"Seriously, we don't know what to do with the grass without you."

At Kent Farm, Jonathan knocked on his waist and looked at Chloe and Little Black Pete from his farm with a smile.

"Please be sure to stay for lunch later."

Martha wiped the sweat from her forehead and handed Chloe and Peter clean towels.

"Humph, that bastard Clark doesn't even care about helping me." Jonathan smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking at the mountains of grass.

In the past, Clark only needed to do these complicated farm tasks...

Before Jonathan could continue his thinking, a clear and piercing explosion exploded over the farm.


The deafening explosion made several people raise their heads in unison.

Immediately they saw a small black dot on the clear blue sky swooping down at an extremely fast speed!


The black spot turned into an afterimage and hit the rural grassland. The terrifying power overturned the soil and weeds, and the strong wind stirred up sand, dust and grass clippings, causing several people to subconsciously close their eyes and shield themselves with their hands.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the farm.

The sound of the soles of feet stepping on the soil sounded from bottom to top.

"Where is the thing?"

A deep voice came from the smoke, and an arm broke through the smoke and clasped Jonathan's slightly fat neck at a terrifying speed.


Martha immediately opened her legs and rushed towards the figure. When she broke into the fog, she saw Jonathan being held by the neck by a thin young man and being carried in his hands.

The black-haired young man's body was covered with large and small scars, and his eyes were cold and emotionless. He stared at Jonathan and said in a hoarse voice: "Where did you hide the escape capsule from Krypton?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed.

It's for Clark!

Everyone suddenly thought of this idea.

"Hoho! I won't give in!"

Faced with the increasing force on his hand, even though his face turned purple due to lack of oxygen, Jonathan still refused to reveal the fate of the spacecraft.

"Okay, then you go die!"

Hal showed no mercy, raised his fist and slammed it towards Jonathan's head.


As expected, the scene of the head exploding did not happen.

A palm smaller than Hale's hand blocked the fist that hit Jonathan.


Hal turned his head and looked to his side.

When he saw who was coming, Halton became furious.

With short black hair, an icy temperament, and a pretty face, the other party himself had seen her before. She was General Zod's female adjutant, a woman named Fiona.

"Zod is dead, but you are still alive."

Haile twisted his neck and raised a cruel smile: "It seems you betrayed Zod!"


Before he finished speaking, he suddenly waved his fist.

Facing the terrifying force coming, Fiona did not dare to be careless, she retracted her hands and put them in front of her chest.


The fist hit the forearm with great force!

Fiona was unable to withstand the surging and powerful force at all. Like a kite with a broken string, it flew out upside down and smashed through the grass and barns. After sliding along the ground for hundreds of meters, it smashed into Clark's "loneliness". fortress".

"not good!"

After seeing the barn being smashed through and dropping lead material, Jonathan's expression changed drastically as he fell to the ground.


Hal followed Jonathan's gaze, and he discovered that there was a Kryptonian nursery cabin hidden under the barn that he had ignored before arriving!

"Got you!"

The legs bent and crushed the ground, and the speed was so fast that it exploded on the farm.

Hal fell from the sky into the barn like an ancient Greek god of war, kicked Fiona out of the way, and reached out to grab the hull of the spacecraft with excitement in his eyes.

“What needs to be done is done.”

Haile's eyes fell on Jonathan and Martha who was supporting him.

"You can go die too!"

The red beams of light in the man's eyes stabbed at Martha and his wife with scorching heat waves.

The red light shot out at extremely fast speed, fifty meters, forty meters...


Seeing that the sickle of death was about to strike the two of them, a large amount of smoke and dust was raised from the human forest in the distance.

An angry voice suddenly sounded from the farm.

"how dare you!"

Clark, who received the message from Fiona in time, roared like a wounded lion, his eyes as hot as molten lava suddenly hit the beam of light emitted by Hale, cutting it off.

The two heat visions intertwined with each other, and the high temperature they emitted seemed to ignite the air, causing the weeds on the ground to lose moisture, turning as brown as dry grass.

"Kal-El, Jor-El's son."

Facing the beam of light from Clark, Haile seemed very calm. While maintaining his heat vision and blasting Clark, he said in a pleasant voice: "You are the son of my mentor. I can give you a chance to surrender to me." ”

He put one hand behind his back and held the spacecraft with the other, slowly approaching Clark.

And accompanying him, the originally small beam of light also became stronger.


Like rocks pushed by a bulldozer, Clark's legs sank into the dirt, plowing deep ravines.

"You're dreaming!"

Looking up and meeting Hal's hot gaze, Clark clenched his fists and roared.

"Ha, idiot."

Looking at Clark who was struggling to resist, a murderous intent flashed in Haile's eyes.


Three black shadows flashed across the sky not far away, causing Halton's expression to suddenly change.

He once received a message from Jor Al on the spaceship, and also obtained relevant information before entering the earth, and knew who the real strong person on the earth was.

"Geno Luthor."

Haer completely forgot about the blond boy who was approaching at a terrifying speed.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, Haile flickered to avoid meeting Clark's gaze.

"We will meet again!"

Haile raised his hand to open a space tunnel.

"You haven't been here long and you're ready to leave?"

Just as he stepped forward, a clear voice sounded leisurely.

"Did I let you go?"

That voice contained an undoubted meaning. As his voice fell, the originally peaceful town suddenly lit up with a grand blue light.

The space energy contained in those large silver-blue nets instantly cuts through this space.

The space wormhole that Halben opened with his arm exploded like an extinguished firecracker.

"damn it!"

Haile retracted his right leg to avoid being sucked into the space crack.

The thin man turned his head and stared at Gino.

"Jeno Luther, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Where does all this nonsense come from!"

Jino smiled contemptuously, raised his fist and rushed towards Haile.

His body flashed like thunder.

Facing the incoming fist, Haier also raised his fist.

"Come and fight!"

We broke up, I mentioned it, why would we talk about it if we don’t let it go? Give your brothers a break, Sigma man!

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