Under the freezing cold weather.

The cold wind carried the crystal snow and slapped it on Clark's cheek.

It’s still that glacial cold plain.

But what is different from before is that what should have been an endless stretch of white is dotted with a few dots of scarlet.

The body killed by the high-temperature heat vision was split into two.

After these people were cut off by the heat vision, they were quickly frozen into crystal clear ice cubes by the extremely cold temperature.

From a distance, they look like lifelike human-shaped ice sculptures, but what is even more horrifying is that the expressions and cross-sectional wounds of this group of people look extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"What's going on here?"

Clark looked at these people who died in miserable ways in shock.

The originally flat ice sheet seemed to have been split in two, leaving deep ravines.

"It's easy, Clark."

Gino stared at the wounds of the dead,

"If you've ever tried to kill someone with heat vision, you know these guys died from heat vision."

After listening to the boy's words, Clark shrugged, his expression as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

"Kino is right."

Batman, who was walking back from the distant ice sheet, waved the instrument on his hand expressionlessly: "According to the equipment, the cracks in the ice sheet were cut and melted by thousands of degrees of high temperature."

"Then the answer may be ready."

Jino turned his head and stared at one of the corpses.

After gaining the dream power of the Dream God, he was able to see some things that ordinary people could not see.

He stepped towards one of the corpses. Everyone didn't know why but still chose to follow Jino.

The boy stood next to the body.

In his field of vision, standing not far away, was a dark-haired girl with pale skin wearing a gothic black dress and holding a small black umbrella.

The white eyes stared at the corpse.

Under her gaze, wisps of silvery white light slowly floated out of the corpse.

Like white mist, they are connected and intertwined with each other, gradually converging into the tragic appearance of the deceased when he died.

"W-where am I?"

The frightened soul looked around, obviously not yet accepting the news that he had died.

"you are dead."

The little girl with a black ponytail tilted her head slightly and showed a sweet smile to the lost soul.


The originally panicked eyes of this soul gradually became calm, and it murmured and repeated what the girl had just said.

he died.

Soul obediently stood up and stood behind the girl.

"Geno Luthor."

The girl held a small umbrella, turned around and made a medieval aristocratic lady's salute towards Jino.


Jino responded with the same gentlemanly courtesy: "Nice to meet you."

"I am glad to meet you too."

The two of them chatted like friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

But this scene was slightly horrifying in the eyes of Clark and others.

"Who is he talking to!?"

Clark shuddered and watched as Gino babbled words into the empty air.

"You should have more cases like this in Gotham City, right?" Diana stared at Batman with the same weird look on her face.

The serious Batman did not respond to the two of them. He just stared at Gino's eyes for a moment, then shook his head firmly and slowly and said: "No, Gino is not crazy. I know the look of the madman, and I didn't see it from his eyes. Out of madness.”

To be honest, Batman breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Gino was not crazy.

Although the plan against Keno has been perfected, Batman can't think of any ability he has to stop a crazy Keno.

If that happens, it will be a disaster for the world and even the entire multiverse.

After hearing Batman's words, everyone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that as the Joker's "companion", Batman's words were still authoritative.

"I'm more inclined to think that he really encountered some rules or something."

As expected of the calm Batman, he easily deduced the full story of the incident.

At this moment, Gino still doesn't know that he is considered crazy by the members of the Justice League.

He is conversing with death.

As the rule of life of the Endless Family, the task of death is to lead the departed souls to reincarnation again.

Because of this, she can know the death process of the deceased.

As the second eldest son of the Endless family, Death and Sandman Daniel actually have a pretty good relationship.

Treating Jino who helped her brother, Death is also willing to have a chat with Jino.

"I'm very happy that you helped Daniel solve the problem in his dream."

"We are all buddies." Jino smiled, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, but it was obvious that the words he said had invisibly brought them closer to each other.

Some people may say that the Wuren family has no emotions, but Jino feels that these guys actually have emotions, but most of their emotions are suppressed under their duties.

"People are dying all the time and I'll be busy, so I can tell you whatever you want to ask."

Death smiled gently at Gino.

But paired with those pure white eyeballs, it only looks scary.

"How did these people die?"

Jino stopped talking nonsense and asked straight to the point.

"Killed by a monster."

Death calmly gave the answer: "A monster with gray-black skin that could not return to death killed them."

After the girl said this, she bowed slightly to Jino: "Excuse me, I'm going to travel to new responsibilities."

Death is gone.

Like a gust of wind, like a cloud.

She quietly left this snowfield, taking with her all the souls on this icefield.

Death is gone.

Jino also turned around to look at his comrades, only to find that they were all looking at him with strange expressions.

Diana's eyes were full of concern, Clark hesitated to speak, and Batman stared at Geno's eyes over and over again, as if confirming something.

Faced with the strange looks in everyone's eyes, Jino sighed helplessly and threatened: "I guarantee, if anyone dares to look at me like this, he will have nightmares tonight."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped looking at each other and became calm.

After all, no one wants to feel the painful experience of having nightmares at night, especially a guy like Gino who is a shady person.

Seeing that everyone no longer looked at him with strange eyes, Jino got down to business: "I have already asked clearly. Hal used the monster created by General Zod to grow from an embryo and ran out of the outpost."

"It killed these wretches here."

"Then where has it gone now?"

Listening to Clark's inquiry, Gino helplessly pointed to the sunken footprints on the snowfield that looked like those left by Bigfoot and said: "I think, based on this series of footprints, it will go to the free America where we are free to shoot every day."

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