In Knockturn Alley.

It's naturally drizzling in London, known as the Rain City.

"Crack, snap, snap."

The rain hit the cracks in the road and scattered ripples.

A group of men and women dressed in black uniforms with grinding sticks around their waists surrounded Knockturn Alley.

The badges they wore on their chests identified these men.

Ministry of Magic, Aurors.

"Kingsley, things are terrible."

An Auror from the Ministry of Magic walked up to this dark-skinned but tall black man with a pale face.

Although the Aurors were used to seeing big storms, the news that an entire street of dark wizards had been massacred was enough to detonate the entire wizarding world.

You must know that the Ministry of Magic has also had the idea of ​​​​taking a heavy blow on Knockturn Alley several times.

But each action can only harvest some small shrimps, and those powerful dark wizards often escape easily.

But everything is different now. There are a lot of wanted wizards who died in Knockturn Alley.

"What exactly are these..."

Kingsley looked at the corpses that were sent by the Aurors using levitating spells.

Without exception, his face was pale and his pupils were dilated.

An experienced Auror could tell at a glance that these people died from the Awada Kedavra.

"Have you ever tried to extract the spells from these people's wands?"

"We tried, but they seemed to die in an instant, with no chance to use magic to react."

Kingsley sighed deeply and gently tapped the gap in his pants with his hands, his expression inexplicable.

A terrifying and powerful man suddenly appeared in the magic world.

Perhaps Dumbledore should be told about this.


at the same time.

After leaving the Ministry of Magic busy, the panicked culprit, Kino, who beat the God of Death violently, was walking in a tavern.

The second floor was a hotel for people to live in. Jino quickly found one and stopped in front of it.

"Da da da~"

The young man knocked gently on the door.

The knock on the door was light and steady, as if the owner of the house was rustling and getting dressed.


A lazy male voice came from inside the house.

As the oak door opened.

A blond man with slicked-back hair rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He was covered in a luxurious and beautiful silk robe, and he stretched out his hand to indicate: "I understand, I understand, you are my fanatical fan again, right?"

"Okay." The man looked helplessly at this young man who was several times more handsome than himself: "Where's the pen? Give it to me, and I'll sign it for you."

"Signature?" Jino looked at the man with big white teeth and said with a smile, "No, no, no, I don't need your signature."

"I need to."

The young man snapped his fingers: "Write a letter for me."

"Okay, okay, Master." The blond man turned back to the table with a dull expression, spread out the paper and started writing.

The man's handwriting was elegant and brisk, and he quickly wrote a lot of things according to the young man's wishes.

After writing the letter, the man rolled up the letter paper and walked towards the owl standing on the table.

"Go and send this letter to Hogwarts Castle."



Founded by the Four Giants, it has established a long-lasting and far-reaching educational school in the magic world, and has cultivated batches of mainstays in the magic world. It is known as the cradle of magic, and has also been dubbed the crown of the magic world by the world.

The corridor in the ancient castle now.

Rows of magical portraits were placed all around.

In the huge corridor, a dark wind passed by. A man wearing a black robe and long greasy black hair walked in a hurry. The little wizards he met along the way all shrunk their heads for fear of being noticed by this man and being severely punished. Deduct some points.

Walk past the iron armor and ignore the mischievous Peeves hiding behind the gallery.

Severus Snape waved his black robe, like a large, agile bat floating silently into a corner of the castle.

"Pile of cockroaches."

He spoke the password to the ugly stone elephant guarding the door.

The loyal stone statue moved away quickly.

A passage is revealed.

In the brightly lit house at the other end of the passage, a fat old man with a white beard and a chin that almost touched the ground was lying on a chair, sleeping with his eyes closed.

The sound of snoring from time to time can prove that the quality of his sleep is very sweet.

"Don't sleep."

Snape almost seemed to rush into the bedroom, bringing with him a roaring tornado, and stared coldly at Dumbledore, who was lying on the chair. The greatest white-robed wizard of our time was also regarded as the hope and pillar of the wizarding world.

It seemed that his sleep was interrupted by the cold wind blowing on him.

Dumbledore slowly opened his eyes. Under the thick round-bottomed glasses, his blue eyes were filled with deep and wise light, full of erudition and wisdom.

But the light is fleeting and can even make people think it is their own eyesight.


The old man wiped his lenses, looked at the pile of documents on the table, and then turned his gaze away to the ashen-faced Snape.

"What do you want from me, Snape?"

Seeing Dumbledore's reaction, Snape smiled disdainfully.

"Don't pretend to be confused, Dumbledore."

"I'm asking you."

He leaned forward and pressed his hands on the table, staring at Dumbledore with an oppressive gaze: "Why did you find that liar Lockhart to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"Jealous, it's not like you don't know that guy lies a lot, and there are many puzzling things in the legendary stories he wrote. His virtue doesn't seem to be worthy of those legendary deeds."

The reason why Snape came to Dumbledore was also very simple. It was because Dumbledore, the defense professor of the Dark Arts class this semester, actually found Lockhart, a popular star.

"Snape." Looking at the aggressive Potions Professor, the old man rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"It's not easy to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"I think I have a lot of time." Snape sneered. If there was anyone at Hogwarts who most wanted to be the teacher of this course, then Snape would definitely be on the list.


Fulido was about to say something, but an owl fluttering outside the window interrupted their thoughts.

"Oh, there's a letter so late, who wrote it?"

Dumbledore quickly stood up and changed the topic, a cunning look flashed in the old man's eyes.

He opened the window and removed the owl, took the letter from the owl's leg and unfolded it.

Then, the look on Dumbledore's face became even weirder.

"What letter?"

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the old bat stood there, his slightly raised toes still exposed the gossip in his heart.

"Alas, there is something wrong with the Defense Professor of Magic class." Dumbledore put the letter in his hand on the table: "Professor Lockhart said that he has little talent and knowledge, and may not be able to take on a big position."

"Ha." Snape sneered: "Indeed, this idiot still knows himself."

"However, Professor Lott recommended another candidate to me."

"Who?" Snape frowned.

"Geno Luther."

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