.

The two crossed the hillside and came to a palace suspended in the air.

The white clouds floating in the sky turned into stairs, as if walking on solid steps towards the main entrance of the palace step by step.

The howling spring wind blew on the two of them, and the thunderous light that lit up from a distance from time to time flashed to show the majesty of Olympus.


Stepping on the cold stone steps.

Gino and Clark looked at the tall figure standing in the palace not far away.

The muscular skin is covered with scars.

The Greek war dress draped around her body swayed in the wind.

After seeing the two of them, the tall figure bent down and picked up the ax on the ground. He opened his mouth and his voice was as deep as thunder: "I am Hercules."

"I have been ordered to intercept you here."

He swung the iron ax and stared at the young man's long golden hair: "I heard you are very strong!"

His legs exerted force, and the terrifying accumulation of muscles crushed the luxurious bricks under his feet. His body turned into a stream of brown light and suddenly rushed towards Gino and Clark.

He said: "Come and fight!"

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