
For the humans living on the beautiful blue planet, it is destined to be a sleepless night after all.

Confirmation of this news by aliens is tantamount to Mars hitting the Earth.

And the death threats issued by the aliens are even more disturbing.

Even because of excessive fear, the Internet has even spawned a group of men who want to "lead the way" to the Kryptonians. Well, it should be more appropriately called "ball traitors".


Sitting lazily on the driver's seat of the Kryptonian battleship, Geno held his cheek with one hand and looked helplessly at Clark, who was excitedly groping around the battleship.

"He looks like a kid from Krypton who has never seen the world." Fiona, who had just finished repairing the leaks in the spacecraft, said with a deadpan expression.

"It's normal. His race is Kryptonian but he lives on Earth." Jino yawned. He caught a glimpse of Fiona who was hesitant to speak and frowned: "What do you want to say?"

"I do have something to ask you." Fiona looked away awkwardly: "You promised me that you would revitalize Krypton."

"So when does your plan begin?"

Thinking of some physiological knowledge she learned on earth, the woman's originally cold cheeks became more rosy.

"You know, although Kara Zor-El's mind is immature, her body has already matured and she has reached the age where she can have children."

Listening to Fiona speaking "Tiger and Wolf Words" calmly, Gino's expression was as weird as if he had eaten a bitter melon.

Thinking of the innocent Carla, Jino slowly shook his head: "This kind of thing should be consensual between you and me. Carla's situation is special."

"Our lives are long, there is no need to worry." Gino looked at Fiona and chuckled: "Of course, if you are eager to revitalize the Kryptonians, you can come to my room to find me later."

After saying that, the boy ignored Fiona, who almost buried her head on the deck, and got up to find Clark to taste the Kryptonian nutritional meal placed in the battleship.

"Also, don't forget to send a message to Earth."

"Geno Luther wins."

"Geno Luther wins."

This message is distributed through Krypton's network of high-tech warships into every electronic device.

When all human beings received this news, most of them were in a state of confusion.

But after a brief silence, mankind fell into a carnival.

Every street, every person.

No matter you are a gangster, a government official, a soldier, or a citizen, people are cheering and celebrating like crazy because Geno Luther won! The most important thing is that Geno Luthor is human.

He defeated the aliens!

With this thought, almost the whole world fell into a frenzy of carnival and celebration.

And the name Geno Luther is like the name of God, remembered in everyone's hearts.

At the same time, American politicians cannot help but have some concerns about Geno Luther, who has gained huge popularity.

Such a terrifying existence, what if you want to become a tyrant?

With this thought, another huge, invisible dark network headed towards Jinogai in all directions.


A few days later.

The town of Smallville.

The town is still the same town, but it is completely different.

The influx of tourists almost trampled the only road access into the town.

Everyone wants to meet Geno Luther. Even if they say a few words with this rich man, shake hands and take a photo, they can get attention on the Internet and satisfy their own vanity.

However, the security guards with live ammunition near Luther Castle extinguished these people's thoughts.

Under the threat of death, no one dared to disturb Jino.

At this moment, in Luther Castle, Gino held the phone in one hand and said in a slightly mocking tone: "Let me attend the hearing?"

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, a hint of ridicule flashed in Jino's eyes.

The call was from Lionel, asking him to go to Washington today to attend the hearing on the "Discussion of the Dangers of Superhumans to Society."

You don’t need to think about it. Just by hearing the name, you can tell that this is a conspiracy by shameless American politicians against themselves.


Jino looked at the female adjutant who was training Kara's swordsmanship not far away, and said in a playful tone: "Do you also have these annoying things on Krypton?"

"Probably? Our place is called the Council of Elders, and it is also composed of a group of immortals. They are always giving advice on the changes in new things."

"Are you planning to participate?" Fiona was a little curious and turned to look at Jino.

She looked at the young man's expression and said playfully: "Go, of course,"

"I'm curious, who gave them the courage to question me?"


The weather is cloudy and overcast.

The huge hall of the House of Representatives was filled with people.

The bustling crowd filled almost all the seats occupied by the MPs.

The four corners of the hall were surrounded by reporters responsible for recording this report.

The official in charge of presiding over the meeting banged his gavel to maintain order: "Quiet, quiet!"

He tried hard to silence the hall, but it was clear that his words were not heeded.



It was as if something suddenly fell from the sky, smashing into the ceiling of the building at an extremely fast speed. The complicated murals shattered, and the expensive chandelier crashed down, falling into the parliament hall and scattering glass shards everywhere.

The dull sound echoed throughout the hall, and suddenly, the whole place was silent.

People held their breath and stared at the young man who smashed the ceiling and appeared in a arrogant manner.

He was wearing a slim-fitting black suit and his leather shoes stepped on the cracked floor.

With long golden hair and a high head, he looks like the legendary King Arthur. Just standing there gives people the feeling of being a strong man.

No one dared to make a sound. In the huge venue, which was close to a thousand people, only the sound of breathing could be heard one after another.

Everyone was eagerly anticipating every word he said. They were all waiting, waiting to talk to this human hero who had defeated the aliens.

"You want me to come."

Under the gaze of everyone, the young man slowly spoke: "Now I'm here."

His eyes swept across the hall, and everyone subconsciously avoided Jino's gaze and did not dare to look at him, until a black-haired female reporter in the crowd suddenly took a step forward: "Excuse me, Mr. Jino, who are you?" How to defeat alien invaders?”

Everyone was startled by this bold woman, even Jino cast a surprised look at her.

A white shirt paired with a black skirt and black silk shows off your figure.

Her long black hair and black-rimmed glasses complement her delicate little face, giving her an intellectual beauty.

"What's your name?" Jino admired this woman's courage. Among a group of politicians who bullied the weak and feared the strong, this girl was like a breath of fresh air.

"Lois Lane, Daily Planet reporter."

"Lois?" Gino stared deeply at Louise, Superman's future wife.

He turned his head, and in the next moment, scarlet light came out of his eyes and whizzed down on the huge painting on the wall not far away.


The hot temperature ignited the oil painting and burned at an extremely fast speed, causing everyone to scream in surprise.

Gino turned around, with the flames burning behind him, and he said to Louise: "This is how I killed Zod."

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