In the professor's office at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore, an old man who was over seventy years old, was clutching the Elder Wand in his hand, looking at Gino with fear, and asked seriously: "Who are you!?"


The glass, which was destroyed by the magic collision, cracked and blew in cold wind.

Under the night breeze, Jino smiled easily.

"who I am?"

"That's a good question."

The young man slowly stood up, and as his figure gradually straightened, the surrounding scene gradually became illusory like a bleached curtain.

Dumbledore was surprised to find that the temperature in this room began to turn colder, and a strong feeling of weightlessness made the old man feel dizzy.

He held his head, trying to say something.

He looked around and saw that Hogwarts was getting farther and farther away from him.

Only then did he realize that the entire room and himself were suspended high in the sky! ?

The cold wind poured into the house through the gaps in the wood. Dumbledore, whose teeth were chattering, struggled to wave the Elder Wand to create the magic of "armor protection" to protect himself.

"Quite strange, isn't it?"

Compared to Dumbledore, whose white beard was shaved all over the place, Gino just stared at the continent beneath him with his hands behind his back.

"Who am I, you ask?"

The young man turned around again, and under the cold moonlight, he chuckled and said, "I am Geno Luther, the guardian of the town of Smallville."

"He is the leader of the Justice League and the master of the universe."

"A conqueror and a witness."

“Of course, there’s no need for fancy, unrealistic rhetoric.”

Gino stared at Dumbledore, slowly floating into the air in the old man's eyes, looking down at Dumbledore: "You can use simpler words to call me."


"No, the so-called gods are just more powerful creatures."

Facing the almost suffocating pressure from all around, Dumbledore slowly raised his head.

His old and withered fingers tightly grasped the Elder Wand, which was known as the most powerful wand. The tip of the wand was pointed at Jino and said: "I don't care what purpose you have, but I hope you leave this world!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the night sky, Hogwarts is still brightly lit.

But the lights of different colors that kept lighting up in the night sky above everyone's heads made many young wizards notice this strange sight.

"What happened up there?"

"Oh my God, is that lightning?"

Outside the castle hall, there were many little wizards standing.

They all raised their heads and looked at the night sky above them.

Until Professor McGonagall, with a solemn face, walked over and used his wand to release a "loud voice" for himself: "Everyone, return to the auditorium immediately. Prefects, take care of the students in your college!"

Under the arrangement of Professor McGonagall, the originally chaotic students immediately started moving.

The little wizards were led back to the auditorium, but the professors gathered outside the auditorium with serious faces and started a heated discussion.

"Something isn't quite right."

The short Professor Flitwick waved his wand and cast a levitation spell on himself, levitating next to Professor McGonagall. He raised his head and stared at the strange sight flickering ten thousand meters above his head.

"I've looked for them all."

Snape, who was shrouded in a cloak, had an ugly face and shook his greasy hair: "I asked the little wizards and also went to the principal's office and Gino Luthor's room."

"According to the little wizards, Dumbledore went to Geno Luthor's office not long ago."

"Then disappears."

"I used a magic spell to violently break into Luther's room, only to find that no one was inside."

Snape clenched his fists: "It's very possible that something happened."

Those plain words caused an uproar among the professors.

"Something happened? How could something happen?"

Professor McGonagall was the first to retort. As the person who had been with Dumbledore for the longest time, she knew how powerful the old man was.

No one in the whole world is his opponent.

"But what if?" Snape shook his head and stared at the sky above his head with a complicated expression: "Just this morning, you also saw the magic used by Geno Luthor."

"Is that magic like a known kind?"

Snape sighed and said, "Everyone, prepare for the worst."

After all, from the very beginning of meeting Geno Luthor, Snape thought that this boy

not simple.

"not simple."

He raised his right hand casually to construct a dazzling golden magic circle, letting the violent magic blast splash out ripples on the magic circle.

"You know, my magical power is the same as Lucifer in the Bible."

While strolling around and resisting the various magics from Dumbledore, Gino chatted with the old man like a friend he hadn't seen for a long time: "Lucifer Morning Star, God's favorite angel."

"But you were able to persist for so long without dying." Jino looked at the old wizard who was half kneeling on the ground with his right hand trembling, his expression calm: "Honestly, your strength has been recognized by me."

"Huh." He breathed heavily, struggling to adjust his breathing.

Dumbledore only felt the burning pain in his body.

Every cell is whining.

The dizziness caused by magic overdraft is as nauseating and painful as a strong man drinking a bucket of vodka.

Even the arm holding the wand was shaking.

Dumbledore didn't know what to say.

The anger in his eyes as he looked at Jino had long since disappeared, replaced by shock and awe that he was not even aware of.

The other party is really too strong.

It is as deep and vast as the bottomless ocean.

The vast ocean-like amount of magical energy even gave Dumbledore the illusion that he was against the entire world.

Faced with such an enemy...

Can I really defeat him?

He spat out the blood in his mouth and asked:

"I want to know, what is your purpose in coming to this world?"

"For what?" Jino chuckled: "To find something and conquer the world."

"But why, why conquer?"

"It's like a shell on the beach. I collect it if I like it." Jino chuckled: "And I think the world under my control will be much better than your original world."

"Now, Dumbledore, tell me your choice."

Jino walked towards the old man with his hands behind his back: "Would you like to help me control this world or choose to be my enemy?"

Without much hesitation, what responded to him was the magic beam shot from the tip of the wand.


It was also no surprise that the magic spell that could destroy boulders and shatter soil could not make any waves when it fell under the golden light curtain.

"Well, I remain sorry for your choice."

Gino snapped his fingers, and in the next moment, the violent thunder hidden under the night sky gathered. They flashed as if carrying the anger of the entire world, focusing the anger of heaven and earth on Dumbledore.

As Gino waved his right hand, the dazzling thunder seemed to light up the entire sky.

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