Chapter 220 Limited Edition of Captain America-Lex

Luther Factory.

After a fire, there seemed to be many more fire-fighting cans inside the factory.

And the wealthy Lex even raised a fire brigade inside the factory with a wave of his hand.

You know, the last fire burned to death his experimental bat monster Julie, and even burned his experimental subject Byron, causing heavy losses.

The current underground base of the factory.

A sophisticated sleeping cabin is quietly placed in the corner of the base.

The bald Dr. Erkins stood in the corner with a pale face.

There was no other reason. The demon who kidnapped him into a strange world, the blond boy, was standing not far away talking to his boss.

Several months have passed since he was kidnapped, and Dr. Bald has gradually accepted this fact and adapted well.

It has to be said that many talented scientists emerged during World War II, but most of them were unable to use their full talents due to the limitations of the times.

But in modern times, Erkins can naturally use his talents to further improve the super serum he created.

"Have you really thought about it?"

In the corner, Gino and Lex stood side by side behind the guardrail, watching their scientists skillfully assemble instruments.

"Although the risk of the experiment is small, it cannot be completely ruled out," Kino said.

"I know, my brother." Lex sneered and took off his shirt, glancing at Gino: "But it feels terrible to have your life in the hands of others."

"I need to improve my strength, at least have the ability to resist."

The bald man twisted his neck. Lex had always been a person who dared to speak and act.

He stepped towards the instrument.

As the hatch is closed and the instrument is powered on, the bright blue light floods the transparent glass above the hatch. The power is so powerful that one can even hear the "sizzling" sound coming from the current lines in the wall.

Facing the bright light that could blind people, Gino just squinted slightly and could see Lex's upper body through the thick hatch.

He could see that as the cold medicine from the hatch was injected into Lex's blood vessels, blood circulated in his body and flowed into every inch of his body.

Muscles tear and swell, and bones begin to grow again.

The heartbreaking pain and numbness in the joints and bones are enough to drive people crazy.

With Lex's screams, it seemed to have reached a critical point.

When the grand blue light extinguished, what followed was a thick white mist pouring out of the slowly opened hatch.


A tall figure slowly walked out of the hatch.

The white lights in the base plunged into the white mist, reflecting a strong, bald figure.

"Fog, fog."

Bizarro, who had been staying at the base, blew out a breath with a smile.

The curling air waves blew away the heat. Lex, a bald man wearing shorts, eight-pack abs and a perfect figure, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Lex clenched his fists, feeling the power in his body that was stronger than before. He took a deep breath with satisfaction and said with emotion: "The experiment was successful."


"I'll wipe your mouth."

In the nursing home, Lana held a handkerchief to wipe the sandwich jam from the corner of Ms. Cassandra's mouth. The girl's eyes fell on Clark who was absent-minded on the other side. The older boy was stopping in front of the bookshelf on the right side of the room.

It has to be said that in an era without electronic devices, the only entertainment for old ladies was reading books, so this lady had a very rich collection of books.

Clark, who was a little upset because of the prophecy incident, looked at the books on the shelf.

The older boy glanced at the bookshelf.

Then he saw a dusty old book placed in the corner of the top floor.

"This book?"

Clark reached out and hooked the book. As dust flew up, the boy held the book and looked at the book in his hand.

Blowing away the dust on the book cover, Clark discovered that the book cover was made of an unknown material, smooth and cold to the touch, and mysterious and complicated patterns were carved in the center of the book cover.

Mysterious, this is the first impression this book brings to Clark.

Somewhat curious, I turned to the first page, but all I saw was blank.


Clark lost interest and put the books back where they belonged.

Listening to Lana's call, the older boy followed the girl out of Ms. Cassandra's room.

His face was full of thinking.

Maybe, he should talk to Gino about the future fragments he saw.

Luther Factory.


The Lamborghini sports car roared out of the asphalt road paved by the factory. Geno stepped on the accelerator and put one hand on the car door, looking content.

Lex's experiment was successful. After using the super soldier serum, he successfully withstood the side effects of the drug.

To put it simply, the current Lex may become a limited edition Captain America-Lex.

The sports car roared and the surrounding scenes kept passing by. Keno drove the sports car speeding on the road and soon returned to his manor.


After turning off the car and leaving the engine to the guard to park, Jino stepped into the manor.


There was a rustling sound in the grass, and then a figure suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Geno, can I interview you?"

There was a slightly familiar voice, and just by glancing at the long brown hair, he already guessed the identity of the visitor.

"Miss Louise of the Metropolis."

Staring at the uninvited guest waiting for "Rabbit" outside his manor, Jino stretched out his hand to stop the shy and angry security guards, with a smile on his lips: "I didn't expect to see you in my manor."

"Yes, the security at your manor is quite tight." Louise smoothed her hair and chuckled: "If I hadn't learned professional infiltration from my father, I might have been caught by the security guards and taken to the police station like my colleagues. "

As for why Louise is a professional sneaker? Well, her father is a powerful Pentagon general.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Jino stared at this woman deeply.

He was not interested in Louise's body, but because this woman was likely to be his best friend's future wife.

In terms of appearance, Louise is actually not as good-looking as Lana.

In terms of personality, Lana is smart but reserved, Louise is smart but eager, and barely conceals her enthusiasm.

"That's it. On behalf of the Daily Planet, I want to interview you and this town." Louise is undoubtedly a smart person: "As a professional reporter, I think the public should know who you really are, instead of being told by the Internet I’m intimidated by all the conspiracy theories online.”

Just as Louise was trying to persuade Keno to accept her interview, a gust of breeze blew by, and Louise noticed that the smile on Keno's face became more playful.

The boy stared at her cheek, as if he was preparing to see some joke?

In doubt, Louise heard Gino's voice saying: "Clark, you're here just in time, let me introduce you to a friend."

"Lois Lane."

"Clark Kent."

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